Bahamut Posted May 8, 2008 Posted May 8, 2008 I did indeed, sorry. Was talking about the spray importer. Not a prob, I was just very confused. So, those who PMed me & paypal'd me money, you've been added to the reserved slot list.
Bahamut Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 Bumping this up - again, if you want a slot, feel free to donate . Tonight I won't be on because of a going away party for a friend, but go ahead and go on the server at 9 EST if you like the settings, and it shouldn't take that long for the server to fill up.
Super-Duper Sombrero Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 I played on the server on Wednesday night. It was a very enjoyable experience, the server settings seem to be in order. As for the server itself, it seems very fast and reliable, my ping didn't go about 40 the whole time.
prophetik music Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 my ping was hanging around 150 or so, but that's likely because of crappy port settings at college. come june, i'll be on my own purchased intertube connection and will then be fine.
Dyne Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 If you guys haven't been on the server yet, I'm here to tell you, YOU'RE MISSING OUT! I had a wild time last night, and I can't wait to play again. It's a lot of fun, there are a lot of great players on OCR and some that just randomly pop into the server. So please, if you haven't checked it out yet, do so! Trust me, you'll have a great time too!
OceansAndrew Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 having some issues converting them back from photoshop files into the proper file format. I think the main issue is that i don't have a single computer with both the game and photoshop on it; so it's hard to test.
SirChadlyOC Posted May 9, 2008 Posted May 9, 2008 If you guys haven't been on the server yet, I'm here to tell you, YOU'RE MISSING OUT! I had a wild time last night, and I can't wait to play again. It's a lot of fun, there are a lot of great players on OCR and some that just randomly pop into the server. So please, if you haven't checked it out yet, do so!Trust me, you'll have a great time too! I'd like to add that although there are many skilled players on the server, it's not cutthroat competitive like some other servers can be. So even if you're new to TF2 or are old and unskilled, we promise to be nice to you. In fact, we might even let you kill us once or twice!
DarkeSword Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 I'd like to add that although there are many skilled players on the server, it's not cutthroat competitive like some other servers can be. So even if you're new to TF2 or are old and unskilled, we promise to be nice to you. In fact, we might even let you kill us once or twice! Yeah I can attest to that. I'm pretty noobish when it comes to TF2 and I'm having a ball (PYROOOOOooooo). Actually played a one-on-one game of Goldrush with Dyne today. Hilarity ensued. (i won btw)
prophetik music Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 pyro is retardedly fun to play. i LOVE it. but the heavy's comments are way more awesome.
Triad Orion Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 pyro is retardedly fun to play. i LOVE it. but the heavy's comments are way more awesome. I dunno, dude. The muffled shouts of various phrases from the Pyro is comedic gold, IMO. I can't wait to see what Valve does with that whenever they make a Meet the Pyro video. But yes, Pyros are very, very fun to play as, but I suck at it. Then again, I'm not great at the game anyways, so I pretty much suck as everyone.
Hyperion5182 Posted May 10, 2008 Posted May 10, 2008 pyro is retardedly fun to play. i LOVE it. but the heavy's comments are way more awesome. I like the pyro but i will like it more with the achievements. You see me on there its more likely i am a sniper engi or heavy at rare times a demo but only if indirect fire is required.
The Derrit Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 Question relating to this game (in a way): does anyone have any suggestions for cooling a laptop? TF2 works fine on my laptop here for a certain amount of time, and then it overheats to the point that framerate hits like single digits. Any quick fixes people know of?
Bleck Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 So someone needs to tell me how to join a server via IP. Also my handle on Steam related games is Count Bleck.
Bahamut Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 So someone needs to tell me how to join a server via IP. Also my handle on Steam related games is Count Bleck. When you click Find Games, click the Favorites tab, and Add Server IP or whatever that button says.
Brycepops Posted May 11, 2008 Posted May 11, 2008 Question relating to this game (in a way): does anyone have any suggestions for cooling a laptop? TF2 works fine on my laptop here for a certain amount of time, and then it overheats to the point that framerate hits like single digits. Any quick fixes people know of? You could either try cleaning out the air vents, or buy one of those laptop cooling pads.
Vivi22 Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 I can't wait to get on the server and actually play with you guys for once. I picked up some of the final components for my desktop today. Going to get a Power Supply tomorrow and grab my friends not so used mother board and processor (he's decided to stick a quad-core in his PC instead of the dual core he has and hasn't used much). Once it's up and running I'll finally have a PC that doesn't chug with TF2.
prophetik music Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Question relating to this game (in a way): does anyone have any suggestions for cooling a laptop? TF2 works fine on my laptop here for a certain amount of time, and then it overheats to the point that framerate hits like single digits. Any quick fixes people know of? chill pads do wonders, and they're like 20 bucks. beyond that? play in a well ventilated area (aka, not sitting on your lap).
Random Hajile Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 I'll get some more games in soon, It's finals week =X
Bahamut Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 So I got my ubersaw - what a cheapass weapon. 2 hits and BAM, uber tends to be ready from being partially charged. So, while we have a good bunch of regulars, we should have nights where more people try to show up than usual (at least to encourage the server getting filled up like the first night). Any candidates for day of the week for that to happen?
SirChadlyOC Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Good question. Last night's emptiness was kind of expected, because a lot of people expressed on the forums that Sunday nights were bad for them. Also, a lot of people are in the middle of finals weeks, etc., so I'd assume that the server will get more exposure throughout the next month. I'd guess that a certain day will seem more popular eventually after studying the server statistics. I couldn't really tell you personally because most evenings work for me. THOUGHT OF THE DAY: I'm currently ranked 3rd on the server, but everyone else ranked near me is beating the crap out of me in the server. I'm looking at YOU, Pyrion, with your two kills for every one death.
Sensai Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 I'm definitely adding the server to my favorites and will play with you guys a lot. I <3 me some TF2.
starla Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 I have 99 kills to 221 deaths #32 as of now. Recently the games haven't been too full, which can make maps like goldrush super fun... however as stated, having a lot of people like those first couple nights was a lot of fun. Maybe we should set certain days for playing, i.e. Tuesdays and Wednesdays?
Sensai Posted May 12, 2008 Posted May 12, 2008 Done and done. Subscribed to this thread and favorited the server. Next time I see some guys on (probably any number above 3) I'll join and there shall be fun and merriment abound.
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