Theory of N Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 I remember about this time last year, we had a similar thread. It's my senior year in high school this time and I want a great senior prank to remember. Any ideas? Quote
Fishy Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Now THAT is an awesome thing to do. We had a guy dressed as a gorrilla chasing a guy dressed as a banana around our school in my last year. Quote
Z3120 Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Well, some senior pranks you don't want to do would be throwing practically loads, if not almost all of the books from the library onto the hallways in the school building. It sucks to those who had to clean up... Another prank I remembered was in quite a few classrooms there were chairs bolted to the top of the ceiling. The most memorable prank (I believe there's videos of this posted) was when there was a courtyard turned into a fishing pond. It was on a pretty massive scale. Quote
jmr Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Bigfoot said: I remember seeing a group of guys doing that at my university 2 years ago... except with several ghosts chasing pac-man, all taking different paths throughout the library. Quote
Dark_T_Zeratul Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Get three pigs. Put signs on them numbering "1," "2," and "4." Set them free in the halls and see how long they search for number 3. Quote
TheRedBob Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Yesterday in a city not too far from where I live, 30 strategically placed high school seniors released approximately eighteen thousand marbles into the halls during a passing period. All of them are have ISS until the end of school. But awesome. Quote
The Damned Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Sneaky. As for the videos, the Pac-Man one isn't really a prank. If anything, it's a performance. I don't see how any one could classify it as a prank in any way. (cue someone with a link to a dictionary site) The crosswalk one is a prank, and a well executed one at that. They had a good idea and the made it work. They planned it out, went with it, and the results were great. Cars backed up down the street, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. A crosswalk filled with people who had the right-of-way... brilliant. Quote
Chiwalker Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Dark_T_Zeratul said: Get three pigs. Put signs on them numbering "1," "2," and "4." Set them free in the halls and see how long they search for number 3. They did this at my school two years ago, but with chickens. A good one that was pretty clean was they filled Dean of Students office with balloons - completely. It reached half way up the ceiling, and they put condoms and fun stuff in some of the balloons, it was a very funny and clean prank. Not any nasty ass whipped cream on the floor or anything. Quote
Zombie Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Last year all of the seniors at my hight school got some heavy duty wire and used it to string together all of the lockers (except the senior lockers, of course) together. They also ran it across the hall making it impossible to get through it. It was awesome. Now I am a senior... hmm... Quote
Jarvi Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Last year someone posted a story about having like a key to the school and they had this crazy plan to move all the desks like into the Gym or something and all this crazy stuff, it was really funny. Anyone have it by any chance? Quote
Korb Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 I don't recall if this was during my senior year or if it was some other year, but they bought a bag (or two?) of ladybugs from a local greenhouse (yes, you can buy bags of ladybugs) and unleashed them in the halls. I never saw it since my later classes didn't make me walk through the carnage zone, but I hear it was rather crunchy underfoot there for the rest of the day. That might have been the same year they spread cooking oil on the floor of the cafeteria and a teacher slipped in it and broke a bone. I wouldn't recommend that one unless you like lawsuits. Quote
Adravis-Renn Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Doughnut box Doughnuts Envelope in bottom of box pic of dougnut around penis in envelope place in teachers lounge ?????? when teachers finish doughnuts many lulz Quote
Hausdog Posted April 1, 2008 Posted April 1, 2008 Well... it wouldn't be IMPOSSIBLE to identify the penis, so only do it if you don't mind getting caught. But eww. Quote
chrono26 Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 - get a cow on the second floor of the school (you cant get cows to go downstairs) - fish in the vents - porn on the announcments last year someone here showed a pic of there brother's prank. they got a couple dozen tires and stacked them up the flag poles and spay painted their year on it. it was pretty boss. no clue how they did it Quote
kitty Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 Mattress in the pool. When that sucker absorbs a shit ton of water, it'll be hell getting it outta there. Quote
entropicdecay Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 chrono26 said: -last year someone here showed a pic of there brother's prank. they got a couple dozen tires and stacked them up the flag poles and spay painted their year on it. it was pretty boss. no clue how they did it I think they knew someone who had a crane. Last year's senior prank involved filling the quad with those red partycups filled partway with water and replacing all the silverware in the cafeteria with chopsticks... which happened to be spaghetti day. Woe to the unlucky people who didn't know how to use them. Quote
OverCoat Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 My senior prank was for this teacher who liked Olivia a lot. We stole the Olivia doll that adorned her desk and replaced it with a note. And a slice of bacon. Couldn't really do anything very epic since my graduating class was only me and 5 other dudes, but good times were had. Quote
Alexis Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 Our senior prank was really graduation we all handed the principal a penny, so after all of us got our diplomas, he had approximately $5.40 in pennies in his pocket. Quote
The Pezman Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 I'm going to be a college senior next year, so I'd best think of something. Quote
TheSnowStorm Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 The seniors at my school were thinking of a sernior prank. Some of them were rejected. They included: *Fake murder scene in front of the school (With real police tape, body outlines, bullets and fake blood.) *Spread peanut butter on the V.P.'s truck and pour birdseed on the peanut butter *IcyHot on the freshmen girls' toilet seats. Quote
DrumUltimA Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 When i was a senior in high school we redecorated one wing to look like mario world. I'm not a senior, nor am I in high school, but I played a fun prank on my roommate. I took a bunch of tissues and some mayonnaise. I put small globs of mayo in the tissues, bunched them all up, put them in the microwave for like 5 secs, and spread them around his computer. I also put a tissue box there and an old empty bottle of KY personal lubricant. I then called him and awkwardly asked if I could use his computer. Then I left Quote
kitty Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 DrumUltimA said: When i was a senior in high school we redecorated one wing to look like mario world.I'm not a senior, nor am I in high school, but I played a fun prank on my roommate. I took a bunch of tissues and some mayonnaise. I put small globs of mayo in the tissues, bunched them all up, put them in the microwave for like 5 secs, and spread them around his computer. I also put a tissue box there and an old empty bottle of KY personal lubricant. I then called him and awkwardly asked if I could use his computer. Then I left I would freak out if you did that to me. And while we're on the topic of bodily fluids being placed in places where they don't belong...a similar prank could be to take feminine hygiene products and to make them appear used, place them strategically where desired. A lot grosser in my opinion...yuck. Quote
Hausdog Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 I forgot to mention what ours was. It was incredibly lame. They stuck a bunch of snuff cans to the "old gym" (there was an "old gym" that we only used to eat in and a "new gym" that we use as a gym) in the shape of 07. Then in the parking lot, they changed every number they could into 420. Now, the school just demolished the old gym, so what's the point? I mean, do something better than THAT. And 420? Extremely juvenile. Quote
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