Hyperion5182 Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 Oh yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with Joe. Nothing blunts an enemy offensive quite as effectively as a sniper's bullet. You don't want many snipers, but having a couple is vital to an effective defense strategy. Though they are less useful on the offensive, having a sniper back up the forward push can sometimes push the tide of victory in favor of the aggressor. Another use is to use the Sniper to pick off the Engineer fixing the sentry guns so that the soldiers or demomen can properly dispose of them. There's lots of effective uses for a good Sniper, it's just that it requires some foresight and sometimes it's highly situational. As Effef said, the only time you really run into a problem is if you get a sniper who can't hit anything. By all means, if you have fun with the class and you're contributing to the team effort, play it! The one problem i am finding is that heavies as of late seem to be resisting headshots (not kidding i am nailing them right in the eyeball) No medic on them all i get is the crit and i KNOW its a headshot. They should go down but they dont. Snipers are alright but god help you if i am playing a heavy or a demo i have gotten DAMN good with both.
Triad Orion Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 The one problem i am finding is that heavies as of late seem to be resisting headshots (not kidding i am nailing them right in the eyeball) No medic on them all i get is the crit and i KNOW its a headshot. They should go down but they dont. Snipers are alright but god help you if i am playing a heavy or a demo i have gotten DAMN good with both. That's really weird. I haven't heard of anyone else having that problem. 0_o;
Bahamut Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 So just for reference, today's map rotation is just Dustbowl!
JJT Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 The one problem i am finding is that heavies as of late seem to be resisting headshots (not kidding i am nailing them right in the eyeball) No medic on them all i get is the crit and i KNOW its a headshot. They should go down but they dont. Is your rifle fully charged when you're shooting?
Hyperion5182 Posted May 14, 2008 Posted May 14, 2008 No more often than not i am snap shotting because of the situation :/
Inimitable Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 I can probably join you guys somewhat regularly. My SteamID is TheInimitable I felt kinda lonely in there last time without an [OCR] tag!
The Mutericator Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Bloody lagout. Good match, though really the map times should be way shorter. Dustbowl is okay, but meh on the hour-longness.
Sensai Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Really enjoyed playing with you guys today. I'd get back on and play a little more, but I'm actually tired and I'mma try to get back on my normal sleep schedule. I left early 'cause my team had our first scrim. As you can imagine...it went terribly.
DarkeSword Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Who was playing the scout that I torched through the gate?
Pyrion Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 I left early 'cause my team had our first scrim. As you can imagine...it went terribly. It's just a scrim. It doesn't count for anything. Whenever your team gets its act reasonably together, you might want to consider the TWL 7v7 limited ladder, for starters. Lots of competition from the teams still interested in it, and it's one of the few ladders left that has crits turned on.
Bleck Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Who was playing the scout that I torched through the gate? That was me.
Sensai Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 'preciate that, Pyrion. I'll look into it. Anyways, I'll probably end up showing up on the server a lot more. Hope to see you guys there!
Maco70 Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 http://www.somethingawful.com/d/video-game-article/team-fortress-achievements.php Seemed relevant.
Shadow Wolf Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Wow I suck. I was on tonight to test graphics and such and see what the classes can do. Hopefully I'll be playing more soon.
Bahamut Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Fuck, today was fun as hell. So, now that we had our Dustbowl day, what map rotation shall we have for tomorrow - or should we just do one map again? Also, what's your votes - today was a full server, and some people had trouble getting on. Should I leave maxvisible on, which allows us to use all 24 slots, or should I turn it off which would save the last two slots and kick people trying to join not reserved?
IckesTheSane Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 I did have a question/topic of discussion about what happens when the server is full. If the server is full, and someone who has a reserved slot logs on, it kicks someone else off, right? (Or is that what you're asking?) My main question is if there is anyway to distinguish between just some guy, and someone from OCR. I would think we would want to give preference to people from OCR over Joe Schmoe. Is there a way to do that, or is that something we would even want to do? Some non-OCR people have certainly made things interesting in a few games recently. Or does this run counter to buy a reserved slot? Also, some servers have a higher number of maximum players. Is that something we can change? Again, is that something we would want to change? Edit: Erectin' a dispenser. Heh. You said.... 'dispenser.'
Pyrion Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Well ideally, those of us from OCR read this topic, know about both the server and the cost for a reserved slot, and are donating both for the reserved slot and to help Bahamut make the monthly server payments. Otherwise, there's no difference between someone from OCR and just another random pubber. Heck, it stands to reason that random pubbers could donate and get a reserved slot. I vote for turning maxvisible off.
Bahamut Posted May 15, 2008 Posted May 15, 2008 Suggestions for map rotation for today people! Edit: Since there weren't many suggestions, today is Badlands and Goldrush! Also, I set maxvisible off, so reserved slots kick in tonight.
Sensai Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 My vote, speaking as an almost random guy (just joined OCR) is to leave maxvisible off, allowing those who reserved a slot to get on. Does that mean that it fills at 22, or simply that an OCR guy, who donated, would be allowed to join by kicking another player off?
Brycepops Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 My vote, speaking as an almost random guy (just joined OCR) is to leave maxvisible off, allowing those who reserved a slot to get on.Does that mean that it fills at 22, or simply that an OCR guy, who donated, would be allowed to join by kicking another player off? 22 regular people can join, 2 with reserved slots can take the last 2 spots.
prophetik music Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 donated 3 bucks for the month. it'd be more, but i need a certain amount in my paypal at any time. waiting for a bank transfer to allow for more.
JoeFu Posted May 16, 2008 Posted May 16, 2008 not many people on last night when I played... so I just resorted to meleeing people, and did pretty well
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