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At first, I thought this was just another generic remix. Ya know... NESkimos or Minibosses-style. Guitars and heavy drums. Boring stuff like that. Then I heard the lyrics and decided that this was indeed worth listening to after all.

The lyrics seems to carry a message of loneliness, shining an altogether different light on Airman in general. No ego. No will of his own, to a degree. A force of destruction and a machine made simply to terrorize Neo Tokyo. (Or "Monsteropolis", as per the US manual.) This is what he was built to do. He wants to defeat anyone who comes near him...but he also wants the freedom his clouded realm seems to promise. He doesn't want to be a minion forever. He wants to fly. But he knows he can't have that, so he kind of snaps and just decides to carry out his programming in a rather extreme fashion.

I guess the song is a bit of a contradiction in and of itself if you listen to the lyrics, but it's pretty good altogether. I think it's worthy of a Japanese music video a'la "You Can't Defeat Airman!" or "Omoide wa Okkusenman" and I think it's worth listening to as well. Nicely done!

...now make a Springman remix. X3


Thanks for the kind words, all... we really appreciate the support. This album was a long time in the making, and it's awesome that people are really responding to it.

Just FYI, we've got more tracks up on the front page of themegas.com, plus an extra one at myspace.com/themegas. Enjoy!


Hahahaha, I've got a less-polished version of this somewhere, when it was just entitled "Airman" and because I couldn't find it again afterwards, I simply attributed it to Random Emo Band. Good to have a newer version, with a name to put to it too.

Strangely though, some elements of the first version shine more than they do in this one. I note expanded lyrics though.

Good enough for me, it shall take the place of its predecessor 'pon my music devices.


Great production; it's super crisp and great separation. Vocals sound good throughout, and the guitar playing is great, during the guitar solo, the fast run (you all know what i'm talking about) was played so cleanly I thought it was synth guitar for a second. Nice work guitar dude.

The breakdown was the best part, with the coolest vocal harmony,and the biggest hook in the form of the spoken part. Super catchy and very compelling.

My only real complaint is the comparably weak ending, but I think it works decently enough for the style, since it segues well into the deafening cheers of the fans who are watching these guys live.

This track is a pretty strong argument to pick up the entire album. Very nicely done. :-)


"Do you know what it's like to be built this way?

With only the power to push others away?"

Those two lines make the entire song worthwhile.

But yeah, this is an incredible song. I've been listening to it non-stop. Often vocal mixes have something that seems like it could use more work (vocal quality, lyrics, timing, etc.), but this one I think was great all-around. Not to mention the lyrics put a real different spin on Airman.

I don't think the song would fall into the emo category, though... unless it'd been about Cutman from MM1. ...too easy, sorry.

EDIT: Getting the album now... If their other tracks are even half as good as this one, it'll be well worth it. KF


It's a great song and an amazing album overall. If you like Megaman music you owe it to yourself to grab the full album (for a measly $10), it's really quite excellent. I've almost always disliked when remixers try to add lyrics but these guys make it work, each "man" is given their own sort of bizarre personality and it doesn't come off as cheesy at all.


I will flyyyyy hiiiigh aboooove monsterooopolis!

And I'll raaain terror down on the general populace!

God, I love that section so much. The spoken parts are very well done. Awesome mix!


At first, the vocals came off as pretty emo-band-sounding to me, but after two or three listens, I got used to them and was able to appreciate the song fully. The guitar and drum work is very good, the lyrics are great, and the spoken part is brilliant.

I agree that the volume is too low, though.


The album came last Saturday. Man, I'm really glad I got it; I've been listening to it nonstop. The Annihilation of Monsteropolis is till my favorite theme, but Bubbleman's theme comes a close second on account of the lyrics.

I really hope The Megas plan to release much more stuff, and maybe submit more remixes, in the future. KF

  • 2 weeks later...

I thought the track was great.

That is, until I heard the lyrics...


It was all going real great. Nice instrumentation, familiar melodies...

But why do arrangers/remixers feel they have to ruin a completely good track by adding their corny lyrics? Couldn't they save it for original works?

I've already gotten a private message to stop bashing lyricists or I'll get banned. But this is as tame as I'll get.

To all those with bruised feelings, take a look at this:


Nothing personal, it's just what I think, OK?

Just make good music next time. :<

I thought the track was great.

That is, until I heard the lyrics...


It was all going real great. Nice instrumentation, familiar melodies...

But why do arrangers/remixers feel they have to ruin a completely good track by adding their corny lyrics? Couldn't they save it for original works?

I've already gotten a private message to stop bashing lyricists or I'll get banned. But this is as tame as I'll get.

To all those with bruised feelings, take a look at this:


Nothing personal, it's just what I think, OK?

Just make good music next time. :<

As soon as you went the "If it has lyrics, it's automatically ruined" route, it just confirmed your close-mindedness and the worthlessness of the comments. Saying "yeah, some good instruments...BUT WHY DID YOU RUIN IT WITH LYRICS?!?" and the even dumber "just make it good next time" is still an purposefully insulting and offensive review.


You could just complain about the lyrics themselves and not the fact that the song has lyrics. Lyrics aren't always bad. Also, this song would be pretty boring without them, since the whole thing is pretty vocal-oriented. Do you want to take out the vocals, or just the lyrics? Would you prefer humming?

To all those with bruised feelings, take a look at this:


All feedback should include a "why." Whether it's what is working, and why, or more importantly, what's not working, and why, it's the why that actually is useful.

Do not rip apart a writer's work just for the sake of being deliberately cruel. No one learns anything if they're so pissed off they reject your feedback out of hand, and if you're grandstanding just to puff up your own ego, you're wasting all our time.

Why did you have to ruin a completely good thread by posting?

Nothing personal, it's just what I think, OK?

Just make good posts next time. :<

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