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Got a chance to get a few games in online against a friend of mine last night. Lag was weird...it seemed to come and go randomly. I did die once thanks to lag, but for the most part it was manageable.

Also, Snake is badass. The more I play as him, the more I like him. ROB seems like he'd be really good, but I haven't played with him enough yet.

Btw, is everyone pretty much using a GC controller? I have my wavebirds out on loan still, so I've just been using the wiimote...it works, but there are a few problems with it. Didn't try for more than a few minutes of classic controller when I first got the game, but not so sure about that yet.


Also, Snake is badass.

It took you THIS long to figure that out?

Oh, and yea I use the wavebirds I got, they feel a lot more natural probably because I've been playing with them for 4 years. I find the Nun chuck w/ Wiimote a lot better than just Wiimote though.


Snake is a badass, and the only Metal Gear games I have played were the two on NES. He's like the opposite of the band Hinder. In fact, I wish Snake would come to life in the real world and blow up Hinder and Nickelback with those explosives he uses in the game.

Snake is a badass, and the only Metal Gear games I have played were the two on NES. He's like the opposite of the band Hinder.

Hahahaha. Yeah, Snake is pretty awesome. I think it's hilarious how his down + A and forward + A smashes both take like 3 seconds.

Hahahaha. Yeah, Snake is pretty awesome. I think it's hilarious how his down + A and forward + A smashes both take like 3 seconds.

That's how many seconds it would take him to launch a rocket down the lead singer of Hinder's throat and blow him into tiny little peaces of mediocre rock shrapnel. The rest of the band would cower and shrivel at the appearance of Snake's incredibly manly beard.


Btw, is everyone pretty much using a GC controller? I have my wavebirds out on loan still, so I've just been using the wiimote...it works, but there are a few problems with it. Didn't try for more than a few minutes of classic controller when I first got the game, but not so sure about that yet.

The wiimote+nunchuck works surprisingly well, it takes a little getting used to...jumping is a little weird (easier to do by hitting up on the control stick than going for the control pad) and it's interesting getting used to B being a trigger, but I think it could work. The nunchuck seems a bit hard to keep a grip on, but that's probably just me. (So glad they got 4 game cube controls since that last time though...) I haven't tried with just the wiimote, and having seen the default control scheme, I really don't want to, it looks like a pain in the ass.

The GC control seems preferable though, less of a learning curve for the gameplay when you already have some movements from the past installment learned.

It took you THIS long to figure that out?

Oh, and yea I use the wavebirds I got, they feel a lot more natural probably because I've been playing with them for 4 years. I find the Nun chuck w/ Wiimote a lot better than just Wiimote though.

Haha. You know, I forgot the wiimote/nunckuk was an option, I think I'll give that a shot tonight to see how it works.


Yeah GC's best. Turns out you can buy em for like 5 bucks on ebay. I was worried they'd be expensive now with Brawl out, and I imagine it'd be tricky to find them at retail.


Was browsing through the past 20 or so pages on here just to make sure nobody else had said it, and I'm pretty surprised, really.

Has anybody been trying out the different Snake taunts?

Just heard about them recently, he's got like 35 (one for each character) different taunts, where he calls in Otacon, Mei Ling, Campbell, etc on his codec and talks about his opponent. They're hilarious :)

All you've got to do is go into practice mode (The codec call gets cut off if you're hit while fighting) and use Snake in Shadow Moses Island. Then pick any character as your opponent. WHen the match starts, hit the down button on the d-pad (Gamecube controller) until Snake leans down to use his codec.

I can't get enough of these, they're awesome :D


I've noticed something about the c-stick. If you use it to down-a attack during a certain point in the air, it automatically fast falls for you since it is smashing down also. I don't remember if it was like that in melee too, but I didn't want that, so I changed the configuration on the c-stick from "smash" to "attack." On the ground, the c-stick now does tilts, and in the air, it no longer automatically fastfalls. Also, if you c-stick in the air DIAGONALLY in any direction, it does a NEUTRAL AIR. I'm not sure if that's helpful or counter-productive, since I do n-airs by accident sometimes now, but it's better then fastfalling accidently.


I got to play a little bit of the SSE before I had to catch a plane to florida for a week...I'm REALLY antsy not being able to play at all until Saturday night. I just know that everyone is getting great and discovering all this stuff, and I'm stuck behind...hopefully I'll get to play for a while and catch up, but right now it's driving me nuts. I was great at melee and was actually the one to teach all the advanced stuff from melee to anyone interested at my school, and have been greatly anticipating online play to play others from here and around. I'll be adding you guys as soon as I get back, but before being able to play I'll need to unlock everything and actually get USED to brawl and get all the melee-second-nature things out of my head.


all I know is sonic and King DeDeDe is bad ass.

I love this game,

On a side note mario kart comes out next month,

But I wont be getting it becuase this is still so bad ass.


So I got my first taste today, and of course there are many many good things to say about this game. But almost none that haven't been said already. So I will limit it to 2:

1. I was going through the soundtrack section and got to the Metal Gear Solid section. All the tracks were from MGS 1-4... except one. I beat MG2 recently, so to hear the main theme of that game all badassified sent shivers up my spine. My jaw dropped; I never thought I'd hear this song redone, much less on a frickin Nintendo blockbuster.

2. I played a few of the adventure missions with a friend, and we were playing the Lucas/Pokemon trainer in the ruins. I listened closely... holy shit! The Egyptian pyramid theme from Super Mario LAND was in the background. Super Mario Land was one of THE first video games I ever played, when my grandma got my dad a gameboy, and he gave it to me, when I was 3 or 4 years old. My wager is there are only about 100 brawlers who would recognize that theme. It was gloriously magical.


For anyone lucky enough to brawl with me tonight, let it be known that I've main'd King Dedede. I've never seen Master Hand go down faster than anyone, and Ridley for that matter, than at the hands of a merciless up attack with Dedede. That rotating hammer of his will spell your doom with a capital "OOM".


2. I played a few of the adventure missions with a friend, and we were playing the Lucas/Pokemon trainer in the ruins. I listened closely... holy shit! The Egyptian pyramid theme from Super Mario LAND was in the background. Super Mario Land was one of THE first video games I ever played, when my grandma got my dad a gameboy, and he gave it to me, when I was 3 or 4 years old. My wager is there are only about 100 brawlers who would recognize that theme. It was gloriously magical.

Is that what that was? I knew I recognized it but I couldn't place a game to it. Man, I haven't played Super Mario Land in forever.

For anyone lucky enough to brawl with me tonight, let it be known that I've main'd King Dedede. I've never seen Master Hand go down faster than anyone, and Ridley for that matter, than at the hands of a merciless up attack with Dedede. That rotating hammer of his will spell your doom with a capital "OOM".

Charizard's Rock Smash anyone? Four solid hits and Master Hand is out. Charizard is basically the best way to tackle Boss Battles, ever.

Charizard's Rock Smash anyone? Four solid hits and Master Hand is out. Charizard is basically the best way to tackle Boss Battles, ever.

And on a Pokemon Trainer related note, simple dodging and holding the neutral B move with Ivysaur makes Master Hand mincemeat, especially when it does that laser thingy with all five fingers.


I recognized it instantly too, and was a bit surprised (the Super Mario Land World 2 song). Some of the songs they put in the game are <3, like their version of Gourmet Race, and DKC Ship Deck 2. Also I <3 that they put in F-Zero tracks too.

However as for the game itself...I'm sort of disappointed that they catered to the hardcore so much with the game. Looking at some of those "challenges" that the game expects you to do would make me want to throw the controller at the TV if I were to attempt them. I've been already dangerously close to hurling the controller as it is, and its been frustrating dealing with crappy events.

However as for the game itself...I'm sort of disappointed that they catered to the hardcore so much with the game. Looking at some of those "challenges" that the game expects you to do would make me want to throw the controller at the TV if I were to attempt them. I've been already dangerously close to hurling the controller as it is, and its been frustrating dealing with crappy events.

Whoa whoa what? I thought it was generally accepted that Brawl is aimed more at casuals, in accordance with Nintendo's whole "non-gamer" policy right now. As evidenced by no rankings online, the generally slower gameplay, decreased complexity (no more l-cancel, crouch cancel, bunch of other stuff), hell, even the forced random tripping. It's got competitive smashers having a hissy fit.

Although yeah, the challenges are, well...challenging. I'd be disappointed if they weren't. I want to WORK to unlock everything in this (massive) game.


ok maybe someone can help me out.

I mostly use Ike, the Sword Wielding Bus...and sometimes hell start doing a leaping somersault and ill do it a few times in one direction. I don't know how I'm doing it. Does someone know the button combination to perform this?

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