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Freshly Baked ReMixer Challenge 2008 (Phase 3: Match-Ups, Mixing, March 16th Deadline

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^ Haven't heard any new mixes from you in a while, can't wait. Also, I have some good requests for you guys.

Edit: Just clicked on your signature. Now downloading.


Matter of last minute clarification: "Challengers MUST include a source tune for reference." Does this mean that we must provide a link on the web to a midi or MP3 of the source tune or just provide the Title of the song and where to find it?

I ask this because the song I want to use for the challenge is not obscure and is in fact available on an OST CD. I have the source tune for the challenge I want to make both on CD and on MP3. But, I could easily find it on the web as an MP3 or I could just point to the much better recording on an authored CD and say to the challegner, "Look here for reference."

Maybe I'm just worrying about nothing, but I was curious.

BTW: Good luck to all the remixers in this event. I respect all people who can compose/remix music because I can't due to poor musical ability. :(


I ask this because the song I want to use for the challenge is not obscure and is in fact available on an OST CD. I have the source tune for the challenge I want to make both on CD and on MP3. But, I could easily find it on the web as an MP3 or I could just point to the much better recording on an authored CD and say to the challegner, "Look here for reference."

I really don't want a source without a midi... if I get one, I'm not sure if I will make it, unless it's REALLY easy to make out the notes. I have no education in music making, and has no idea how to even properly make a chord :(

So please, make a simple midi of your own if you can.


if there are suggestions without midis (and there will be) how about those who desperately need a midi state so and they get those sources?

I never use the midi anyway so it feels like a waste if I were to get a source with a midi and somebody who needs one didn't and therefor can't make a track with the quality they are capable of

Hey man, good to see you around here.

Also, I can promise a good WIP after a month, but not a finished song. Don't know if that automatically disqualifies me or anything.

Just do the best you can. It's all we can ask.

Matter of last minute clarification: "Challengers MUST include a source tune for reference." Does this mean that we must provide a link on the web to a midi or MP3 of the source tune or just provide the Title of the song and where to find it?

I ask this because the song I want to use for the challenge is not obscure and is in fact available on an OST CD. I have the source tune for the challenge I want to make both on CD and on MP3. But, I could easily find it on the web as an MP3 or I could just point to the much better recording on an authored CD and say to the challegner, "Look here for reference."

Maybe I'm just worrying about nothing, but I was curious.

BTW: Good luck to all the remixers in this event. I respect all people who can compose/remix music because I can't due to poor musical ability. :(

The first thing I'd say to do it direct to a the original sound file (PSF, NSF, GYM...) or YouTube video if you can find one. There are a LOT of YouTube videos of songs out there. If all else fails and you really can't find reference other than an MP3 give specific instructions and we'll take care of the rest.

if there are suggestions without midis (and there will be) how about those who desperately need a midi state so and they get those sources?

I never use the midi anyway so it feels like a waste if I were to get a source with a midi and somebody who needs one didn't and therefor can't make a track with the quality they are capable of

The only problem with that is, there's some odd 55 remixes to go through, so it'll be a bit of a process. All this is being considered though, which is why there's a break between the requests stage and the mixing stage so we can figure out song distribution JUST being the random script. We're trying to make it as fair as we can for everyone to optimize the results.

HOWEVER you are ENCOURAGED to find a midi, as many of the mixers signed on will likely have trouble without them.


Mixer sign up concludes at 11:59PM EST tonight.

Afterward I'll make a few more specific suggestions of things to consider when suggesting your song.

The first thing I'd say to do it direct to a the original sound file (PSF, NSF, GYM...) or YouTube video if you can find one. There are a LOT of YouTube videos of songs out there. If all else fails and you really can't find reference other than an MP3 give specific instructions and we'll take care of the rest.

Are you implying that a youtube video is better than an MP3? ...


Oh man... tomorrow starts up the suggestions, right? I have a song that I've been wanting to hear remixed that I just can't wait to suggest (whether it'll be picked by someone, I don't know), though I'm rather computer stupid and internet stupid, so the source I have for my song is (most likely) MP3 format...

I would like to change it, but as I said, I'm computer stupid >.>, hope that's still alright.

The first thing I'd say to do it direct to a the original sound file (PSF, NSF, GYM...) or YouTube video if you can find one. There are a LOT of YouTube videos of songs out there. If all else fails and you really can't find reference other than an MP3 give specific instructions and we'll take care of the rest.
'm implying that in some cases posting an MP3 may be against the "No piracy" policy of the boards.

Thanks a lot man, I'm glad I asked. Luckily, the song I have in mind is not that difficult to find. I'd just come out and say what my challenge song is and be done with it, but that would spoil the surprise when I throw down the gauntlet for one of our 55 Remixers. :twisted:

for the people who make challenges, it'll be better for them to post a midi as well, because the odds of something getting made are higher.

Ahh... crap. I was so happy when I finally found the original song that I want to challenge... now I gotta go and try to find a MIDI version of said song? ... ... ... OK, hold on, let me just go get a headache as I look hopelessly all over the internet for a MIDI :banghead:. (not saying that my challenge is "unknown," because anyone who's played the game will know exactly what song it is, I'm just a little stupid, that's all.)

what's worse is, and though I hate to admit it, I don't TECHNICALLY know the difference between a MIDI and a non-MIDI... I can usually HEAR the difference, but my knowledge on the actual differences can be compared to a tree's (and the wikipedia installment on MIDI has left me more confused :-?.)

I'll see if I can't find a Midi though I don't want to give up this challenge QUITE yet.

*EDIT* know what? forget it, I'm just going to challenge with what I got, and if it's not everything that's needed, oh well... if someone likes it, great, if not... *shrug* I still like the original a lot.

Have you checked vgmusic.com? They may or may not have the song you're looking for.

yes, I checked, they didn't have the song I'm looking for

If anyone would like to help, the Song is the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl gamecorner BGM... I know it ruins the surprise, but I'd much rather have a good chance of it being remixed, then a good chance of bein' banned/restricted from the forums =P

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