m68030 Posted May 15, 2002 Posted May 15, 2002 Final Fantasy VI 'Death on the Snowfield' Yes yes yes yes. Shoot me in the head, because I'm gonna go insane. I love this remix. The lo-fi sounding drum line has a particularly warm sound to it, contrasting with the minimal and barren sounding guitar line. Just beautiful. Quote
*morningstar Posted June 19, 2002 Posted June 19, 2002 So good it almost makes me cry. Download it, right now. And if you have, do it again! It's worth it! Everything sounds so good and totally in tune, it's ear candy. All the elements mix together seamlessly, and you gotta love the electronic drum part in the middle of this so-sad-its-alomst-suicidal" orchestral mix. Its my favorite song on the whole damn webite. Quote
PerLichtman Posted June 19, 2002 Posted June 19, 2002 Yet another good reason to learn where Sweden is located. "En hel fräsch låt AMIEvil, en av mina absoluta favoriter." Quote
DragonFyre Posted June 19, 2002 Posted June 19, 2002 I LOVE this one. In fact, it's playing right now. It's amazing. The reverb, makes everything sound so real. Great. Or, as some might say, "Absolutely Spiffing!" 5/5 stars. Quote
Dustin Cooke Posted June 21, 2002 Posted June 21, 2002 Simply outstanding. Accustic guitar is one of my favorite instruments, so this song really hit home for me. Love the sad feel to it. Quote
Kailem Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 A very great remix. Like many of AmIEvil's other songs, this one seems like it belongs in a Movie. Pictures swirl in my head about death on a snowfield. The title is very fitting. Quote
BadmanX Posted July 15, 2002 Posted July 15, 2002 I was kind of leery of this tune because I'd heard Uematsu himself remix Terra's Theme on Final Fantasy Pray (Toki no Hourousha) and didn't think it could possibly be done better. Well, this may not be better, but it's just as good in a different way. To successfully remix, you must understand the piece, and AmIEvil certainly understands Terra's Theme - it's sad, it's lonely, it's tragic. The techno beat in the middle is not overdone, and serves simply to drive the point home. Excellent remix. BadmanX "You've served your purpose. You may die now." - Liquid Snake, "Metal Gear Solid" The Dark Box - http://darkbox.pentagod.com Quote
Woffester Posted July 16, 2002 Posted July 16, 2002 All of these reviews seem to have forgotten the adjective desolate. This mix gives a feeling of desolation and astrangement (hope thats spelled right ) and in my opinion the title is indeed, fitting. Quote
EmptyMy Posted July 16, 2002 Posted July 16, 2002 Yet another good reason to learn where Sweden is located."En hel fräsch låt AMIEvil, en av mina absoluta favoriter." Is AmIEvil Swedish? Or did I miss your point completely? I love this remix. One of the best. Even though I've grown a bit tired of it by now. Quote
PerLichtman Posted July 16, 2002 Posted July 16, 2002 Okay, first of I'll respond to Woffester's post by saying that his spelling is more logical than the traditional spelling of "estrangement." Second, you got my point perfectly EmptyMy, AmiEvil is Swedish just like me. Well, not exactly like me since I can with equal validity claim to be Swedish or American based on lineage and where I've spent my life but you get the point Quote
Species8472 Posted July 23, 2002 Posted July 23, 2002 Quite possibly the BEST slow remix ever. Wait a minute!!!! Its listed under Final Fantasy 6, but in DJP's comments its listed under Final Fantasy 3. So which is it? Quote
CaptainSyrup Posted July 23, 2002 Posted July 23, 2002 It's really from Final Fantasy 6, but SNES FF6 was renamed FF3 in America since the real FF2, 3 and 5 were never translated and released (at least until PS1 Anthologies). Oh, and the remix? Perfect. Quote
playingtokrush Posted July 24, 2002 Posted July 24, 2002 I have a broken neck thanks to that song. It's that good. Quote
Nordamerikanischegestreif Posted July 27, 2002 Posted July 27, 2002 Anyone who doesn't like this deserves to be shot. Not that anyone here doesn't like it, though. Easily my favorite AmIEvil song. Very easily. Quote
dragonrider13 Posted July 31, 2002 Posted July 31, 2002 First off, I love this track! Just like I love all the other remixes by AmIEvil! AmIEvil is quickly becoming one of my favorite mixers on OCR. But there's this one part in the track that drives me nuts: At around 2'22, the song breaks off from the melody and I swear, it reminds me of a track from Skies of Arcadia everytime! I can't remember the song's title, or where I heard it, but I want to say it sounds like Ramirez's theme. Anyone who's played this awesome RPG knows what I'm talking about. Maybe you can think of the name of the BGM it reminds you of? Quote
Old Omen Posted July 31, 2002 Posted July 31, 2002 Look at it this way... Does anyone NOT like Death on the Snowfield? Quote
Psycrow Posted August 1, 2002 Posted August 1, 2002 Death on the snowfiled sucks. Death on the snowfiELd, however, rules. Quote
TheWired Posted August 7, 2002 Posted August 7, 2002 The sounds from AmIEvil come out as a creepy sort of mix from my all-time favorite final fantasy song, the snowfield song from the beggining of Final fantasy 6 (its theme). The very very soft mix played in piano and accoustics come out as one of the most amazing tracks, and most unexpected ones too. This music would fit well if Final fantasy was a resident evil type of game, but on its own, it stands up to a lot, its got some neat sounds, and some of the purest sounds you can find in music. AmIEvil deserves a lot of honor for this song, because it relives one of the best songs in a completely different genre. Quote
Veovis Posted September 6, 2002 Posted September 6, 2002 When I first bought FF3 for the SNES and saw the intro, it became one of my most favorite FF tracks ever. That being said, it would be hard to top it in a ReMix, but for AmIEviL, that is easy. This ReMix is awesome!! I can actually invision Terra, Biggs, and Wedge walking toward Narshe. It has a quiet and warm feel to it, but you can also feel in this track, and that's what seperates beginners from Masters. 5/5 Quote
Eden Posted September 15, 2002 Posted September 15, 2002 This remix is the kind of music you turn on when you're unable to sleep. It's dreamy, warm, soothing, and it takes you away. One of the best remixes around in my book... I can listen to it for hours. I actually found the intro first, as the preview music for Final Fighting Fantasy, and have searched desperately for the whole song. And the rest is just as beautiful as the intense, clear piano in the beginning. I love this piece of work. Quote
Landon Posted October 7, 2002 Posted October 7, 2002 All those who stand before 'Death on the Snowfield' shall perish in it's wake. Hands down the best remix on the site, and that's not just the drugs talking. It has a beautiful acoustic part to start it off, with a background piano part, then it comes in with a... hmm, what is that? kind of sounds like a flute. Not sure, but it's cool. It's all good. Get it. Right now. Haven't gotten it yet? WHY ARE YOU STILL READING!? GET IT RIGHT NOW! 10 out of 10!!!!! Quote
LiLoLaZyGaMeR Posted December 6, 2002 Posted December 6, 2002 i luv this shit. makes me wanna cry MUST D/L Quote
MegaManFan Posted January 25, 2003 Posted January 25, 2003 When I was home for a vacation, I started downloading music on my mother's computer and I played this for her. "What's that?" she said. "It's the theme for a video game I like, rearranged." "Wow," said she, "I didn't know the music in games was that good now." It was then I remembered her last experience with video games had probably been playing Pac-Man against me, which has about 6-8 seconds of music at the beginning when you hit one player or two player, and that's about it. So I looked at her and smiled, and said "Yes they are." Maybe she didn't realize what was so special about this song was the way AmIEvil arranged it, but for that moment it didn't matter. I was happy that this song set the standard. In that single moment my mom went from Pac-Man to Final Fantasy, and AmIEvil was there. The highest compliment I can pay this song is simply this - there's no better way to reintroduce my mother to video games than this. Quote
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