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Sonic Heroes had some cool level themes and background music, but the game play was too sloppy (they went to far with the multiple character thing). I was disappointed by it, although some fun can be had out of it.

I quit buying Sonic games after that. But I have the Sonic Mega Collection and that thing is a ball of awesome.


A new character? Other than the werewolf Sonic? Let's see...we've had an emo hedgehog, a female cat that sounds like a textbook barbie (sans MariovsSonic olympic games) and an Aussie Racoon that sails the seas....


Really, what's next, a pair of lovestruck European Hippos?

Wikipedia is saying Sonic Unleashed will feature, guess what, a new character.

Any new info?

It's probably to the degree of Shahra. As in, you know, unimportant and non-reoccuring.

The RPG will probably be far better than this, but as usual, will most likely be overlooked because it's on a handheld.

And you would be who?

It dosen't matter who I am. If the atma guy keeps talking like that, trust me one of the moderators is going to block him sooner or later. Period.

How about you leave the moderating to the moderators? :|

There is a such thing called "heads up" you know like "Watch Out! Your heading over that cliff."

But hey I'll take that admonition.

It dosen't matter who I am. If the atma guy keeps talking like that, trust me one of the moderators is going to block him sooner or later. Period.

Not at all actually.

Believe it or not, people are entitled to their opinions.

Not at all actually.

Believe it or not, people are entitled to their opinions.

I know that people are entitled to their own opinions thats not the problem, the problem is actually this.

Wikipedia is saying Sonic Unleashed will feature, guess what, a new character.

Any new info?

Now the guy is just stating information and than asks a question. Now tell me would you want a answer like this.

why the nutsack do you even care

I don't think so. :|

I know that people are entitled to their own opinions thats not the problem, the problem is actually this.

Now the guy is just stating information and than asks a question. Now tell me would you want a answer like this.

I don't think so. :|

Heh, you have a lot to learn.


Looks like this game isn't following the other two previous sonic games. ('06 and Secret Rings which virtually everyone claims sucked.)


Sonic Unleashed reboots series, ignores last two games

Since Sonic Team calls it a "SA3" and out of all the 3D sonic games, SA1 and SA2 seems to be the best rated, including the press ratings. Gameplay will also be similar to the handling controls of SA1, but with far better graphics.

It's taken them about 3 years to make it; compared to '06 which only took them a year and a half to make.

But who knows it could turn out to be another '06, its looking pretty good right now though.

More to come according to Yoshihisa Hashimoto.

Link: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=186523


Is it just me or is everyone missing the biggest problem that's already easily seen? In several parts of the side scrolling gameplay, the camera is almost perfectly profile, and in these sections it's nearly impossible to get an idea of what's coming up ahead. I'm really hoping this won't lead to stupid sudden deaths from falling.

Asides from that, so far the game looks good, because, for one, there's no damn enemies that take more than a single hit to take care of. (Not that they've shown any enemies beyond the ones that get blasted away as sonic speeds through them with the camera behind him, so help me God if these segments play anything like the SUPER SPEED sections of 06...

I wish sega would just can the idea of werewolf sonic, but it won't happen, they need their damn gimmick.

Sonic The Hedgehog was the first game I ever played, way back in 1991, and I've played every sonic game released since that time. If Sega will actually keep the Sonic rush gameplay decently intact, I'll be a happy child again.

Looks like this game isn't following the other two previous sonic games. ('06 and Secret Rings which virtually everyone claims sucked.)

Secret Rings was the most critically acclaimed 3-D Sonic game since SA2B. Is that saying much? That's up to you.

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