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First few seconds: This is dance? 0:12: Oh. Yes it is. Breath of Fire is an awesome series, and this is a great remix. I love the synth! Sooooo liquid, soooo cool. The melody is used perfectly and the arrangment skills shown are impeccable. Gman, I have to give you major props for this.

As a side note, nothing but the main synth is really noticeable, but that's okay because the main synth 0w/Vz j00.


Okay, I've been hearing this ReMix as it was being constructed. I must say it still doesn't do justice to the original. It loses the feeling that I feel when I hear the original. The original just puts you in such a melancholy mood. Gman tries to do just the opposite, but I strongly believe that it just doesn't work. Gives me a really weird feeling listening to it. One part of me tries to feel up-beat and dancy, while another part tries to feel sad. Maybe that's due to my HUGE emotional attachment to Breath of Fire II music :)

One part I really do like, however, is the transition from 0:22 to 0:25. I must say that the arrangement itself is well done. There could have definitely been more usage of panning. Not a bad arrangement length-wise considering that the original is a solid 48 seconds.

Well, this reminds me of FFMusicDJ's Alan & Cerl Breath of Fire ReMix. Puts me in that same weird mood. Enough said.


Gman -> a year in the making huh? wowwie. Start! <songplayed> some cool elements being shown off, but .. there are some serious volume issues for me, maybe its my headphones, ontop of that, the sounds used in general could use an upgrade. Sorry Gman, while this mix is alright, its not as good as some of the other mixes that have gotten Denied. But a year in the making? Wow. thats certainly a big effort, and i applaud that.

0:01 - Hm.. interesting.

0:10 - Cool effects here, alright, were in. first of note is the beat, it fits the mood fairly well, but the sounds used could use a BIG upgrade. and the synth's aswell, could use upgrading, big time.

0:40 - Almost ear piercing here, too high up in pitch.

1:18 - Cool synth work here, diggin' it. but still, the quality could really use a huge upgrade.

1:48 - Love the stop there. But you should've came in even stronger. beyond that, your in the final end of the song, and all your doing is repeating the first part for the most part, and its suffering from getting old, you switch up SOME stuff, but not nearly enough. and while the lead and melody are pretty good, and don't easily get dull, they are starting too.

2:30 - Okay, some changes, that help a bit.. And the ending is okay, i mean it works.. but thats about it...


Thanks alot guys....

Ayear in the making...a year of WAITING. NOT making..more like 3 hours TOPS! Oh well..I guess DJP just put it the wrong way :P The good thing is that I like it and many others like it..So, its fine by me.

Well, this reminds me of FFMusicDJ's Alan & Cerl Breath of Fire ReMix. Puts me in that same weird mood. Enough said.

Good...cause thats what I wanted..I didn't want to keep the emotion, you must DANCE! not cry :P I'm a big fan of FFmusics DJ's BoF song... Its like sad...cry BOOM IN YOUR FACE! I guess its just not your cup of tea.. Like your stuff is to me..

I repeat: NOT a year in the making.



I never played breath of fire or anything, but I have no idea why this took so long to get here. I think this song is great! You did very well with the melody and such. I donno, I'm not a "uber" critique, but I really like what you did. Keep it up man, if you could do this in 3 hrs.. well, you have the world world to conquer.



This is a great little dance piece; I've not heard the original, but you've got a good dancey groove going.

As I am often inclined to say: SOLID™!

The only things I can say are that I would have liked a bit more delay or reverb to give this piece some "depth," and the snare at the very end sounds a bit too acoustic for a dance song.

Otherwise, great job GMan.


Don't be so close-minded. :x

Not all songs with "Dance" in the title are dance, and therefore "bad". Download Gman's mix, then pass judgement.

Very solid dance... *glares at Emperor* It seems a little top-heavy; I would have liked a stronger bass. Definitely no lack of technical ability. See, when the mid comes in at 2:31, that makes it more balanced. The original seems to have been a very nice melody; never played through BoF2, so I wouldn't know.

Nice work! :nicework:

Discuss what's in the link somewhere else. PM me, if you feel it necessary. I just felt like griping at Emperor...


I remember i downloaded this remix somewhere LONG ago when i saw in posted in the forums (i might have to check the created date on this comp... heh)

Anyway... if you're refusing to even download it just cause it's call "youmustdance", then don't bother comment on it.

  • 8 months later...

This is T3H PWNZ.

0:00 - Nice.

0:12 - Gettin' started...

0:22 - Excellent tuning there.

0:39 - Sounds like a synth duet. Cool.

1:20 - Perfect! I love this part!

1:48 - A pause??? In a DANCE mix??? What am I supposed to do, just STAND there???? [heh, just kidding! this is nicely placed.]

1:49+ - Climactic, sounds like multiple synths, and not just two.

Excellent mix, finely tuned, perfectly placed transitions. 95%.

  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...
which song on Bof is this remixing? Its not even remotely close to any of the ones.

Really good song though!

You Must live

It took me awhile to figure it out too til I replayed the game recently. its kinda vague but when you think about it the conclusion will definitly be drawn

  • 9 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure I like remixes telling me explicitly what to do, but i'll let it slide this time. However, I will not "work it" or "move it". I hope we can all agree to this compromise.

I think the mix needs a little more time to breathe a bit; the treble is relentless and really tires my ears out.

Otherwise this is pretty decent; synths are good and the beat is nice.

  • 6 years later...

Sound design-wise, a lot of cookies were cut. :lol: OA's comments about the treble being relentless were on point, and some more dynamic contrast through more textural changes (particularly variation with lead) would have made this better. Not my cup of tea, I'm afraid, so I'll stick with the original on this.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00932 - Breath of Fire II "You Must Dance"
  • 6 years later...

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