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You know, i've been a diehard DJ Crono fan since Eres Des Points.

And man, when I saw there was a new DJ Crono song, I was ecstatic.

Unfortunately, i couldn't be more dissapointed. The rapping is really good, yes, but everything seems way below the other songs. This isn't a personal stab at Crono personally, as I really dig his tunage, but man....

The balance is way out of whack in many parts, and sometimes the drums, while done well, just simply do not fit. The synth guitar (or whatever it is) is mad out of place, and the chorus vocals don't mesh well at all. The piano parts sound....wrong. Not referring to notes or chord structure, but in style.

Overall, the song sounds...forced. The other three DJ Crono songs are classics in my mind, and this sounds like...a first effort, almost. Well, that's my take on it, and trust me when I say, Mr. Crono that it is nothing against you, but I know you're better than this. If the rapping remained and the production was redone, i'd be much happier with it.


Well, that's my take on it, and trust me when I say, Mr. Crono that it is nothing against you, but I know you're better than this. -SM

Thank you. I'm happy you think I'm better than this last song, as I'm sure I am. I feel myself constantly improving. This song was a dip in "panning" SysteManiac. Most of the instruments I panned from one side to the next, then middled them. The piano, dulcimer, guitar (real), synth, and other various sounds. I put just as much heart into this song as the other three, let me asure you. I'm not out here making a worse song to dissapoint people. I make every song with precision and care, never a "first-try", trust me. I have many people go over it, and carefully analyze the song b4 even submitting it. I do however enjoy your view, and am grateful people will speak their mind, not just say "hot air" all the time. Thanks again everyone.

~DJ Crono "Jovette Rivera"~

PS. Look for newest mix at Anime Remix SOON!! This means you enblink :wink:


I gotta agree with SysteManiac. I liked all of Crono's stuff before this, and his vocal delivery here is top-notch, but this remix sounds a little thin. Where's the bass? The song needs bass, plain and simple. Hip-hop isn't hip-hop without some deep, pounding bass. I mean try to imagine Eres Des Points without bass. It would sound completely empty.

I love the idea, and the rapping is impeccable, but I'm getting treble overdose here.


I agree with what is being said thus far, sounds like it was forced, or tried too hard or something.

anyways ill just paste what i said before

Im listening to your new mix crono. Your hiphop is so original man. I love it. I cant wait for more of your work. THis mix isnt as good as your wild arms, but still damn good. My only complaint is the scratches get on my nerves and i cant really understand most the vocals. Other than that its great.

Another excellent mix man.


Now, i also want to say, that the piano at first is good later, but as the intro it sounds.... iffy.

I think maybe if you slowed the tempo like by 5 or so it could actually open things up, though that would mean redoing the vocals yeah.

Just my opinion.

Great mix, but could be a lot better.

Though i do like this one better than your current one at anime remix.

Anyways, i've got a hiphop mix in the works, which i started after hearing yours, you reminded me that i really like making hiphop.

I "may" put voc's in it but its unlikely. If you want to check it out ask, i know its rare to hear hiphop around here.

YOU KICK SO MUCH ASS. My second favorite remixer and you made my second favorite song. I know second isnt first, but out of the like gajillion mixes here, thats damn good. And i prefer orch, industrial, and fast trance/techno stuff far over hiphop and you still secured a second place on my fav list. Way to go man.

Listening to your songs i know it takes a lot of work, i wish there were a way for your stuff to be produced quicker, i cant get enough.

Sorry this is so long, but this is the last thing...

In your next song, please do not do your usual "Dj Crono" pimping yourself out during your mix. While its cool to do, it does get old.

Sorry this wasnt the best review ever, but hopefully you dont take it too badly.


I have to say that I enjoy this mix to no end. In the past Crono's mixes have been kind of a guilty pleasure of mine.

His style of music is not one of my favorites, in fact, usually I abhor the genre mixing of rap/hiphop/etc that he manages to bring about. I enjoy his mixes, but at the same time I always feel a little... weird listening to them. I'm not really sure why.

But back to the review. The thing that I really like about this mix is the "emptiness" that he uses here. The original piece of music is an empty piece as well. Creepy, horrific yet emotionally full, the kind of fullness that helps you to survive the horrors of Transylvania. The solo instruments begin well, capturing that eerie feel of the song, then the unoppressive back beat comes in, adding to the darkness. Then the rapping comes in.

Comparing this to his other mixes, it's good to see that Crono can pull out a good combination of sounds and ideas that don't have that sweeping breathlessness of overpowering sound that his other mixes posess, like his Wizard and Warriors mix. In his WW, everything comes in slowly, but they build to a breaking point that always makes me lean back a little, as though I had just been pushed from 0 to 60 in two seconds.

But this one progresses slowly and smoothly. It's far more relaxing and mellow, yet still cool enough for me to get into.

I hope that all made sense. Crono, can you do better? Probably. But that still doesn't mean that this one is sub par. Far from it. If anything it's proof that you can handle other styles in the same genre. Congratulations on another great mix.

I only wish that I had the lyrics...


Heh, I said I wasn't gonna post much for a while, where here is an exception. Great mix!

DJ Crono has stunned me again with the awesome use of vocals, the beautiful use of the ever changing but steady rhythm, and even though he uses some basic synths and pads, he knows where to place his samples beautifully. I never get sick of DJ Crono's music, because I always pick something new out that I hadn't noticed before everytime I hear his pieces, and this song is no exception!

This song was a perfect song for DJ Crono to do, he probably saw the opportunity in this song, smiled, and jumped on it right away.

Great job DJ Crono!

~the other djc



The beat is pretty sick, nice and clean and pretty saucy,

I like how the piano takes command, it's never off-key,

The horn is kinda cheesy but it works with the rest,

and the scratching you put in certainly passes the test,

with high honors, nice samples by the way,

but the golden shower line is borderline gay :P

speaking of your speaking, the voice was too low,

if you put some more compression you might sound like a pro,

overall this mix is fun to hear, but my ear,

is hurt by the fact that your voice is hard to hear,

like the improv, it was a great take on the theme,

dj crono? don't like the name, but I"m just blowing off steam! :twisted:

next time put more emphasis on your rhyme,

and if you wanna battle, PM me with the date and time.



I liked this remix, but I've never really liked this song from cv2.

I feel DJ Crono gave the song a wild west + hip hop feel to it, with just a touch of spanish mood to it as well.

I'm still waiting for the one song that can beat his FFVI remix though :wink: I liked the way he remixed this song though, more than his wild arms and wizards remixes. Don't suppose we'll soon get a chance to see "Out of time" or "Wicked child" done by him. Or even better yet, a megamanx remix? :roll::D

Great work DJ Crono. Keep the excellent work up. :)


i gotta say that for the most part, this one didnt really float my boat... i did like the guitar synth thing that appeared about half way through...

i personally dont care to much for hip hop, unless a FULL drum kit is utilized, with fills & stuff, then it can be pretty cool, but when its just a looped beat with little variance, i tend to loose interest...

... that said, this was still a very well done piece...

but i think the biggest downfall is the original composition itself, because it dosent have much in the way of overall song structure (this is evident from vic viper's remix of the same song)...

my personal tastes weigh more towards vic's remix...


Mmmmmmmmmmm...... nostalgia.............

first comment; the synth "horn" is a little too..... obviously synthy..

but, the other musical samples are very nice, and I love the panning effects you got going there.

as long as you don't expect this to be a "professional rapper" piece, and expect an "overclocked remix", this piece is very badass. Even if it does seem quite "oldschool NES", it all works very well, assuming that is the original goal.

I think that the lyrics also sound very nice. kinda a counter-melody thing going on, and it just fits in very smoothly with the main melody.

Slick stuff DJ.

(PS: do you have the original lyrics posted anywhere for the enjoyment of the listeners :nicework: )


The part between 2:17 and 2:28 made my day, thanks: something about the melodic rapping tone and the over-the-top bending synth-guitarish tones in that section makes me smile every time. I easily imagine Simon's carriage as described by djpretzel, though the version in my head is also doing the shock-hop up and down in time to the beat.


dunno why, but there seems to be alot more negative reviews then i thought there should have been..... I really got entertained by this remix, i'm not sure if it's just because it's the 1st time i've been exposed to DJChrono's style. It doesn't get overly repetitive at any parts, and the tune itself is VERY true to the original Cv2 theme. Luv the drumbeats btw!

also the "horn solo" at 1:00 was very fun ! :o


I open up the OCR webpage, what do I see? A castlevania 2 remix. Happy is me. ReMixer? DJCrono? I go off the hook.

While I liked this remix, I believe this remix is like wine. I like, but didn't love. This song has played 5-6 times today, and I love it more with each hearing. This song is definitely a great remix that is gonna get a lot of air time at my gym. No shame in playing VG music when songs are this great. Keep it up, DJCrono!

BTW, Are you the one rapping?

Big fan,



I have been listening to this song again now, as i havent been home much today. This mix is a lot better than i gave it credit for. This shit is tight! I only hope one day i will be this good, though you sir will get far far better as your music is some of best ive heard.

Not one thing about this song bugged me today. Everything was like perfect and though some of the stuff i said before still stands i think it kinda works for it anyways. lol.

The dj crono thing though, its fine in this song, but i still think you should do a song or two without it. (my opinion)


I know at least some of these vocals are him (the higher sounding ones).

Are the lower ones you in a lower key? if so that makes this even more amazing that you did all the vocals. if its someone else thats just as kewl.

The dj crono thing though, its fine in this song, but i still think you should do a song or two without it. (my opinion)

Ah yes, the DJ Crono thing. Yeah, I'm working on songs right now that don't utilize my "DJ CRONO" shout =P

BTW, Are you the one rapping?

Big fan,


Indeed I am. Check out djpretzel's review.

The part between 2:17 and 2:28 made my day, thanks:

That's weird, I was thinking the same thing. At 2:20, he almost has a Mindless Self Indulgence vibe with the high falsetto in there. It was cool.

But overall, I'm not sure this song is my taste, because I guess it felt too empty to me (in terms of bass), and I'm not extremely fond of hip-hop.

Ah yes, the DJ Crono thing. Yeah, I'm working on songs right now that don't utilize my "DJ CRONO" shout =P

No way, man! It's all about the shoutout! Do eet!

8O Are you serious?! You like it? I got the impression nobody like it...... :? weird, I was wrong. I did for fun and props, but I was starting to think it was annoying people or something. Thanks :D

Ah yes, the DJ Crono thing. Yeah, I'm working on songs right now that don't utilize my "DJ CRONO" shout =P

No way, man! It's all about the shoutout! Do eet!

8O Are you serious?! You like it? I got the impression nobody like it...... :? weird, I was wrong. I did for fun and props, but I was starting to think it was annoying people or something. Thanks :D

Its not annoying and im sure more people like it than you realise. I love it, but anytime you hear anything too much it gets annoying.

Dj clue (whom you used as an example for this before) gets really tiresome hearing it after the fortieth time... though it is nice when you dont know dj clue did the beat for something and then all of a sudden "dj clue!" and your like oooooooh...

My point is, i like it, just dont over do it. A couple without would be kewl, or maybe just with your name into the rapping once or twice and that be that. lol, everyone knows a dj crono mix when they hear it even without the self promotion, lol.

Well, you know how to make you music outstanding so however you want to do it man.

The dj crono thing though, its fine in this song, but i still think you should do a song or two without it. (my opinion)

Ah yes, the DJ Crono thing. Yeah, I'm working on songs right now that don't utilize my "DJ CRONO" shout =P

BTW, Are you the one rapping?

Big fan,


Indeed I am. Check out djpretzel's review.

what about the deeper vocals? they sound like someone else, you too?


Oh yeah boyeee! DJ Crono in da hizz-ouse!

Once again, another triumph for DJ Crono. A great new take on an awesome song. I especially loved the part at around 2:21 which kind of reminded me of Jimmy Urine from MSI. I think the whole DJ Crono shout is great. Keep doin' whatcha' doin' big guy.


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