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Well you made it seem like the game was pointless to you now becaus Lucas had that grab weakness with. "My friends and I are having a tough time trying to like Brawl, heh. It just sucks when some of our favorite characters aren't fun to play anymore."

Right after several posts about ness and lucases problem with being grabbed.

So Lucas an Ness are gimped against a few characters, the point I was making is Yoshi is considered gimped against all but like 3...yet he's still pretty fun to play as (to me) and he can actually win battles, so it's possible maybe people can work around the grab thing and still have fun with Ness and Lucas.

Although it's true you never said you hated it, just that it was less fun now. Nothing wrong with that.


I hope you didn't think that I literally hate Brawl. My wife does; we used to play Melee for hours on end together, but I can only get her to play 2-3 matches of Brawl, tops. It bores her,and I can totally understand why.

Let's face it: you can't play Melee online. Unfortunately, I feel forced to either a) play the better game alone, or B) play the lesser game with other people. Pretty crappy choices, but as they say, do as the Romans do.

I am a tourney fag. I achieve the most amount of fun when I play tournament style. That means tournament-legal stages, l-canceling, wave-shining, chain-grabbing, edge-hogging, gimping, comboing, float-canceling, and all of those wonderful things that made Melee so great and deep. Almost none of that is found in Brawl. Make a little change like reducing hit-stun to an almost non-existent level, and you no longer have a fighting game, you have a game of tag. At the highest levels of Melee, you saw some pretty insane shit, and it was amazing. At the highest level of Brawl, you see perfect shield => ftilt. I know, I've played the best in both Melee and Brawl.

With all that said, the Smash community has pretty much decided to move ahead with Brawl as the game for tournaments. I strongly disagree with this decision, but I love the community too much to quit it. So I put on my Ike sig and dumb down my gameplay because, to my unending chagrin, I love you guys.

End rant, I suppose.

Well you made it seem like the game was pointless to you now becaus Lucas had that grab weakness with. "My friends and I are having a tough time trying to like Brawl, heh. It just sucks when some of our favorite characters aren't fun to play anymore."

Right after several posts about ness and lucases problem with being grabbed.

So Lucas an Ness are gimped against a few characters, the point I was making is Yoshi is considered gimped against all but like 3...yet he's still pretty fun to play as (to me) and he can actually win battles, so it's possible maybe people can work around the grab thing and still have fun with Ness and Lucas.

Although it's true you never said you hated it, just that it was less fun now. Nothing wrong with that.

Oh, no, sorry for the misunderstanding then. I was mainly talking about Captain Falcon and Samus.


No, you aren't. He is right. Jam is baaaaaaaaaaaaaawing. With games like MVC2 and SF3rd Strike having a HUGE tournament following regardless of how IMBALANCED and fucked up the games are, it makes me wonder why people treat Brawl differently.

hey fgts guess what

metagames not out yet

the games fucking young as hell so give it time.

baaaw baaaaaw baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw

I'm sure a lot of it has to do with adaptation. They simply don't want to give the new game a chance because they got really good at the tricks that aren't in the new version.

Those "tricks" are what made Melee what it was.

Those "tricks" are what made Melee what it was.

The funny thing is, it isn't even about the tricks. There are TONS of tricks and glitches in Brawl:


What made Melee so great was the intentional programming. L-canceling was not a glitch. Hit-stun was not a glitch. Those two elements formed the foundation for every combo in Melee.

Brawl is a simplified version of Melee. Why is it so hard for some people to accept that?


Yeah, that's what I meant as for "tricks" were l-canceling, wavedash, etc. :P

But yeah, many thought they were glitches until Sakurai said it himself in that interview in Nintendo Power that they were not.

cause most ppl dont care about the stuff u dont like so it really just comes off as whining

It's not like he's the only one that doesn't like these changes. Many people don't. But a lot of people will play it anyway because it's the new.


I know. I was just talking about your average non-tourney level player here.

Or tourney level Brawlers who never played Melee competitively, for that matter.


I may like brawl more, I'm not sure, but I've never been more than an average player.

I can say it's more fun to play as Yoshi, I know I said I'd try out other characters, but right now that's hard since I don't own the game. That'll come when I own it.

What I really hate though is auto pick up, sometimes I don't even know I'm holding an item till it's too late. Maybe I need glasses but, this is playing on the dorms gigantic monster tv that could crush me if it fell over.

Although don't really care what others think of the game, just saying how I feel about it, cause I'm bored...and there's this message board here.


Okay, that makes sense. For you guys, the different speed + lack of advanced techs ruined it for you. That's a pretty good reason. I'm glad you guys aren't gonna boycott the game despite that. Hopefully, you guys will find new things to enjoy in this game as time goes by.

Sorry I said "hate" instead of "dislike", I realize its a stronger word, and it made me look more accusatory. My bad!


i'll admit that melee videos are indeed awesome to watch and it took a great amount of skill that has now been forsaken, but i doubt brawl won't have the same level of play. it won't be as fast, sure, but it'll still be just as intense. let people feel it out.

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