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I'm in the minority here, but I liked Sonic and the Secret Rings, the first sonic riders, Sonic Heroes, the advance games I played, both rushes, pretty much every sonic game I played. That includes Shadow the hedgehog. I dunno why, but I can still get into them. That's why I'm not personally worried about Sonic Unleashed. I'll like it even if it's crap.

You're not alone dude. My views almost completely mirror yours. Heck, there were parts about Sonic 360 that I really liked. Its too bad it was all chocked to death by horrible gameplay design choices.

Dude how can you say that Sonic Heroes is junk?

I mean really. Your telling me that you didn't like anything about the game. I'm not saying that its a Zelda Ocarina of Time, but the game was good.

It's not junk bro.

Than again thats my opinion.

When a game suffers from so many camera and collision detection issues like Sonic Heroes does, it basically ruins all of the good points. It had a lot of potential, but none of that was fully realized thanks to the the utter shoddiness of the production.

I mean this is SONIC THE HEDGEHOG we're talking about. Sonic was Mario's one true rival back in the day, and Sega's flagship character. Like Mario, Sonic should have represented a superior level of quality and polish in each new iteration. Mario's 3D adventures were continually honed from Mario 64 through Sunshine and culminated in the brilliant Galaxy. Sonic had a hit in Adventure 1+2, but then suffered with Heroes' shoddy production values and culminated in the horrifyingly broken Sonic '06. Let's not even get into what a poor decision Shadow the Hedgehog was.

If you enjoy crappy games, then fine; a lot of people play and enjoy crappy games. But please don't think for a second that Sonic Team has actually been doing a good job with the series. They've been slowly and steadily running it into the ground since Sonic Adventure 2. The only saving graces have been the DIMPS developed Advance and Rush games.


As I see it, we've been promised "innovation" and the promise that "THIS" game will be the one to fix the series for 5 years now. That promise sortof loses its value after so many letdowns.

As I see it, the primary problem is games getting rushed out without adequate post-production. I mean, hell, just playing through Sonic Next the word rush is written all over what could be a really great game, in fact, I wish they would've patched it up and sent the patch over XBL or something.

Every Sonic game that gets announced for some reason has to be released THAT Xmas. I think it's SEGA corporate policy, and I don't think it is compensating for the fact that good games take longer to make in this day in age. I mean, look at 90% of their IPs. It's like seeing the name SEGA attached to a game incites an aura of mediocrity.

When a game suffers from so many camera and collision detection issues like Sonic Heroes does, it basically ruins all of the good points. It had a lot of potential, but none of that was fully realized thanks to the the utter shoddiness of the production.

OK dude something is obviously wrong with you. According to IGN Sonic Heroes got an 8/10 rating. You should read the reviews. Like I said its not a 10/10, but 8/10 is pretty darn good.

I only play good games by the way not crappy ones.



or maybe, just maybe, you should go play a good game, and then realize how lackluster and unpolished Sonic Heroes is, or if you are one of those forsaken "new wave" Sonic fan, you should go play Sonic 3K.

It can be a game breaker, not to mention, it's fun the first run through but then it loses it's replayability very fast due to repetitive game elements and a lack of diversity in design. It's not horrible, but it is certainly lowly enough to be considered a failure as a product.


Sonic Heroes wasn't exactly bad, but simply not worth $50 for what seems like a beta-copy of a Sonic game. Somewhere along the line after the Dreamcast, Sega said 'screw it' to quality control.

Also, Heroes makes Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 look like masterpieces in comparison. Actually, Sonic Adventure series were pretty good when you weren't climbing buildings and digging emeralds out of them.

or maybe, just maybe, you should go play a good game, and then realize how lackluster and unpolished Sonic Heroes is, or if you are one of those forsaken "new wave" Sonic fan, you should go play Sonic 3K.

Don't get me wrong there are a few games out there that I would prefer playing over Sonic Heroes. I could name some off the back of my head.

But like I said Sonic Heroes was a good game it wasn't an Incredible or an Outstanding game, but it was just that a good game.

Now I haven't played Sonic '06 and just about everyone says that the game blows. (Can't argue with the IGN Rating_ 4.8/10)

So maybe thats why most of you guys have lost confidence in Sonic Team, and I have to say that I'm not all crazy about Sonic turning into a hairy beast, but the game still looks like its going to be fun.

Yes, most of the new Mario adventure games has always been flawless, both graphically and technically, but I happened to like Sonic better than Mario. So that being the case just because Sega according to the ratings jacked up a few games like Sonic '06 & Shadow the Hedgehog, doesn't mean that Sega will never produce an incredible Sonic game. It may very well happen with this "Sonic Unleashed" I guess we'll just have to see.


I think some of us need to realize that these are opinions... They are neither right nor wrong, and, quite frankly, who cares what IGN rated the game at? I know people that hate Ocarina of Time, yet it held the title of best videogame for quite some time.

My point is, people have a right to dislike or even just express slightly negative thoughts about Sonic Heroes (or any other game for that matter) if they want for whatever reason they want, and same for liking it.

OK dude something is obviously wrong with you. According to IGN Sonic Heroes got an 8/10 rating. You should read the reviews. Like I said its not a 10/10, but 8/10 is pretty darn good.

I only play good games by the way not crappy ones.


Why would I have to read the review when I bought and played through nearly the entire game? Sonic Heroes is a game I was prepared to give every chance to prove itself because I was really hoping for a more polished experience after Adventure 2. I trudged through the entire thing waiting to be wowed. Never happened, not once. Instead I was constantly dealing with awful collision detection and a wonky camera. I mean come on, it was the THIRD 3D Sonic game. They should have figured that shit out by then.

It's one thing to say a game is good or bad based on the fundamental design. Some people call Megaman Battle Network a shitty series because they don't think Megaman should be an action RPG. That's out of line, because despite what people think of the genre, approach, and overall design of the game, the Battle Network games are solidly executed packages. They don't suffer from technical flaws. They're not shitty games.

Sonic Heroes suffers from technical flaws. It's glitchy and it's got a bad camera. The flaws interfere with the gameplay. Sonic Heroes had a lot of great design ideas that I was really excited about, but they were wasted because even after two 3D Sonic games, Sonic Team still wasn't able to figure out how to execute it properly.

OK dude something is obviously wrong with you. According to IGN Sonic Heroes got an 8/10 rating. You should read the reviews. Like I said its not a 10/10, but 8/10 is pretty darn good.

I only play good games by the way not crappy ones.


Well, shit. I was gonna form my OWN opinion about the game, but if IGN says so, it must be true.

I think some of us need to realize that these are opinions... They are neither right nor wrong...

Quoted for truth. This really is what it comes to. I think we can all agree that Sonic games don't have the mass appeal of Mario, Zelda, or Halo games. Who's fault is that? Who can say? It probably isn't anybodies' fault.

I'm still on the supporting side, but whatever.


Hell, Heroes was awesome. Some people probably don't know how to play it.

I have never had any real camera or collision issues with that game. Also the levels are a bit larger and have a bit more leeway in terms of multiple routes and such.

The three things I don't like are the following:

1. Fly formation is a bit glitchy

2. It's easy to fall off the rails

3. Incessant chatter from the other characters gets old after a while and it's not easy to disable.

I don't see the controls as bad so much as different, and the camera has, again, never failed me.

It was the best $2.50 US I've ever spent. (This is the PC version -- it's possible that some bugs were fixed for its release.)

This game looks cool. If they don't rush it to the market (my main fear, either that or Renderware will screw it over like the PS2 version of Heroes).

Also, I want me some Rondo of Blood-styled Lypuston action. (Seriously, that boss just oozes Sonic-ness.)

Quoted for truth. This really is what it comes to. I think we can all agree that Sonic games don't have the mass appeal of Mario, Zelda, or Halo games.

Oh, but they do. After years of shitty games and apparent irrelevance Sonic games still manage to draw attention.

All it would take is a couple games that are truly great instead of ranging from "godawful" to "slightly above average" - and Sonic would be back with the best of them.

Oh, but they do. After years of shitty games and apparent irrelevance Sonic games still manage to draw attention.

All it would take is a couple games that are truly great instead of ranging from "godawful" to "slightly above average" - and Sonic would be back with the best of them.

There's a difference between game appeal, and mascot appeal. Sonic has great skill in the later.


I'm still waiting to buy another sonic game since the classics (though I played through Adventure on a friend's Dreamcast and thoroughly enjoyed Sonic R on PC). I also enjoyed the first Sonic Advance quite a lot. So they haven't been ALL misses, for sure.

A question, since we're sort of on the topic - I've never played either Rush game and I've heard so many great things, so - which should I get? Rush or Rush Adventure? I've heard they aren't directly connected and Adventure is overall a better game, but do I really have to play Rush first?

There's a difference between game appeal, and mascot appeal. Sonic has great skill in the later.

This is very true. Though I'm pretty sure Vaiyt is right; due to his mascot appeal, I'm pretty sure a couple of great titles will bring his game appeal back very quickly. I mean, it's evident by the amount of discussion going on about the next title in the series indicates that people *want* that game appeal back. I think Vaiyt's pretty right on in that it'll take one or two truly great titles to bring him back from the brink. BioWare's title could very well be one, and if Sonic Unleashed isn't a suck-fest either, his game appeal could very well return.

That being said, I'd really rather see a different developer other than Sonic Team try to make the 3-D titles. Personally, I would love to see Miyamoto take on the series. Though it may sound weird, if anyone could successfully reinvent Sonic, it'd likely be him.

This is very true. Though I'm pretty sure Vaiyt is right; due to his mascot appeal, I'm pretty sure a couple of great titles will bring his game appeal back very quickly. I mean, it's evident by the amount of discussion going on about the next title in the series indicates that people *want* that game appeal back. I think Vaiyt's pretty right on in that it'll take one or two truly great titles to bring him back from the brink. BioWare's title could very well be one, and if Sonic Unleashed isn't a suck-fest either, his game appeal could very well return.

That being said, I'd really rather see a different developer other than Sonic Team try to make the 3-D titles. Personally, I would love to see Miyamoto take on the series. Though it may sound weird, if anyone could successfully reinvent Sonic, it'd likely be him.

True, what Miyamoto did with Super Mario Galaxy was simply incredible. I can only imagine something nuts like that in the Sonic universe.


Successful enough that fans were clamoring for a sequel for years. They recently got it, but its reception didn't appear to be particularly well lauded. Reviews for the game seem to be about "average," so on that front you could make the argument that *after* the Sonic Adventure series, they probably haven't made a successful 3-D adventure.

Successful enough that fans were clamoring for a sequel for years. They recently got it, but its reception didn't appear to be particularly well lauded. Reviews for the game seem to be about "average," so on that front you could make the argument that *after* the Sonic Adventure series, they probably haven't made a successful 3-D adventure.

This is true in my case. After playing SA1 I definitely looked forward to a sequel, I think I loved how you could roam around in a Adventure Park.

Which is what I really missed in SA2.

Great series yes, Successful series. Not quite, but I think with this "Sonic Unleashed" their finally gonna get there. Hopefully.

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