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I like it. Anyone who can remix Star Ocean definently garners my respect. Speaking of which, this is the same man that remixed 'Acoustic Fireworks'. I highly recommend that you check it out if you already haven't. A delicious remix, if I do say so myself.


Very nice...melodic...and he captures the emotion of the music almost perfectly, if not perfectly already..Great work..and acoustic fireworks was a Very good peice of work as well. in my own opinion.



Btw, in case anyone else sees a 'bug' saying the song is 23:57, it's not. It's just under 3 minutes.

Anyways, SO really never was a game I could get into, but that doesn't mean it was terrible. It's a great game, with a nice action-rpg battle system. The music also was VERY excellent, and a big kudos to remixing this. Also, I really like how much it stuck to the source material. On this site, you'd practically expect a techno version of Rena's theme, huh? :lol:


Another calm ReMix, stirring feelings of the heart. The sweet nature of the instruments with the soft drums looping quietly in the background, with how he kept enough of the melody of the song to make it recognizable just put this in my playlist for life. The mood of this entire song is perfect for getting someone to relax, as well for keeping mothers happy. I give this song 5 kudo points, for lack of anything else to give.


Ahhh...A Calm Remix. I like this one, It reminds me of the Songs off the Star Ocean EX OST. What a song, What a song. I like this laid back feel. Where you KNOW what song it is. Nice arragement. Highly Recommended.(Typo?)


I cannot tell anyone how happy I was to see another Star Ocean 2 ReMix on this site!!! :D It is a very emotional piece that seems to fit Rena's personality near the beginning of the game.

My only request is that these two awesome ReMixers (Dale and EgM) maybe make another remix of a different track. There are so many to choose from in Star Ocean 2.

But again, a masterful piece of work. Well done.

EDIT: After reading the other reviews, I'll also say that all of EgM's other Mixes are superb as well. You've got the talent.


EgM? .. kay! start! <songplayed> Not bad. there were a few issues with volume, and some emotional issues.. but reguardless..it didn't quite make me cry out of joy. Either way, there are some things to check out here, especially if your a fan of the game, or if you like the slower, more-heart-felt pieces. Not the best ive heard, but far from the worst.

0:01 - Hm.. not a bad intro.. but i feel like we're sort've jumping into things here, a bit fast.. but .. it works.. those low hits sound really cool.

0:30 - Mmm.. this sounds great, I love how it feels.

1:00 - The Cymbals need more kick to them. As for the drums i actually Like how they're not that loud.

1:25 - Very pretty piano medly.

1:35 - The strings are overbearing on the piano line, the lead should always be able to be heard. and i can barely make it out.

2:03 - I love how you progressively add elements to the song.. taking it to a new level with each addition, But. this mix seems to wander a bit between "sad" and "happy" .. And while I appreciate the movement from each side, it feels like you werent sure which one to make it, though its probably just from the original, but either way, I would've appreciated more 'defined' sections of being sad and happy.. er... if that makes sense.

2:30 - The melody is fairly dynamic and does not get old easily.. Curious how the ending will come at this point.

2:40 - Okay, some problems here too. I love this fantastic lead-up to the actual ending few notes.. its great, it slows the vibe down enough for closing.. but then..when you get to the actual last few seconds..you just end it, and the song sort've falls on itself, this part feels rushed, and i think far better, more meaningful work could've been done.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Great stuff! I'm so overjoyed to see another Star Ocean mix on OC'd Remix. Nothing beats Sakurabas Theme of RENA (Arranged), but this one comes close, quite a feat considering that most of Sakuraba's work seems very hard to mix.

I'd like to see more SO2 mixed, the boss battle theme would make a great mix because there's so much stuff you can do with it. Please do more Star Ocean 2!

  • 5 months later...

I found this mix to be beautiful.. hits the kind of notes that make your spine tingle. When I first heard it, I thought I recognized it, even though I've never played Star Ocean, and I finally figured out that's because it sounds a lot like the Death Theme from Valkyrie Profile, another gem of Enix which isn't yet featured on OC. I'll bet you could do quite a number with that theme as well ;)


Dig it. Very good remix of a song I already liked. Smooth all the way through, starts out a little strong but the ending is complete.

  • 2 years later...

one of my fav mixes on the site top 10 or 15 easy for me. This whole mix is my style and my bag of chips.

This is def one of the best source tunes out there in my opinion and EgM sure made the most of it and found a way to give all the various melodies and harmonies lots of emotion and time to shine. This is one of those tracks I keep on replay.

  • 7 months later...

Sorry about this, but I personally think this felt like a poor man's "Rena Lanford of Arlia Village."

That said, there needs to be more remixes for Star Ocean: The Second Story. I feel that the gameplay overall is inferior to TTEOT, but the music was a heck of a lot better.

  • 1 year later...
  • 4 years later...

Though I've played and beaten SO:2. Great game, figured I'd give this a listen.

Nicely done mix of Rena's theme. Adds some drama and some bombast to the theme, and delicate bits around it.

For a mix from '03, tis not bad at all. Still holds up well to the test of time.

  • 2 years later...

All I have is Iphone speakers, but this still sounds nice. It makes me imagine a prince sneaking out of his castle at night to abandon a life of seclusion and corruption.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00933 - Star Ocean: The Second Story "Ocean of Tears"

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