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Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business - History

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Everything you do is awesome, Mav. I wouldn't worry.

Thanks I really appreciate it!

I've had a lot more time with Essence of Lime, I jumped on this project probably 3 to 4 weeks ago.

I'm gonna go on a bit of a break after a while, but my next plans are to create album art to motivate people into doing remix projects centered around Golden Sun and Jet Force Gemini... that's right if I do the art maybe it will motivate people to remix the albums, lol.

We will see... I think art is a great way to recruit people into a project, so the next covers I do will be for projects that have yet to start.

Thanks I really appreciate it!

I've had a lot more time with Essence of Lime, I jumped on this project probably 3 to 4 weeks ago.

I'm gonna go on a bit of a break after a while, but my next plans are to create album art to motivate people into doing remix projects centered around Golden Sun and Jet Force Gemini... that's right if I do the art maybe it will motivate people to remix the albums, lol.

We will see... I think art is a great way to recruit people into a project, so the next covers I do will be for projects that have yet to start.

If you set a Jet Force Gemini project in motion, in the name of Beanland, I will be your slave for life.

If you set a Jet Force Gemini project in motion, in the name of Beanland, I will be your slave for life.
I can always use a slave for life, so I may take up that project as well.

I'd love to be a coordinator and motivator recruiter in those two projects. Since that post it's been brought to my attention that I should head some of these and I may just do that. First up though I think I'm going to head up Golden Sun once Serious Monkey Business is released and after Essence of Lime is completed as well.

So keep an eye out in May for these projects to possibly start. As soon as I have a bit more free time things may materialize.

Also Beanland is awesome, his musical style is memorable and iconic. Jet Force Gemini has one of the best soundtracks from a game done by Rare, it's so atmosphere and at other times mysterious, or driving. It needs a lot more attention and love then it has yet to receive (the game included). I hope I can find people on the site who would be interested in participating.


I would do anything to support that project. Unfortunately, my skills lean toward the written word rather than art or mixing. But regardless, JFG does need much love. I could be satisfied with single mixes of the Water Ruin and Enter the Pyramid/Abduction, but a project...DKC2 is just barely above JFG for ReMix potential, IMO.


I agree, JetForce Gemini does have a pretty epic soundtrack overall. As for DKC2's remix potential, it's sounding like I'll like the source tunes better than a lot of their remixes. But hey, it's hard to beat this awesome soundtrack


Alright, for the two people I might have missed spamming the IRC room, here's the dealio:

1) Go get the latest episode of OCAD here (Episode 16: Serious Primeapes)

2) Listen through the show, or alternatively, skip to around 1 hour and 14 minutes.


It's a good episode even if you just get it for the DKC2 info, as we have preview tracks from The Sound of Speed, Maverick Rising, and The Missingno Tracks. Also we talk with Halc and Willrock. Yeah, a very cool episode indeed.


I was a tad sad to hear the N64 get hated on towards the middle of the show. Cause personally the N64 had so many awesome titles...from Super Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Golden Eye, Banjo Kazooie, Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros., Rogue Squadron... also I actually had more fun with friends with the N64, as you had games where you could have 4 players.

But I digress... still a great show. Totally think Mega Man Zero series has an incredible soundtrack. Should be covered more.

Alright, for the two people I might have missed spamming the IRC room, here's the dealio:

1) Go get the latest episode of OCAD here (Episode 16: Serious Primeapes)

2) Listen through the show, or alternatively, skip to around 1 hour and 14 minutes.


It's a good episode even if you just get it for the DKC2 info, as we have preview tracks from The Sound of Speed, Maverick Rising, and The Missingno Tracks. Also we talk with Halc and Willrock. Yeah, a very cool episode indeed.

Just might be my favorite episode. I'm looking forward to all four fo those projects!


...it's scheduled for Julius Caesar's deathday! At least one more week away. This last week will be the hardest to get through! There's nothing else I'll need to do as I listen to the tracks, except remember the environments the tracks took place in. If I have to, I'll save the whole album to my hard drive! Is anyone else saving it?


They collected enough money to pay for the printing of the physical copies.

As far as I know, Baha was still accepting donations if you wanted a copy, but that might have change from last time I checked.

Also, still need to listen to OCAD to hear the previews and whatnot; will find time soon.

Hey, zyko, we all want this,

But we're gonna have to wait,

For djp to finish his track,

And then we'll party 'til it's late!

Your poetry is lame

Just like this monkey game

Sit down there and wait

Or i'll bring you to your fate

I was joking that it's lame,

I'm hoping it shall came (LOL!)

So I can listen to it all

While I play a game of.. ball


Listen to what I say,

Cause I came to play

Donkey Kong 2 is on the way

And March 15 is the magical day!

Like the sun and it's burnin' ray

I've been waiting for this since last May.

So light that fire down by the bay

cause it's time for a DKC par-TAY!

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