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  1. After several of my friends got me into Final Fantasy XIV, I fell in love with the game so hard that I've been playing pretty regularly for a year and a half straight now. The game has an incredible soundtrack, with over 400 songs, and I wanted to see an OCR album for it. Of course, 400+ songs is insane, to the point where this game has a legit Guinness World Record for the most original music in a video game. With that much music, and since XIV isn't the cultural touchstone something like VI or VII is (WHICH IS A TRAVESTY), I couldn't guarantee I'd be able to get enough interest in this for even the standard four-disc type OCR album. So instead we're going for a smaller, targeted idea here. The concept is simple: an album specifically for the area themes of the game. This includes city-states, towns, villages, the various zones you travel through, etc. I'm hoping to direct a sequel album in the future centered on battle/dungeon/boss/primal/raid/PVP themes, but let's see how this one does first. If you're interested, please look through the list of 47 potential sources below (cut down from my original list of 120, lol), complete with YouTube links, and if anything jumps out at you and you'd like to remix it for the project, let me know! Everything on a single line uses the same basic source for several in-game remixes, so I've listed them together, and you'd basically be claiming that one "melody" for a single remix, so to speak, rather than three or four different songs. If you're familiar with the XIV soundtrack and actually want to remix a source not in this list, and it's an area theme like the rest, then also let me know. I would like to see this released within a year, but I do not currently have any specific deadlines in mind otherwise. I'll decide that down the line, once I see how many people are interested in the project. Legend --- Purple - Initial WIP complete Blue - Significant WIP complete Green - Done ---------- 1.0 Navigator's Glory Freedom On Windy Meadows/Saltswept (ARR) - claimed by Furorezu Born of the Boughs Whisper of the Land - claimed by hylianonbi Emerald Labyrinth The Twin Faces of Fate - claimed by Ridiculously Garrett Twilight over Thanalan Widdershins Unspoken Tears for Mor Dhona ---------- A Realm Reborn A New Hope/Sultana Dreaming - claimed by Manji To the Sun - claimed by Earth Kid I Am the Sea/A Sailor Never Sleeps On Westerly Winds Ruby Sunrise - claimed by John Stacy Wailers and Waterwheels/Dance of the Fireflies Serenity - claimed by Darangen Greenwrath The Waking Sands Fealty Frontiers Within/Reflections Intertwined/Silver Tears Crystal Rain Thicker than a Knife's Blade The Edge The Emperor's Wont - claimed by DusK ---------- Heavensward Solid/Nobility Obliges/Night in the Brume/Nobility Sleeps/Hallowed Halls - claimed by OA Against the Wind/Black and White/Descent - claimed by DaMonz Lost in the Clouds/Close to the Heavens/Like a Summer Rain Coming Home/Heavy Rain Painted Foothills/Painted Skies/Slumber Eternal - claimed by Jake Meacham Landlords/Skylords/Roar of the Wyrm/Apologies - claimed by Arrow What is Love Missing Pages/The Silent Regard of Stars/Poison Ivy Paradise Found/Homestead The Mushroomery Order Yet Undeciphered/Unbreakable/He who Continues the Attack/Unbreakable (Duality) - claimed by XPRTNovice ---------- Stormblood (songs that don't yet have official OST titles are in brackets) Beyond the Wall/Hope Forgotten/Their Deadly Mission Keepers of the Lock Impact/Afterglow/The Measure of Our Reach/The Measure of His Reach/Heroes of Stormblood/[The Royal Menagerie] On High/The Stone Remembers/Alienus Crimson Sunrise/Crimson Sunset/Deception - claimed by Thirdkoopa Liquid Flame/Westward Tide/The Open Box/Down Where Daemons Dwell Indomitable A Father's Pride/A Mother's Pride/Gates of the Moon Drowning in the Horizon/He Rises Above/Most Unworthy Songs of Salt and Suffering/Old Wounds/Liberty or Death/Far From Home - claimed by AdLib
  2. Hey, guys. It's been a long time since I've been on this forum. I was making a remix for the this song way back in 2016. So far I've made two: I like the story to this game and decided I wanted to make a collab for it. I tired making a video for my remixed song, but my laptop when to hell while I was deployed. What I'm trying to achieve is remix versions of the song, though if you want to stick close to the original if you want to. As for deadlines or what ever, I'll want to end at the 18th or whatever. If you want to talk about it, you can PM me. So, here is the list( Colors, Red = Claimed, Purple = WIP submitted, Blue = Complted) Title Theme(DMTProduktionen) Stage Intro-(DMTProduktionen) Main Theme Stage Clear(DMTProduktionen) Run Caster In the Cave Final Stage Surprise Ending Theme Game Over I will look into a website where we can upload the files. Please PM me, cause I'm new to this. :}] If you want any help with your project, ask me or anyone else, and I'll gladly help. DMTProduktionen.
  3. Hello, everyone ! Lately, I listened to the "Perfect Selection: Snatcher Battle" album and discovered this sweet Vocal Cover of the "Peaceful Avenue" track: I really enjoy this version but, since I don't speak japanese at all, I can(t get a single clue of what the song is about. I was wondering is someone here has the skills and five minutes of spare time left to translate the lyrics for me. It's one of these tracks I might want to remix at some point and it could be nice to produce an english version of it. Here's an image taken from the album that might help whoever is interested in this quest: Thanks in advance Cheers !
  4. Hello guys! I'm Hashel the founder and album organizer for the Pixel Mixers community! We are now working on what should be our 23rd or 24th album (depending on how fast we work on stuff), a tribute to Final Fantasy IX. (Current list of our albums so far => https://pixel-mixers.com/2018/04/08/pixel-mixers-albums-list/) We do free stuff (so not licensed) and we already have someone for the art (Leo Mind Waker) and mastering (Ro Panuganti). The goal would be to have at least one cover/remix by song from the original OST (songs from the OST+ are allowed but would end on a "bonus disc") but for that we'd need a bit of help Here is the sheet, with tracklist on page 1 and rules on page 2, as you can see we got most of the songs claimed already (you may recognize some names from OCR and other communities) => https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13K3di3vP2FRzDdi68NoE7J6YwPEzKNJIeAlMZeOYNPM/edit?usp=sharing The general rules are: - Deadline: 31st of March (few more days will be allowed to let ppl polish their mix if needed, but we MUST release it in end of April / start of May) - Songs must be 2 minutes long minimum (exception for the very short songs, like the sleeping jingle) - Any music style is welcome, live recording or programmed VSTs. Just do not use anything from the game itself please - You can go crazy creative with the arrangements as long as the original is still "easily" recognizable. - Songs must be sent unmastered and with the speak set around -6db Once all the songs from the main OST (you still can claim songs from the OST+ if the remaining songs from main OST do not inspire you and that duplicates are not allowed yet) is the will be claimed, we'll allow duplicates for ppl who are not already on the album and ppl who finished their 1st track (3 track maximum as main arranger but you an be a guest on as many tracks you want) If you want to have an idea of what we do, here is the trailer of the FFVI album we did last year: Okay so i hope i haven't forgot too many things, if you have any kind of questions, feel free to ask me, if you want to claim a song just tell me in here or private =) Hope to see some of you making cool tracks Thanks!
  5. Hello everyone! A while ago I undertook a challenge to recreate a track from "The Legend of Dragoon." It's the part where Dart and company get on the "Queen Fury." I forget where they sailed to but I DO remember the song that had me playing that specific part for hours and while I can find the mp3 online, I can't for the life of me find any sheet music and/or a midi file to help me out. I do remember reading somewhere this was a bonus track and actually wasn't going to make it into the final cut (which I'm glad it did). I'm not the greatest chord analyzer but what I have so far is pretty on par with the original song (I'm literally doing this by ear)... but, I'm running into problems after the beginning with sorting out what instruments go where. If anyone is interested in collaborating hmu. I'm not that far into it at as a for warning so it'll basically be from beginning to end thing. My time schedule can be hectic but I'm pretty devoted to completing this. I'm using FL Studio 20. Sytrus and Directwav mostly. Any Presets you don't have I can provide a DL. Anyways thanks for reading and HMU if you're interested. At the very least if anyone is interested in doing percussion/ drum, that would be amazing. This is totally for FREE. I've been wanting to remake this track for years so if anyone is interested in the undertaking lemme know. Artist: Original: Remake:
  6. ==TURBODRIFT= POLL IS OPEN FOR RAINBOW ROAD THEME REMIX ! ==INTRODUCTION== TURBODRIFT is a Mario Kart ReMix Album project, consisting of 4 sets of 4 ReMixes, separated by 4 voice tracks introducing each set. Which puts us to 20 tracks. Each set is considered like a 'cup', there is 4 of them : "Mushroom Cup", "Shell Cup", "Banana Cup" and "Star Cup". ==CREATING THE ALBUM== ♫♪ This album is under some restrictions that MUST be respected so that we can live all together in peace. ♫♪ First, There is some rules regarding each cup: There is only one ReMix of any "Mario Circuit" VGM from any MK game available and it MUST be on the "Mushroom Cup" set. There is only one ReMix of any "Bowser Castle" VGM from any MK game available and it MUST be the last track on the "Banana Cup" set. There is only one ReMix of any "Rainbow Road" VGM from any MK game available and it MUST be the last track on the "Star Cup" set. However, the theme will be publicly voted and imposed to the ReMixer who choose this track. (Vote has ended on October 10th 2018 - Super Mario Kart Rainbow Road has been voted.) Each track must remix a different circuit theme, and not a different version. (To prevent SMK madness from the sets) Ex: If Donut Plains 1 is picked, there cannot be any Donut Plains 2 ReMix in the album. Location on sets will be decided between ReMixers. (Optional but prefered) Each Set should contain 4 different remixes, from drastically different circuits. This is not mandatory but it ads to the album's dynamic. You can pick any track from any MK game you want as long as it fits the rules here, it's first come first serve, make sure to write down your choice on this thread so that everybody can see it. ==RECRUITMENT== This album needs a total of 16 ReMixers, a voice actor and an illustrator. 10 Places remaining for the remixers. ReMixers : Awaiting position : --- Mushroom Cup: [Mario Kart 8 - Sunshine Airport] StarPhoenix [] --- [ xxx - Mario Circuit] Collab' [] --- Shell Cup : [ Mario Kart 64 - Koopa Troopa Island ] Ridiculously Garrett [ Mario Kart 64 - Sherbet Land ] Ronald Poe [] --- [] --- Banana Cup : [Super Mario Kart - Donut Plains] Smittenden [] --- [] --- [Super Mario Kart - Bowser Castle] TheChargingRhino Star Cup : [] --- [] --- [] --- [Super Mario Kart - Rainbow Road] Gario Voice Actor : --- Illustrator : --- The rule is: First come, First serve, so be fast before there is no more room. I'll be checking, but I'll be noting in the order of the responses in this thread. No PM, no mail or something, just reply that you're in and what circuit you're going to ReMix. If you want to do voice acting, send me a PM, I'll give you some instructions to see if you fit the role, and we'll see what we do. If you reply just after another member with the same track, you are in, but you'll be asked to change your source. If you don't choose a source, you'll not be considered as participating, so don't forget to choose a source. ==DEADLINE== FINAL DEADLINE IS FOR SATURDAY APRIL 20th 2019 - 12:59 PM CEST [ 05:59 PM EST] Inscriptions deadline is for Thursday January 31st 2019 - 12:59 PM CEST [ 05:59 PM EST] Submission deadline is for Thursday February 28th 2019 - 12:59 PM CEST [ 05:59 PM EST] Deadlines were extended, due to a lack of participants.
  7. Happy New Year, guys. I'm personally having trouble with my source for TurboDrift album, "Sherbet Land/Frappe Snowland" (Mario Kart 64). My problem is that the source is ultimately too upbeat and repetitive even for me. I'm wanting to do a Psytrance arrangement that's a bit of a dark reprise of the piece. Could anyone help me write a lead for this remix I'm working on. My only real requirements are that you keep the inspirations I P.M. you in mind, put it in C Major (to help me harmonize it), and at a tempo of 120 (so I can work with it better). It can be MIDI or a loop. My pieces are usually only 60 measures long so that might be a tip too. I'll give you credit if you help me and it will be a collaboration of sorts. I can make it worth your while so does anyone want to help me. Here's the source. Sorry if I sound a little demanding, I have a few mental issues (including Asperger's and severe anxiety) and haven't collaborated before.
  8. SNATCHER: THE SCORE FROM J.U.N.K.E.R. http://youtu.be/Y0F1feEQba4 ATTENTION: June 6, 2017: First, my big fat apology to anyone affected. First started on the 25th anniversary of the original release of Snatcher, I was certain my personal busy-as-hell situation would prevent me from following this project properly, and I wanted to recruit and set up a staff before that happened. I failed miserably, and this ended up being put off for years. June 6 is an important date in Snatcher lore, and I decided I would stop the nonsense on this date. I have people to help me, and I'm actively recruiting, but bear with me a little while on claim status as I contact interested parties from before. I'm also available on our discord chats and willing to answer questions and take constant nagging (to a point, of course). My other projects related to Snatcher's music are on again as well, for those that know about it; if not, see the above video for details. Further clarifications are forthcoming within the week. “Let’s go, Metal!” PERSONNEL: José “Bronx Rican” Felix (Project Creator/Director); additional Staff TBA INTRODUCTION: The Cyberpunk Adventure that helped put Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima on the map: less a 'game' and more an interactive sci-fi 'noir', inspired by Hollywood storytelling, with a compelling tale influenced by (or “stolen from”, depending on your viewpoint) Blade Runner, Terminator and other films. Snatcher saw several releases in Japan, but also one exclusive English-language release that went largely unnoticed, but that I like to think is remembered fondly by everyone who experienced it. The original soundtrack is one of the early masterpieces from the Kukeiha Club (Konami's revered sound team), accomplishing cinema-style atmosphere out of FM synths. This album project is after the same thing, but on a much larger scale. CONCEPT: The operative word is "CINEMATIC"... any genre is allowed within the overriding vision: each arrangement should convincingly function as a score for a major motion picture. Naturally, this calls for a commitment to production quality. Anything emulating 60's-style library cuts to today's orchestral pieces will do, but ‘cyberpunk’ touches will probably help. Tunes can follow a more traditional song structure, like our established ReMixes, emulate opening titles, credits, montages, or scenes where music is being played (such as in a club), or serve as 'music cues' that act as a complement, establish a mood, and follow the action for whatever 'scene' the artist wishes to imagine. Some sources may be better suited to themes and some to cues; I intend to ensure the finished product will emulate a complete cinematic score, with a healthy variety of themes and cues. A large soundscape and a wide dynamic range is encouraged: the loudness war is not to be waged here unless it’s absolutely essential to the track. The following posted ReMixes are good examples of the album’s possible direction: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01302/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01387/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01505/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01594/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01772/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01856/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02020/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02037/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02051/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02126/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02274/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02315/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02318/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02343/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02368/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02374/ http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02515/ | http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02567/ GUIDELINES: Claiming artists must show arrangement, production and engineering experience in the implied style, either as a posted ReMixer or with satisfactory works elsewhere. Only one claim for each source, so please commit. Incorporations of other sources can be done, but only if you have a good reason for it (as a sort of leitmotif, for example), and, as explained later, some incorporation may be needed. Any claim should include details about the arrangement’s concept/mood/direction to help me shape the album's vision: basically, answer the question of its hypothetical use in a motion picture. This is likely to reach a minimum of 100 minutes of music, so a maximum of 150 minutes gives a range consistent with a so-called 'two-disc' release, and also with a movie's soundtrack. No tracks will be designated as 'bonus'; either finish to your satisfaction or drop. 5.1 SURROUND REMIXES!: Furthering the 'cinematic' experience, I'd like many, if not all, of the finished arrangements offering a special '5.1 surround' mix as extra content. If any artists wish to have a surround mix, they may either do it on their own – if they are suitably skilled – or allow a volunteer with more expertise to have it done instead. Methods, formats, personnel and procedure have not yet been determined, and I appreciate feedback in that regard to help make the best decisions. I strongly suggest artists make efforts to keep from losing any important recordings, stems, samples and project files for their arrangement, in case the determined approach to 5.1 requires them. TIMELINE: Two possible release plans for this album include having it out ahead of the holiday season, which is relevant to the game's setting, or releasing on June 6, to correspond with the date of the “Catastrophe” depicted in the game. 'WIP' and 'FINAL' schedules are to be determined, but I will likely agree to let artists go at their own pace, yet check in once a month for progress, then will kick it up further depending on the amount of finished work. We will attempt maybe two to three years of music development. SOURCE TRACKLIST AND CLAIMS: See below. The majority of non-exclusive source tracks composed specifically for the first four Snatcher releases are listed. All versions linked to youtubes or files, along with a full mp3 zip, in order to appreciate the variations in arrangements. Each source's composition will be attributed to the platform of origin, unless specified by the artist. NOTES ABOUT SOURCE TITLES: Deep research has been done because of Konami's disgusting inconsistency with track titles for this music. None of the 'official' sources of info could be relied on fully, so I compromised and consolidated the titles as best as I could, in order to put away confusion for this album. It's impossible to come up with a standard that would be satisfactory to everyone, but I guarantee you will not find better, more accurate title 'guesses' anywhere else. FULL TRACKLIST MP3 ZIP LEGEND Determined Track Title~ ['A.K.A.' Track Titles <<Approximate English Translation>>] YOUTUBE or file links: PC88 (NEC PC-8801) | MSX2 | PCE (NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM²) | SCD (Sega [Mega] CD) | ZOOM (“Zoom Tracks” arrangement, some used in CD releases) A short track description for original context and/or guideline for arrangement Current Artist Claim, Status [early, progressed, substantial, completed] Bio Hazard ~ Snatcher [“PROLOGUE DEMO” (Bio Hazard_Snatcher); BIO HAZARD; BIO HAZARD (<<Catastrophe BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM The introduction, detailing history's deadliest disaster (the “Catastrophe”) and the 'body-snatching' menace occurring half a century afterward. Artist: timaeus222, completed Twilight of Neo Kobe City [“THEME OF OPENING” (Twilight of Neo Kobe City); TWILIGHT OF NEO KOBE CITY; TWILIGHT OF NEO KOBE CITY (<<Opening BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 The original opening credits sequence: Neo Kobe City, an establishing shot straight out of Blade Runner. Artist: Argle [tentative] Theme of Snatcher, Part 1 [THEME OF SNATCHER; THEME OF SNATCHER [PART 1] (<<Spinner Demo BGM>>); Theme of SNATCHER (PART 1)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM (Unused) Gillian Seed's first day on the job as a runner, and he's called into action immediately, along with his 'navigator' and eventual sidekick, Metal Gear Mk II, to help his colleague Jean Jack Gibson track down possible snatchers. Creeping Silence [“PURSUER PART1” (Creeping Silence); CREEPING SILENCE; Untitled part of DANGER DANCE…& JUSTICE ALL (<<Intrusion ~ Shooting Mode>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD The first of the four main “Pursuer” tracks making up the bulk of the game's BGM usage, helping to create mood and build suspense. This track usually accompanies the establishment shot of a given scene. Criminal Omen [“PURSUER PART2” (Criminal Omen); CRIMINAL OMEN; Untitled part of DANGER DANCE…& JUSTICE ALL (<<Intrusion ~ Shooting Mode>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD The second “Pursuer” track follows our heroes after the investigation is fully underway. Pleasure of Tension [“PURSUER PART3” (Pleasure of Tension); PREASUR OF TENSION; PLEASURE OF TENSION (<<Intrusion ~Battle at JUNKER HQ>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD | ZOOM The third “Pursuer” tune is everybody's favorite. At this point in the investigation, 'it', as they say, is going down! Artist: Nutritious [tentative] Endless Pursuer [“PURSUER PART4” (Endless Pursue); ENDLESS PURSUER; Untitled part of PLEASURE OF TENSION (<<Intrusion ~Battle at JUNKER HQ>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD The fourth “Pursuer” deals mostly in aftermath, the result of an action or discovery. The protagonists are in “Okay, what now?” mode. Danger Dance... & Justice for All [“ACTION” (Danger Dance...and Justice for all); DANGER DANCE...& JUSTICE ALL; DANGER DANCE…& JUSTICE ALL (<<Intrusion ~ Shooting Mode>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Action sequence! Open fire with your Blaster™! ATTENTION: The following four source tunes feature variations on Snatcher's original “TITLE” melody - basically the game's theme song – heard in most of the important non-gameplay scenes. Any arrangements of each track must be as distinct as possible from one another. Theme of Snatcher, Part 2: Faded Memories [“TITLE PART3” (Faded Memories); AD 2042 NEO KOBE CITY; THEME OF SNATCHER [PART 2] (JUNKER HQ <<Arrival After Jean's Death>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE Theme of Snatcher, Part 3: Peace of Mind [“TITLE PART5” (Peace of Mind); THEME OF SNATCHER [PART 3] (ACT 2 Opening BGM); Theme of SNATCHER (PART 2)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM Faded Memories: Theme of Randam [“TITLE PART2” (Theme of RANDAM); FADED MEMORIES; FADED MEMORIES (<<RANDAM Appearance BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM Theme of J.U.N.K.E.R. [“TITLE PART1” (Theme of JUNKER); THEME OF JUNKER; THEME OF JUNKER (<<To>> JUNKER HQ)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE Theme of Jaime [“JAIME” (Theme of JAIME); THEME OF JAIME; THEME OF JAIME (<<Jaime's Theme>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | ZOOM (Unused) Gillian exchanges pleasantries with his estranged wife Jaime (Jamie) over the videophone. Innocent Girl [“KATRINE PART1” (Innocent Girl); INNOCENT GIRL; INNOCENT GIRL (<<Katharine BGM>>); THEME OF KATHERINE #1 (<<Katherine's Theme 1 BGM>>) ] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Introducing Katherine (Katrina), the beautiful young daughter of Jean Jack Gibson; how young depends whether you cared if Selena Gomez or Hayden Panetierre were adults or not. Decadence Beat [“JOY DIVISION” (Decadence Beat); DECADENCE BEAT; DECADENCE BEAT (<<Joy Division Store BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Joy Division, the store with everything, however odd or perverted... right up Gillian's alley. Kind of a 'Cantina' vibe in the source tune. Theme of Izabella, Part 1: The Entrance to Hell [“OUTER HEAVEN1” (The Entrance to Hell); THE ENTRANCE TO HELL; THEME OF IZABEL [PART 1] (<<Outer Heaven Club BGM 1>>); THE GATES OF HELL (<<Outer Heaven Club BGM>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE The Outer Heaven club, where VIPs come in masquerade to watch major stars shake their talents. Theme of Izabella, Part 2 [“OUTER HEAVEN2” (Theme of IZABEL); THEME OF IZABEL; THEME OF IZABEL [PART 2] (<<Outer Heaven Club BGM 2>>)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE The famous Isabella Velvet gives a description of a suspected snatcher, if Gillian can stop ogling long enough. Theme of Katherine, Part 2 [“KATRINE PART2” (Theme of katrine); THEME OF KATHARINE; THEME OF KATHARINE [PART 2] (Katharine <<Reminiscence>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE An embarrassing bathroom episode segues to an important clue, revealed by Katherine, to the location of the snatchers' hidden network. Spreading Diehard [“SEARCH LIGHT” (Spreading Diehard); SPREADING DIEHARD; SPREADING DIE HARD (Searchlight BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Metal's flashlight is needed while searching for clues in a pitch-black area of Queen (Queens) Hospital. Blow Up Tricycle [“BLOW UP TRICYCLE”; BLOW UP TRICYCLE; BLOW UP TRICYCLE (<<Runaway>> Spinner BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE Sabotage! Runaway-vehicle-with-no-brakes-do-something-before-we-crash!! Source tune's probably begging to be shredded in some fashion. Morg [“MORTUARY PART1” (Morg); MORG (Morgue BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD A nasty, yet important, find in a hidden area of Queen Hospital: the rotted corpses belonging to the snatchers' most recent victims. Restoration [“RESTORATION”; RESTORATION; RESTORATION (<<Corpse>> Restoration BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Metal Gear shines in a pivotal scene, scientifically uncovering the victims' identities. Artist: José the Bronx Rican ATTENTION: The following two source tunes cover two scenes depicting great, heroic sacrifice; the titles on both make it impossible to leave out spoilers. Each track's arrangement should distinguish itself from the other. Eternal Promise [“GOODBYE RANDAM” (Eternal Promise); ETERNAL PROMISE (GOODBYE RANDAM); ETERNAL PROMISE [GOOD BYE RANDAM] (<<Battle with Chin>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD | ZOOM Good Bye Harry: For Harry [“REQUIEM” (For Harry); GOOD BYE HARRY (Harry's Death)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE Beyond Sorrows [“EPIROGUE” (Beyond Sorrows); BEYOND SORROWS; BEYOND SORROWS (ACT 2 Ending BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | ZOOM Formerly the tragic epilogue, it's the closing scene of Act 2, the realization that our heroes are only just beginning to fight. ATTENTION: The following two source tunes accompany the original credits. There are similarities between them, so either two distinct ReMixes or one incorporating both sources are suitable. At nearly 20 minutes, the PC-8801's “Theme of Ending” was (is?) probably the longest original non-medley track composed for a video game. Nothing stopping an artist from approaching the same run time, but I will have album length considerations, so be careful. Master of Puppets Among the Disease [MASTER OF PUPPETS AMONG THE DISEASE (Ending 1 BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 Theme of Ending (We Have to Struggle for Our Future Against Our Doubt) [“THEME OF ENDING” (We Have to Struggle for Our Future Against Our Doubt); THEME OF ENDING; THEME OF ENDING (Ending 2 BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 One Night in Neo Kobe City [One Night in NEO KOBE CITY] ZOOM On the CD-ROM releases of this game, this track replaces “Twilight of Neo Kobe City” for the opening credits sequence. Artist: AngelCityOutlaw [tentative] J.U.N.K.E.R. HQ [n/a] PCE | SCD Business in and around the headquarters of “Judgement Uninfected Naked Kind & Eliminate Ranger” or “Japanese Undercover Neuro-Kinetic Elimination Ranger”, whichever sounds less silly to you in your native language. Kremlin: Moscow [n/a] PCE | SCD During Act 3, the truth about what happened in Moscow leading up to the Catastrophe. Kremlin: Elijah [n/a] PCE | SCD Elijah's tale of unrequited love, a “forever alone” kind of waltz. Kremlin: Sleep [n/a] PCE | SCD How cryogenic sleep pods, among other things, figure into the story. Act 3 Ending, Part 1 [n/a] PCE | SCD Metal comes to the cute, little, high-pitched rescue - and helps deliver Neo-Kobe’s final solution! Act 3 Ending, Part 2 [n/a] PCE | SCD One last heroic effort to save our protagonists, not to mention all of humankind. Tears Stained Eyes [Tears stained Eyes] ZOOM On the CD-ROM releases of this game, this track replaces “Theme of Ending” for the closing credits sequence. Instantly memorable. ATTENTION: These remaining source tunes are important elements of the original games that can't be arranged on their own, so I would like artists to consider incorporating any of these into their own works if possible. Squeak!! [“SNATCHER TITLE” (Squeak!!); Untitled Part of BIO HAZARD (<<Catastrophe>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE (also SCD) The chilling title logo sequence. Evil Ripple [“TITLE TELOP” (Evil Ripple); EVIL RIPPLE; EVIL RIPPLE (Telop BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE (Unused) The original telop music (titles for Acts 1 and 2). Sting Collection [n/a] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE/SCD The original game had one sting, usually following a horrible or life-threatening discovery. Starting with the PC Engine release, up to three more stings had been introduced. Merry X'mas Neo Kobe City (Jingle Bells) [“JINGLE BELL” (Jingle bell 2042); MERRY X'MAS NEO KOBE CITY (Altamira <<Arrival>> BGM)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Various arrangements of “Jingle Bells” had been used in the Altamira (Alton Plaza) scenes for every release. A ReMix of any of these is not allowed, obviously, but I wouldn't mind a small taste of “Jingle Bells” somewhere, to acknowledge the game's setting (the approaching holiday season). Virtual Image [“TRANSFORM RISA” (Virtual Image); Untitled part of CREEPING SILENCE ~ CRIMINAL OMEN ~ DANGER DANCE...& JUSTICE ALL; Untitled part of DANGER DANCE…& JUSTICE ALL (<<Intrusion>> ~ Shooting Mode)] PC88 | MSX2 | PCE | SCD Lisa Nielsen reveals herself, but not in the way Gillian would've wanted; another hollaback to Blade Runner. “DIE, Junker!!” Clue [n/a] PCE | SCD Starting with the PC Engine release, this jingle rings whenever a relevant clue or plot point is revealed.
  9. It's that time again! Time to start thinking about Christmas as the temps climb to 100ºF+ around the country and people wax nostalgic about when it was cold... forgetting all the bitching they did about how cold it was, the snow, the ice, and all of that. And it's in that spirit... sort of... that we take our first step in getting this year's project underway. Soooooooooo... This project is open to any and all OCR members, regardless of whether you're a posted remixer or not. And now, the details... When's The Project Deadline?- December 20th, 2018 at 11:59 P.M. EST. This is now a REALLY hard, non-negotiable deadline, since it's very close to Christmas. We've had lots of last-minute entries and updates over the years and, to be perfectly honest, it shouldn't be that way. With months of time, having to hold off as long as possible for people made things pretty hectic for myself and Dyne in the past. Treating this project like a college paper that doesn't get worked on until the last minute got annoying rather quickly when it kept adding up to lots of hurrying year after year, with last second updates to artwork and retagging/reuploading things. As such, you have until one minute before midnight EST on December 20th to get me the final WAV or MP3 of your song. After that, you're shit outta luck until next year. I need time to do everything, including possibly making a little website to host this project if Dyne isn't online for one reason or another. So this deadline's set in stone... PERIOD. What Information Does The Coop Need?- When you send me your final versions, I'll need what name you want to use (real or remixer handle) and the name of your remix. You don't have to tell me what song you're remixing. Plus, if you have a website you'd like to pimp, supply that as well and I can add it to the MP3 tags. What Can Be Remixed?- Any song, really. Traditional Christmas carols, video game music, published music by a signed artist, music from TV/cartoons/anime... whatever gets your heart racing and into that Christmas spirit. This isn't an official OCR album, so you can draw from more sources than just VGM. Plus, you can take a non-Christmas tune, like the Main Theme from Space Harrier, Stage 6 Mission 2 from Metal Head, or I Defend STM from Truxton II, and turn it into a Christmasy one. So know that it's not limited only to songs that are Christmas-like to begin with. All that said, do keep in mind that if you want to submit your song to OCR later, you'll need to keep this site's guidelines in the back of your mind. But for this album, you can take it in just about any direction you want and get as crazy as you'd like (but please, no "Silver Bells" done in farts or something). How Long Can My Song Be?- As long as you want it to be. There are no restrictions on this, so whether it's 1:30, or 9:51 with a five minute guitar solo ala Metallica, it's all good. But again, if you want to submit your song to OCR later, keep their guidelines in mind. What Genres Can I Remix In?- Again, the door's wide open here. Rap, Metal, Pop, Piano-solo, Orchestral, Jazz, 8/16-bit, Barber Shop Quartet, A capella... it's up to you where you want to take it. What Format Should I Submit My Song In?- WAV or an MP3 of at least 192KB/s quality. I'll be tagging the MP3s and making MP3s from any submitted wavs, so you don't have to worry about that. But, if you'd like your website to be in the MP3 comments section, be sure to give it to me when you submit your song. How About A Little Music To Get Us In The Mood?- To help everyone along, here's a YouTube list of Christmasy tunes made by Ocre a number of years ago... http://ocremix.org/f...72&postcount=19 But remember, not all famous Christmas tunes are upbeat and cheerful. There are some that are more somber or haunting in tone, so you have more moods to play with than happy happy joy joy. What's The Website's Address Again?- It's got a new home at... http://williammichael.info/aocc/ This album will still be downloaded there as well, as Dyne will continue to host the albums on his site. How Do We Contact This The Coop Person?- If you've got questions, comments, concerns, want feedback, or your track is done and ready to be sent to me, you can PM me here on OCR, or send me an E-mail at thecoopscorner@gmail.com. Just be sure you remember to include a link to your remix. So yeah, there you go. You've got over five months to get something done for the lovely people of OverClocked Remix and the billions of listeners around the world who've become followers of our project. Good luck, have fun and make everyone some Nice Work™! Artists involved thus far... The Coop (director, cover artist and remixer) TheChargingRhino (remixer) Skull (remixer) Ridiculously Garrett (remixer) Audiomancer (remixer) Ronald Poe (remixer) Jamphibious (remixer) PlanarianHugger (remixer) HoboKa (remixer) AxLR (remixer) Argle (remixer) Lampje4life (remixer) Rozovian (remixer) LuckyXIII (remixer?) Furorezu (remixer)
  10. I've been working on this Since Sunday: I need help refining it. the question for potential OCremix post is do I Split it in half like Cantata for Dancing or leave it whole? here is the Sibelius file and midi
  11. Ok so I'm pretty good at making music. But my computer isn't that strong so if I use high quality VST's it lags. So I'm looking for a partner. Basically, someone who can turn my MIDIs into high quality pieces. The other thing is, when I am composing, the song starts off very good but then I don't know where to go with the song. So the cool thing is, you are welcome to extend or modify my music in any manner. So, how do this work? Basically, you do whatever you want to my music, then submit it here. If I approve your modification of my piece, both you and me get unlimited rights to the music. If I don't approve, then you do not get the rights to my song, and I will not use your modified version of my song for any purpose, unless you give me permission to do so. So basically, you get free rights to my music as long as you do good with the song. It's kind of like a win win and you get a composer working for you for free. If there are multiple submissions which are good, we both share the rights (between us, but the other 5 users don't share between them. So for example, if John and Mary gave me their submission, and I thought both were good, then John and me would share the rights, and Mary and me would share the rights, but John would not have the rights to Mary's submission.) If you are interested and want to begin, either post a description of your talents underneath, or send me a PM.
  12. Hello all, I have been working on organizing an Ys album to commemorate the series' 30th anniversary. I've been looking for people interested in participating, so I thought I'd ask around here. Here are the details: 1) The submission deadline will be December 5. It is not necessarily a hard deadline, but definitely do try to meet it. After this, tracks will be mastered and the album should be released about two weeks later. 2) We use a first-come, first-serve track claiming system. Just tell me what track you're interested in and I'll add it to a spreadsheet. 3) The finished album will be uploaded to my channel and made available for download upon release, and I will actively promote it in communities I think would be interested, such as ones centered around game music, Ys, and RPGs in general. 4) You may release or upload your track(s) wherever else you wish after the release of the album. 5) I would like for the album to include at least two tracks from each distinct soundtrack in the series. To be specific, that's at least two tracks from each of: I II III/Oath in Felghana IV: Dawn of Ys V VI Origin Seven Memories of Celceta/Foliage Ocean in Celceta VIII (includes all tracks from the original release and PS4 added tracks, as well as the unused tracks) You can see the current state of the claiming spreadsheet here. 6) Medleys are allowed. Tracks are not required to be from the same game. 7) While you're completely welcome to select any track in the series that's not already claimed, at the moment we are especially hoping to find people who will do new tracks from Celceta and any tracks from V to ensure there'll be at least two tracks per game. Finished tracks should be submitted to me in 24-bit, 48 kHz, -6 dB WAV for mastering. 9) You are more than welcome to do multiple tracks if you feel you are able, but don't attempt more than you know you are capable of finishing to your highest standard of quality. 11) The album name will be determined in the near future, and the art created soon after that. I've made a Discord server for the project to help coordinate things. Here's a link if you think it would be useful. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me, here or in PM!
  13. Hello friends and music lovers! A search of the Google has brought me here. I'm in the process of setting up my Kickstarter for my TCG. A project which has been in the works since about 2005 as a college project: Warriors of the Crystal. It's a loving homage to JRPGs like Final Fantasy with a job-based three party battle system to duel with others. Think if you put Final Fantasy and Magic the Gathering into a blender. (It's not THAT simple, but you get the idea.) Part of this whole thing is the lore behind the game, which includes a book and the soundtrack to the book. I already composed the soundtrack, which is based off classic Final Fantasy music, and I think it's pretty great. What I would like to offer my backers is something a little extra special when it comes to the music. I'd like to give them a second album, which is a remixed/arranged album of the music. That's where this great place comes to play. I would like an artist or artists to recreate the soundtrack in their own style, way, or whatever. I only have a few rules: It should be recognizable as the original song via melody or whatever. No vulgar language (Tryin' to be family friendly here. A damn or a hell is fine, but let's not drop the big bombs, please.) Titles are flexible, as they should be for remixes, but at least allude to the original title. Have fun and roll with it. I trust you all to do good work. (After all, that's why I'm here, right?) My music already is a mix of orchestral, choral, rock, and whatnot. (How much I would love to hear my final boss musics played with a real guitar. I could scream with glee.) But I digress. I want this to album to be as part of the lore as the original one. I will be able to pay, however, the problem is this all comes out of my paycheck. I'd love to pay all what this is worth, but at the moment I need to pay rent and eat, so my budget is shoestring at best for this. Here's a few of my favorites on the original soundtrack: Overworld ~ Our Grand Adventure Battle: Deos Alumantai The Corrupted Deos Temple Final Battle II: Savage Ambitions If you're interested, let me know. If you have questions, let me know. I'm willing to provide any more additional information I may have forgotten above, but I think I covered what I needed to. I hope you all at least enjoy the music, and have a fantastic day!
  14. is there anyone interested in playing an acoustic guitar part in either of these styles to go with my early sketches of gerudo valley(feel free to expand it)? this(klezmer) or this(flamenco) also anybody interested in doing the castanets for this? Sketch: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/780762
  15. And here... we... GO! With Dyne having officially stepped down from this project, we're starting a new chapter in this long-running album series' life. No, it's not going all death polka or grunge barbershop quartet, it's simply been put under my watchful eye. And what that watchful eye saw was that we kept having one of two things happen. Either 1) it was started two months before the deadline and people had to cram work in for it, or 2) they had so much time that they kind of forgot about it. So, we're trying a middle ground this year. And what better middle ground than July, the month that retailers love to have a second Christmas in? Yes, while 2 months was awfully short notice and a full year made it slip peoples' minds, I figure a good five months might be about the right amount of time. Guess we'll see, huh? This project is open to any and all OCR members, regardless of whether you're a posted remixer or not. And now, a few details... When's The Project Deadline?- December 20th, 2017 at 11:59 P.M. EST. This is now a REALLY hard, non-negotiable deadline, since it's very close to Christmas. We've had lots of last-minute entries and updates over the years and, to be perfectly honest, it shouldn't be that way. With months of time, having to hold off as long as possible for people made things pretty hectic for myself and Dyne in the past, between updating the artwork and getting everything uploaded. Treating this project like a college paper that doesn't get worked on until the last minute got annoying rather quickly when it kept adding up to lots of hurrying year after year. As such, you have until one minute before midnight EST on December 20th to get me the final WAV or MP3 of your song. After that, you're shit outta luck until next year. I need time to do everything, including possibly make a little website to host this one if Dyne isn't online for one reason or another. So this deadline's set in stone... PERIOD. What Information Does The Coop Need?- When you send me your final versions, I'll need what name you want to use (real or remixer handle), the name of your remix and the name of the song you're remixing (in case someone asks what this or that remix is from). Plus, if you have a website you'd like to pimp, supply that as well and I can add it to the MP3 tags. What Can Be Remixed?- Any song, really. Traditional Christmas carols, video game music, published music by a signed artist, music from TV/cartoons/anime... whatever gets your heart racing and into that Christmas spirit. This isn't an official OCR album, so you can draw from more sources than just VGM. Plus, you can take a non-Christmas tune, like the Main Theme from Space Harrier, Stage 6 Mission 2 from Metal Head, or I Defend STM from Truxton II, and turn it into a Christmasy one. So know that it's not limited only to songs that are Christmas-like to begin with. All that said, do keep in mind that if you want to submit your song to OCR later, you'll need to keep this site's guidelines in the back of your mind. But for this album, you can take it in just about any direction you want and get as crazy as you'd like (but please, no "Silver Bells" done in farts or something). How Long Can My Song Be?- As long as you want it to be. There are no restrictions on this, so whether it's 1:30, or 9:51 with a five minute guitar solo ala Metallica, it's all good. But again, if you want to submit your song to OCR later, keep their guidelines in mind. What Genres Can I Remix In?- Again, the door's wide open here. Rap, Metal, Pop, Piano-solo, Orchestral, Jazz, 8/16-bit, Barber Shop Quartet, A capella... it's up to you where you want to take it. What Format Should I Submit My Song In?- WAV and/or an MP3 of at least 192KB/s quality. I'll be tagging the MP3s and making MP3s from any submitted wavs, so you don't have to worry about that. But, if you'd like your website to be in the MP3 comments section, be sure to give it to me when you submit your song. How About A Little Music To Get Us In The Mood?- To help everyone along, here's a YouTube list of Christmasy tunes made by Ocre a number of years ago... http://ocremix.org/f...72&postcount=19 But remember, not all famous Christmas tunes are upbeat and cheerful. There are some that are more somber or haunting in tone, so you have more moods to play with than happy happy joy joy. What's The Website's Address Again?- It's got a new home at... http://williammichael.info/aocc/ This album will still be download there as well, as Dyne will continue to host the albums on his site. How Do We Contact This The Coop Person?- If you've got questions, comments, concerns, or your track is done and ready to be sent to me, you can PM me here on OCR, or send me an E-mail at thecoopscorner@gmail.com. So yeah, there we go. You've got over five months to get something done for the lovely people of OverClocked Remix and the millions of listeners around the world who've become followers of our project. Good luck, have fun and make everyone some Nice Work™! Artists involved thus far... The Coop (director, cover artist and remixer) JohnStacy (remixer) wildfire (remixer) Ronald Poe (remixer) HoboKa (remixer) Ridiculously Garrett (remixer) Skull (remixer) PlanarianHugger (remixer) TheChargingRhino (remixer) Yannic Geerts (remixer) Earth Kid (remixer) CelestialSonata (remixer)
  16. I'm up against a brick wall with this, so if someone wants to see if they can make this better feel free.(email me for project stems here:caitrin7@hotmail.com) latest version and sources https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/768260
  17. I'm doing a rock ReMix of "Bloody Tears" from Castlevania and I truly hate the way my VST guitar sounds. I can send the midi information via PM if desired but be warned, it's a rough solo.
  18. Info Here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158715274706867/
  19. Hi! I'm the lead reorchestrator of Metroid Reorchestrated (MREO) and I'm recruiting for a reboot/revival of MREO. This reboot will be called Metroid: Orchestral Fusion (MOF) and will be a fusion of orchestral and electronic elements. We're moving beyond just orchestral because a lot of Metroid music incorporates electronic elements that are incredibly difficult or impossible to replicate with orchestral instruments. The overall goal of this project is to arrange/remix every Metroid song from every game. If I can find enough talented, passionate individuals (6-7 people besides myself) we will start with Metroid Fusion. The goal of the album would be to arrange/remix every song as if Fusion had released in 2015 on the 3DS. So essentially a high-definition audio upgrade with some original music/embellishments. Tracklist: Please let me know via PM or reply which track(s) you want to do. Title - DarkDjinn Sector 1 Environmental Sound (Silence 1) Environmental Sound (Tension) Environmental Sound (Shock) Facing a Huge Reaction - Light_of_Aether Tension Before a Confrontation Vs. Arachnus - DarkDjinn X Invasion Detection Navigation Room Vs Fake Chozo Statue Environmental Sound (Disquieting) Sector 2 - Chernabogue Vs. Cyclops Environmental Sound (Silence 2) Sector 4 Aquatic Level Control Zone Vs. Serris - DJ Galvanization Sector 3 Vs. B.O.X. Sector 6 SA-X Appears Sector 5 Low Temp Area Sector 3 Emergency Situation Sector 3 Restart the Cooling Unit Timer Mission Environmental Sound (Intrigue) Vs. Mother Plant Vs. Nightmare - Chernabogue Sector 4 Underwater Area Vs. Ridley - DJ Galvanization The Final Command - Coaltergeist Vs. SA-X Station Escape Timer Mission Epilogue (Part 1 and 2) Ending/Credits Appearance Jingle Get Item Jingle SA-X Chase Timeline: Get team together and begin working by mid-August - Still taking team members! Have 4-5 tracks ready as a teaser for release on December 25, 2016 Release full album on November 17, 2017 for Metroid Fusion's 15th anniversary This project will be entirely volunteer-based. I'm looking for talented, passionate individuals who periodically spend some of their free time on making music. The capacity of your involvement would be arranging music, critiquing music, and making new electronic elements. Don't worry about deadlines. I'm working on my Ph.D. in mechanical engineering and my research/coursework comes before any of my hobbies. It would be quite unreasonable of me to expect anyone else to meet hard, specific deadlines when I wouldn't meet them, either. If you would like to join, please either comment in this thread or send me a PM. If you have comments, concerns, or suggestions, please feel free to comment or PM me. Thanks!
  20. Last summer I had much more free time than I had ever had before. As a result I decided I would begin work on a youtube channel producing arrangements and remixes of video game music for (french) horn ensemble. I would write the arrangements, then record both video and audio, do editing, and have a video ready to be released on a regular schedule. Not long after starting, I decided that keeping a regular schedule would be more work than I could do as my free time would quickly run out. Quality was selected over quantity, and I would save these arrangements for future use, possibly on OCR. I wouldn't get involved with the OCR community until December of 2016. My first submitted remix to the site was a success, so I figured out I had found a home here. As a horn player, I've been told by so many people that the horn is a classical instrument, and it is not possible to play in other genres. I then proceeded to play professionally in a jazz ensemble, rock band, funk group, and other non professional ventures in other genres such as a gospel choir and mariachi band. I am not the only horn player who has done this. However, the view that the horn is a strictly classical instrument is still very common, and I believe that it is a very limiting viewpoint. There are many horn players who do not feel they are capable of venturing into new areas because they do not think it is possible, and there are many more who want to venture but are held back by teachers, peers, etc. I was told that I couldn't play jazz, a genre I was raised on, and the horn was literally taken away from me when I tried to play. They told me I ABSOLUTELY HAD TO play on trumpet or trombone, then when my skill level was so much lower than it was on my primary instrument, basically told me that I was no good at jazz. I want to contribute to the solution of this problem. My contribution will be a series of arrangements for horn in many genres. This is where the community comes in. As it stands now, I have 4 arrangements that are complete and awaiting recording, and others that are in various stages of completion. I would like to make a whole disc's worth of music, however I would definitely not object to having two or more. I am looking for collaborators on this project. What is the purpose of this project? The purpose of this project is to produce music with the horn as a central feature. One of the arrangements being recorded is a rock track. There are 8 horn parts, and a collaborator is recording guitar, bass, and drums. I recorded all the horns and programmed piano. The horns do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to presenting themes. The other instruments are primarily support, however they are invaluable for the end product. For a different track, it would be different, such as working with a vocalist. If that were the collaboration, they would be the primary feature, with the horns supporting. I am a little split at the idea of having a solo wind instrument other than horn as a feature, however I am open to suggestion. After producing this, there will be a body of work that can be referenced to say "Yes, the horn can do that, and yes you can do that too!" Or for arrangers, composers, or remixers to see what is possible and create new works inspired by this. What would be needed from a collaborator? There are two ways to contribute; as an arranger or a performer. Arrangement contributors would write the arrangements to be performed. Most of the work would be left to the collaborator, and I would edit minor details as needed for playability or effectiveness. Contributing as a performer could involve arranging as described above and also performance with the voice or another instrument. Performers would be highly encouraged to participate in the arrangement process to highlight their strengths. Non musically, an artist to design artwork for the album would be needed. What genres are possible? Many genres are possible. Due to the nature of the project, some genres are more difficult than others. For example, predominately electronic genres such as EDM or dubstep that are driven by synths would be much more difficult to keep the acoustic horn as a central feature. However, if those genres could be made to feature the acoustic horn I would be more than happy to oblige. I have performance experience in jazz, rock, funk, gospel, mariachi, country, and others, and have worked in even more genres not as a horn player, so gaining familiarity would not be much of a problem. I am looking at the London Horn Sound albums for reference. I am excited to work with people on this project, and am even more excited to see what can be produced!
  21. hey guys, I am in need of someone who can do Percussions and Synths, or one of each for a remix I am working on based on the Monster Hunter Monster, The Valfalk from Monster Hunters XX (I prefer calling it Generations Xross as well) anyways, I practically did the melody of the song, but i need people to help work on the other parts of it, PM me if you want to join, I am also on the OCremix Discord Channel as KaiserBeats and as a point of reference, here is the original theme
  22. #ocjazzcollective some Traditional Celtic Band instruments that I Like: Fiddle: GSO Flute: Acoustic Guitar: Harp: Dulcimer: Bodhrán: This is a goatskin drum used widely in Irish music I was thinking this setup could be used for: & ...or anything really. Contact me via PM or caitrin7@hotmail.com if interested
  23. Hello, I am Reinhold from the Game-Art-HQ community. Back in 2015 we collaborated with OCR already and members from GA-HQ drew illustrations for the excellent Final Fantasy IX: Worlds Apart OCR Album. We are creating a couple of video game art tributes / collaborations per year and I thought it could result in something quite awesome if we can do another "Music & Visual Art" Project. I am writing this post because I myself am searching - Enthusiastic remixers that love the music of fighting games of the past and today - People that know what is important in a music piece and can basically do the judge part. I myself am a vgm addict since at least 1992 when I heard the timeless Guile theme for the first time in the SNES port of Street Fighter II but I believe that if we can do another collaboration, I leave the music part completely in the arms of the guys that are actually musicans. My idea for a Fighting Game Music & Art Project by OCR and Game-Art-HQ would be relative challenging and unorthodox for an OCR Album I guess. Fighting games are all about the fighting obviously. There are usually two characters beating the shit out of each other, and my idea would be to move this element into music tracks. In short, mashups. Ryu vs. Chun Li with elements of both characters themes in one track like they are basically fighting each other. Game-Art-HQ's Artists would come into play by creating illustrations of exactly those character matches. Including crossovers. Like if one of OCR's remixers has an excellent vision of creating a remix with Geese Howards theme with the one of M.Bison instead of another Fatal Fury or King of Fighters character, one of our artists would illustrate a fight between Geese and M.Bison. I think such a project should start relative small with a goal of 10 tracks. Ideal might be a mix of popular characters and games as well as to cover a few of the rarely remixed games. Each character should be a part of only one track, personally I would love to have 20 character themes of different games there. If you are familiar with fighting games, you know that a ton of them have excellent soundtracks, even if we go back to games like TMNT Tournament fighters or the earliest of the SNK fighting games like the first Fatal Fury or Art of Fighting. Here is a small selection of artworks that were created for Game-Art-HQ Art Collaborations in the past, we have a ton of very talanted artists in our community that love video games and just as much as everyone here: These are artworks made for our Legend of Zelda Bestiary Project, our Fighting Game Boss Tribute and the Nintendo 64 Anniversary we celebrated last year with games like DK 64. Would be awesome to get a new music and art collaboration together, I am open to support other OCR projects as well ^^ Greets and happy easter days everyone, Reinhold Hoffmann
  24. Hey folks. That time of year where we have to get the ball rolling on the album for the Apex fighting game tournament. I don't have a concrete list of games yet, but I'm going to assume the following: Super Smash Bros. (N64) Super Smash Bros. Melee (GCN) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U) Pokken Tournament (Wii U) For anyone unfamiliar, Apex is a fighting game tournament in NJ that OC ReMix creates an official album for. We like to have at least one remix for every game officially featured at the tournament. If you're interested in participating, please post here with your claim. I still need to confirm the event date and the game list, but I'm going to assume that Apex will be in June, so we need to get music done by May.
  25. Hey ya OC-Remixers! My name's Fabian Rastorfer and I'm the founder of Fabraz, the dudes behind Slime-san! Slime-san is a fast-paced action platformer about a slime that got swallowed up whole by a giant worm! Your goal is escape its innards, finding other survivors along the way, back out its mouth into freedom! It currently features 100k+ players on Steam and is coming to the Switch, Xbox One and PS4 in the Summer! The game features a KILLER chiptune soundtrack made out of 20 tracks. The composers involved are: Adhesive Wombat, Meganeko, Tiasu, FantomenK, Inverse Phase, Kubbi, Lumena-tan, Michael Miller, Mischa Perella, Saad Akter Ali and Carl Clark! Quite the all-sat team, ey? You can sample the soundtrack in this video: Youtube Or just give it a listen on Spotify! Here's where you, OCRemix, come in: I'd like to make an official remix album! One or two remixes for each track in the playlist. Claim your track and I'll provide you with the relevant file and add you to the list below. Mighty Mama (Ear)Worm - Richard Gould - 3:58 (Unclaimed) Mixtapeworm - Adhesive Wombat - 0:55 (Unclaimed) Slumptown Shuffle - Mischa Perella - 1:47 (Unclaimed) Slimy Success - FantomenK - 1:45 (Unclaimed) Wormhole - Adhesive Wombat - 1:39 (Unclaimed) Hit the Slime Note - Meganeko - 1:08 (Unclaimed) Instrumental Intestine - Kommisar - 1:33 (Unclaimed) Organ Donor - Mischa Perella - 1:50 (Unclaimed) Akiha-Worma - Meganeko - 1:13 (Unclaimed) Brain Beats - Tiasu - 1:31 (Unclaimed) Old Worm and the Sea - Lumena-tan - 1:32 (Unclaimed) Acid Trip - Mischa Perella - 1:57 (Unclaimed) Heart Trebbles - Kubbi - 2:25 (Unclaimed) Woodwinds - Adhesive Wombat - 1:50 (Unclaimed) Birdie Breakdown - Carl Clark - 1:04 (Unclaimed) Uvula’s Groovula - Inverse Phase - 1:49 (Unclaimed) Red Shadow’s Revenge - Saad Akter Ali - 2:14 (Unclaimed) Slime Crisis - Meganeko - 1:48 (Unclaimed) Tequila and (S)lime - Michael Miller - 2:04 (Unclaimed) Once the remix album is complete, I'll provide a unique website, cover art and download link for the entire internet to enjoy. What do you guys say to that? The entire team would be ecstatic to see what magic you guys can whip up!
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