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Ah, neat. I was looking for something like this to test my speakers and headphones. Is there a test out there that tests every frequency from say 30Hz to say 20KHz at a constant volume to see where your speakers/headphones lack strength at reproducing sound? Or just a chart comparing different headphones/speakers (someone found something for ipod headphones and some sennheisers, but didn't give a reference or a page with other company's products)?

Hooray for shitty $20 wal-mart headphones that picked everything up!
I guess my headphones are pretty good.
My headphones got them all and with great clarity.

These tests are for speakers. Headphones have no acoustics, they won't have problems with frequency range. Just because your headphones passed these tests does NOT mean they're any good.

My speakers couldn't play 30hz, but they're just $99 Tascams.

Near-field monitors shouldn't pass the 30hz test. Only subwoofers can accurately respond to the 20-40hz range. My Mackie's stop at 50hz.


These tests are for speakers. Headphones have no acoustics, they won't have problems with frequency range. Just because your headphones passed these tests does NOT mean they're any good.

people use speakers to make music?!!? lolwtfbbqetc.

Originally I did it with my headphones as well, and then I did it with my speaker setup where I again, heard everything....although there's 'probably a setting I shouldn't have on or some crap like that.

oh wellz.


I've got the Logitech X-540's with a 3 year-old laptop's built-in soundcard and could pick everything up cleanly. Granted, the 30Hz was a little weak, but I was also on 5% of the volume on windows and only halfway up on the speaker's volume control. Everything else was a good volume. Not too shabby for $60 with shipping.


My headphones pick up everything, but I can't hear much of the 15khz tone unless I turn the volume knob at about 2 o' clock. I can hear all the rest at significantly lower volumes. Maybe I'm going deaf.


I can't hear 15khz also maybe I'm going deaf too.. and another thing, I have EMU-1616M sound card and the sounds seems buzzing from it; in the other hand my internal SoundMax sound card are getting all the sounds right. I don't know why?!


Past a certain age (different for different people, but usually around 40s) your ability to hear higher frequencies drops off substantially. There was a news story a year or so ago about a convenience store owner using this to his advantage to chase off loitering teenagers -- he put on a loud high freq. noise on the speakers. We tested it out at work one time -- my 55-year-old coworker couldn't believe I could hear it (and be driven crazy by it) from halfway across the building.

He still plays it sometimes to piss me off :P


does anyone ever feel like they can hear 16-20khz frequencys?. i swear to god I can. >_> I can only describe it as a 'presence" , i realized it when I was cutting and removing the frequencys, what bothers me the most is that none of my headphones can pick it up. it seems to only work on my speakers, whats even weirder is, I'm not even sure my speakers can pick up frequencys beyond 16khz. :S


also can someone explain this to me, I'm having a difficult time understanding, I did the test with the noise, not the one on the page but a similar one from a different website, it was to see if your speakers had proper center etc, my speakers did, but, When I disabled the right channel, It seemed that the sound was "lowered in pitch", and vice versa, when I turned off the left channel, it was raised in pitch, I did this, I moved my head back and fourth, it sounded like the noise was getting lower to higher and I'm wondering if this is supposed to happen.

does anyone ever feel like they can hear 16-20khz frequencys?. i swear to god I can. >_> I can only describe it as a 'presence" , i realized it when I was cutting and removing the frequencys, what bothers me the most is that none of my headphones can pick it up. it seems to only work on my speakers, whats even weirder is, I'm not even sure my speakers can pick up frequencys beyond 16khz. :S

You're not alone, I hear frequencies all up to 21 kHz, wich is kinda neat and annoying. It's neat because it means my ears work good, but it's annoying as I'm even able to hear some annoying sounds, like ultra-sound devices. (Those who are supposed to scare away mice and rats. I doubt that they really scare away any animals, but they sure annoy me....there's lots of these noisy shits where I work)


We made a little square wave function generator with a 555 timer in my electrical engineering class, and attatched a little speaker to it to see how high of frequencies we could hear. Most people dropped out around 15-16kHz, but I made it up to 19.6. I'm not sure if it dropped out from there because of the speaker itself or my hearing, though.

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