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Just listened to the preview track, awesome stuff all around EXCEPT, the one with lyrics within the 4 minute mark. Its like nails on a chalkboard, hideous, horrendous, and just plain wrong. I think that'll be the first track to be deleted upon downloading of full album. (I usually listen to each album through once and then decide which ones I wouldn't mind losing, that way I can keep the 'core' songs I like to listen to over and over again and burn those onto a cd)


What's the name of the track that plays at 5:17 of the preview? I can't tell.

...and about when will the project be released? After listening to the preview, I can hardly wait.

  Darkflamewolf said:
Just listened to the preview track, awesome stuff all around EXCEPT, the one with lyrics within the 4 minute mark. Its like nails on a chalkboard, hideous, horrendous, and just plain wrong. I think that'll be the first track to be deleted upon downloading of full album. (I usually listen to each album through once and then decide which ones I wouldn't mind losing, that way I can keep the 'core' songs I like to listen to over and over again and burn those onto a cd)

That is Backwards Room (original song is Run, Rambi! Run!) by zyko. I loved what he did with that track, and definitely wouldn't put it down so quickly since he accomplished creating a mysterious track and creating an atmosphere of urgency within it. It also helps that it has a more aggressive nature as well, which is fitting for how he approached it. There are only minor things I would've probably changed, but my role is mainly of organization and offering the occasional suggestion.

  ds is trash said:
What's the name of the track that plays at 5:17 of the preview? I can't tell.

...and about when will the project be released? After listening to the preview, I can hardly wait.

I don't think Mazedude gave a name to the track, but it's his take on Bad Bird Rag - he finished this one quite a while ago, fairly soon after he staked his claim on the track when we were first soliciting people for the project.

As for when the project will be released, I'm not sure - we still have a few tracks that need final wavs and some that are close to done. We also have a need of artwork and website. With djp being busy with various site stuff, and with the FF4 project probably going to be finished ahead of us, it might be a half an year before this project gets released.

  Bahamut said:
That is Backwards Room (original song is Run, Rambi! Run!) by zyko. I loved what he did with that track, and definitely wouldn't put it down so quickly since he accomplished creating a mysterious track and creating an atmosphere of urgency within it. It also helps that it has a more aggressive nature as well, which is fitting for how he approached it. There are only minor things I would've probably changed, but my role is mainly of organization and offering the occasional suggestion.

Okay, I listened to it again and I still stand by my original view of it. I'll give it one full listen through when the album is finished but as it stands, the small bit I heard, its clearly not one of his better mixes. Just my personal opinion.


Just listened to the preview... Here's my opinions as someone who has no knowledge of music whatsoever:

I can't tell what the first track is D: I kind of heard Lost World Anthem in there but I can't really tell. Excellent drum work in the first half of the segment.

2:21, is this Snakey Chantey? This sounds like an alright track, but the style doesn't fit with the original at all in my opinion. It's way too mellow for such an upbeat source. Maybe it picks up more in the actual track.

Jib Jig is good stuff, I love this style of music :)

3:21? What's the source here?

Krook's March was EXACTLY like I'd hoped it would be! Definitely my favorite track of the preview. Oh man, I really, REALLY can't wait to hear this song.

Run, Rambi Run isn't my favorite style of music, but it's growing on me so I'll give Zyko the benefit of the doubt here and say that I'll probably end up liking the whole track.

Primal Rave sounds like it has a lot of potential. Reminds me of a more fleshed-out version of Dry Lagoon from Sonic Adventure :P

Overall, some standout tracks and a handful of meh ones, but nothing bad in my opinion. I'm hoping to hear a bit more diversity in the final project; there seemed to be a LOT of rock songs in the preview and, while they were pretty good, I hope the final album isn't flooded with them since a lot of the source tunes just don't seem like they'd lend themselves to that genre :\

I don't really know why I put so much time into "reviewing" a short preview, but naturally I have high hopes for the remix of my favorite videogame soundtrack of all time, and I guess I'm just really excited for this :) Thanks for putting this together!!


:shock: Wow, since a long time ago I've been waiting for this project!! (sorry if my english isn't perfect), it's my first time coming into this forum and I've noticed that there are samples of some of the mixes, but I can't find them... Could somebody help me? thanks for the help...

I'm also a great videogame music lover, and I've created my own remixes. A time ago, I made a DKC2 remix album, and I'd like to know if it's possible to share it with you, and how... Right now I can tell you that I'm not musician, and not an expert remixer. But I like what I do...

Thanks for all your support! :-P


R.I.P. Run Rambi! Run!

Speaking of which, is it possible to include purely instrumental versions of vocal tracks? I think that would be a neat little bonus for those of us instrumental purists.

  Lord Exor said:
R.I.P. Run Rambi! Run!

Speaking of which, is it possible to include purely instrumental versions of vocal tracks? I think that would be a neat little bonus for those of us instrumental purists.

Personally I think that would ruin the remixer's original vision and idea of the track. That's just me, though.


Vocal tracks typically don't work that well without vocals. They're written with vocals in mind and if you take them away you get a karaoke version that really feels like it's missing something. What's your problem with vocals anyway? If they're bad I'm sure they won't be allowed on the project.


It's sort of like saying "is it possible to include purely non-electric guitar versions of vocal tracks? I think that would be a neat little bonus for those of us non-electric guitar purists."

I guess it's up to the mixers, really, but I for one think there's way too few vocal mixes on the site and in the projects as it is.


Well its basically saying "I don't like your voice, get rid of it" but trying not to be offensive, which btw doesn't make it any less offensive.

Unless you had asked for it without vocals for singalong purposes or something.


I wouldn't care if it were Paul McCartney delivering the vocals, I just have an adverse reaction to arrangements of instrumental tracks that tack on vocals for the sake of conforming to a societal craving for lyrical music. Mining Melancholy = Rap? Are you serious?

A jazz arrangement? I can see that. A latin arrangement? Sure, it fits. Rap? Where in the good name of David Wise did that idea stem from? Next, let's transform the Flying Krock music into a romantic pop ballad.

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