MechaFone Posted June 20, 2008 Posted June 20, 2008 So this week has been more of the same. Stripping and whatnot, which in itself isn't actually a whole lot of work unless we're pulling furniture out of rooms and back in. They had me on waxing duty, during which I discovered stand-up push-ups. One stands about three feet from the wall/doorframe, then leans in close, with your arms against your body like a push-up, and push. It's not as much work as a push-up on the floor, but I was actually able to concentrate on one-armed push-ups like this. My arms are rubber at this point. I'll be doing several sets of these per day from now on, or at least three times a week. Strength training for my arms has begun Quote
Steben Posted June 20, 2008 Author Posted June 20, 2008 Well, it's time for this week's checkins. Nada Yeah, I fail completely. I've been busy, and I spent what time I would have spent exercising, playing MGS4. Also, I need to find a working MP3 player... I really don't like running without having music. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 Oh man, I was just watching the olympic trials, and it got me really pumped up and excited. I think I'll be getting some pretty intense workouts over the next couple weeks. Quote
The Dennis Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 This week was EXACTLY the same as last week. Ate healthy except some stuff today with the family, and ran every day. I'm feeling really good about it! Even if I don't make my goals for the summer I'm definitely headed in the right direction! Quote
LuckyXIII Posted June 22, 2008 Posted June 22, 2008 Czech Inn This week was rather hit-or-miss. I exercised with no degree of regularity - hit the DDR pad only a couple of times and I don't think even touched the weights. It was the last week of classes and there's some...other stuff going on, but I've been careful about eating I seem to have gotten my metabolism going well since I started this whole thing and I've still lost weight. At the end of this week I'm down to 184 - a 17 lb. loss from the beginning. Overall I'm feeling pretty good. This week and next are free of class and I aim to get back on the bandwagon with vigor - shooting for a drop to 180 by Saturday. I'm really glad you started this, Steben. I'm not sure I would have had the same motivation to get in and stick with it. Quote
MechaFone Posted June 23, 2008 Posted June 23, 2008 I'm all over fail too, steben, no worries. This weekend has been total flop, asides from a little arm workouts earlier today and a decent sit-up workout yesterday, which I'm still feeling. Work has been good, but not really enough, as I think I stated before. Still, it's better than nothing, and pretty decent movement throughout the workday, so it's not like I'm sitting around, which is what I did most of the weekend. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted June 23, 2008 Posted June 23, 2008 Checking in: Much better this week compared to the other two. I walked more, packed a band room (like at least 150 boxes, with help of course), bike rode. Hopefully this week I can do a dry run tomorrow of my bike to work route, and start that offically Friday. Woot. Quote
The Derrit Posted June 23, 2008 Posted June 23, 2008 Hey, shecking in. There's not much to show that I haven't already put up, my workouts from this past week were the same as the ones from this week, with more weight in most cases. However, I have started doing sprints training with a group of high school and graduated kids who i've worked with in past summers these past couple weeks, which i think has helped me get back in more athletic shape, if you will. Quote
Katsurugi Posted June 23, 2008 Posted June 23, 2008 Oh man, I was just watching the olympic trials, and it got me really pumped up and excited.I think I'll be getting some pretty intense workouts over the next couple weeks. Yeah, Olympic trials! They are so good. I love rings, pommelhorse and uneven bars. I wish I had TV at school. ;_; In other news, I feel like garbage. I think last week, I didn't quite do as much as I could. I tried to set up an alternating schedule. The first would be weight heavy and no running, where the next would be a lot of running and little weights. I don't think that worked out for me too well. So starting today, I'll be running a mile every day for a warm up if I'm not going to be running 2+ miles. I think I've scaled back my running to 2.5 miles. Between all of the walking and standing around I do on the weekends, I just can't do that half mile more for an even 3. :\ Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted June 26, 2008 Posted June 26, 2008 Did a ton of rings strength today. Went in this morning and, having left my wrist braces at home, I couldn't do any tumbling, so I spent most of the two hours I was working out doing either trampoline or rings strength. Then did some more cross work in the evening, just before going home. Quote
Nohbody Posted June 26, 2008 Posted June 26, 2008 Haha, guys being poor has its advantages. No car, and getting a summer job in florida is about as easy as rubbing your belly and dividing by zero in your head at the same time, so I ended up with a job 10 miles from where I live. I bike there, regardless of weather, five days a week. So, 100 miles of biking a week. @dragon avenger: You'll know how I feel. Hey, dont do a dry run, just wing it the day of work, if you make a wrong turn, youll get an adrenaline rush from being late. On top of that I run a mile three days a week. I cant be bothered to get a gym membership, so its pushups and situps for me, 3 sets of 15 pushups and 3 sets of 25 situps 3 times a week. My goals: -be able to run 2 miles in under 12 minutes -do 45 pushups without collapsing. On a side note, they must be full pushups, arms fully extended, and chest on the ground. This is hard, trust me. -do 60 situps in a minute. Actually these aren't just my goals, they're the Army ROTC's as well. A $120,000 scholarship depends on me being able to do this by the end of the summer. At any rate, I've got my work cut out for me. So that said, does anyone have suggestions? They're welcome, as a lot depends on this. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted June 27, 2008 Posted June 27, 2008 Checking in early this week, since I'm leaving for the OCR meetup tonight and going from there straight to a weeklong gymnastics camp. Been a decent week. Slacked off a bit monday and tuesday, but worked pretty hard wednesday and thursday. I'll be spending all of next week at Woodward, a weeklong gymnastics camp in PA. All-day access to some of the best facilities in the world. It's gonna be awesome. I'll try to get some videos while I'm there. Quote
Steben Posted June 28, 2008 Author Posted June 28, 2008 Wow... it's been a crazy week for me personally... I'll have to attend to this later. Actually, I have a question... would it upset anyone if, since the competition is self-motivated anyway, I quit keeping up with check-ins and count on ya'll to do it yourselves? Frankly, while I normally spend a lot of time on the intertubes, some weeks like this past one are so busy that it's hard to rationalize spending a half-hour going through the thread and checking to make sure everyone's posted in the past week. The competition would continue for the summer, but I'll just count on everyone to be honest about their participation rather than keeping up the active/inactive list on the front page. While we're talking about this, I'm also curious. After the summer's over, perhaps we should make a new thread in Community? We could just call it OCR Fit, and it can be free-for-all talk on exercise and whatnot. People can check-in like they have this summer if they'd like, or they can just talk about health/diet/exercise and whatnot. Thoughts? Quote
Vivi22 Posted June 29, 2008 Posted June 29, 2008 I like the sound of an OCR fit thread in the community forum. Anyway, missed my check-in last week, but it would mostly be the same as this weeks anyway. This week I did some strength stuff on the playground, and ran today. Ever since I hurt my thumb and could only run I've had trouble being motivated to exercise at all (I hate running with a passion). But now that it's better and I hopped on the scale during the week to find that I gained back all the weight I lost prior to hurting my thumb, well, suffice it to say, I've found my motivation again. I don't like going backwards on my goal, so I'll be pounding the pavement with renewed determination once I get back in town on Tuesday. Quote
MechaFone Posted June 29, 2008 Posted June 29, 2008 While we're talking about this, I'm also curious. After the summer's over, perhaps we should make a new thread in Community? We could just call it OCR Fit, and it can be free-for-all talk on exercise and whatnot. People can check-in like they have this summer if they'd like, or they can just talk about health/diet/exercise and whatnot. Thoughts? It's kinda hectic here, too. Don't worry about keeping tabs on us, Steben, we're all consenting adults. That being said, you can count on me at least to keep checking in weekly. This is something that could save my life as well as just get me a little more healthy/fit. As for your second idea, I think it's a fine one. I mean, why stop at the end of summer? This can only help relations in OCR. Maybe at some point we can all meet up and have a Wii Fit competition or something, lol. But anyway, I'm all up for continuing this in Community. All opposed?..............all for? Aye. Quote
LuckyXIII Posted June 30, 2008 Posted June 30, 2008 Check, check; mic check. Holding steady at 180 - last week was nuts. Back on the DDR pad again this week and hittin' the weights. Quote
Katsurugi Posted June 30, 2008 Posted June 30, 2008 Today, I feel like garbage. The past couple of days have only given me about 4 hours of sleep a night. I would have been fully recharged had I not been called by someone at 8 in the morning. I think that maybe I could go to the gym, but I don't want to push myself too much. I also realize that not going would probably be very bad for me too... I guess some light exercise today will not kill me. Quote
Penfold Posted June 30, 2008 Posted June 30, 2008 Haha, guys being poor has its advantages. No car, and getting a summer job in florida is about as easy as rubbing your belly and dividing by zero in your head at the same time, so I ended up with a job 10 miles from where I live. I bike there, regardless of weather, five days a week. So, 100 miles of biking a week.@dragon avenger: You'll know how I feel. Hey, dont do a dry run, just wing it the day of work, if you make a wrong turn, youll get an adrenaline rush from being late. On top of that I run a mile three days a week. I cant be bothered to get a gym membership, so its pushups and situps for me, 3 sets of 15 pushups and 3 sets of 25 situps 3 times a week. My goals: -be able to run 2 miles in under 12 minutes -do 45 pushups without collapsing. On a side note, they must be full pushups, arms fully extended, and chest on the ground. This is hard, trust me. -do 60 situps in a minute. Actually these aren't just my goals, they're the Army ROTC's as well. A $120,000 scholarship depends on me being able to do this by the end of the summer. At any rate, I've got my work cut out for me. So that said, does anyone have suggestions? They're welcome, as a lot depends on this. If you wanna get your numbers up, do tabatas once a week. It honestly won't take long to get the pushup and situp numbers with proper training, but I personally think it'll take longer to get to the point of doing 2 consecutive 6-minute miles if you're not from a track/field background. Btw, on the bright side you have 2 hours to do the PFT within right? A little recovery between each goes a long way. I'm also assuming that's for a perfect score judging by the required run time, if it works the same way as USMC PFTs (the other bright side is that it's not quite as bad as a USMC PFT ). Also, If you can find a place that gives you access to the equipment you'll need (a lot of substitution can be done to keep the equipment even more minimal) and follow that system, it'll definitely help get the PFT score up. -- Anyway, I've gone down to every other day WODs in preparation for the STP. Did just over 100 miles on bike Saturday morning, legs still sore from the previous day's workout, and with breaks it took between 6.5 and 7 hrs...not terrible for a solo ride, but not quite my goal time (originally wanted 13 hours for the 202.4 miles, inlcuding breaks). Thanks to the winter-like weather we had going for a while, I didn't get the training rides in before like I wanted, but now it's officially summer in Seattle and I still have 9 more trainable days left before my pre-event recovery period. 13 hours is pretty unlikely at this point, but so long as I get at most 15 hrs I'll be happy. July 12th . Quote
DragonAvenger Posted June 30, 2008 Posted June 30, 2008 Checking in late, as per usual. Great week! Biked to and from work, walked, etc. Really felt good about this week. My butt, however, dislikes my bike seat. ALOT! Quote
Majin GeoDooD Posted July 1, 2008 Posted July 1, 2008 Gah.. I forgot to check in last week, and I'm checking in late again this week. Past two weeks have been alright, I've still been meeting my food intake goals, but I've only made it to the gym twice - haven't done anymore DDR. I'm gonna hit the gym 3 times this week for sure. I've also managed to hit a low weight at 218 a couple days ago, I'm around 220 right now. Gotta get off my ass! Quote
Global-Trance Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 Slow progress lately due to the fact that I'm now working, while being sick, and suffering from now frequent nosebleeds caused by a ton of smoke from the fires nearby. NO EXERCISE RECOMMENDED BY THE DOCTOR. D: Quote
Steben Posted July 3, 2008 Author Posted July 3, 2008 Well, I'm on vacation, but I managed to get out and jog Saturday and yesterday. I'll have to give it another go tomorrow as well, since I know I'm eating way more than usual... or at least worse. (mmm, fried seafood at restaurants, and potato chips and soda at the beach house...) Quote
MechaFone Posted July 3, 2008 Posted July 3, 2008 ...fried seafood? Steben? I'm jealous...I want fried calamari and jumbo grilled shrimp. So this week has been very little excercise. I was out Tuesday and I was painting floor baseboards yesterday, I literally sat on my ass for about three or four hours straight. Probably more. On a lighter note, I went for a speed walk this morning, probably went for two miles. Saw some deer at the pinacle of my walk, which was cool. I strayed pretty bad halfway through this summer schedule of ours. I stopped walking altogether and just relied on having work get me through, which was a really bad idea. So from now on, I think I'll be taking myself for a walk at least twice a day. Speed walking, of course. I think I'll do that for the rest of the summer, and then take up light jogging once it gets a little cooler. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted July 6, 2008 Posted July 6, 2008 Just got home from a week at Woodward gymnastics camp. It was AWESOME! Did heavy rings strength several times every day I was there (mostly worked in a spotting belt). My malteses have definitely gotten more solid (though still not as low as I'd like) Got a new dismount (double layout), as well as cleaning up my giants. Did a bunch of trampoline and tumbling as well -- I can now consistantly land a triple back on trampoline. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 Checking in: Last week was pretty good. Biked every day last week, even in the humidity. Didn't do much walking, as the biking's been more than enough for my tired self. Managed to get about a mile in Sunday. I've noticed my appetite's been increasing. I'll finish lunch and still be hungry I think I've lost a little weight, but I don't check frequently enough to know for sure. On a slightly related note, I donated blood on Saturday, which probably won't hamper me too much (so far I've biked to work today, though that's mostly downhill). Quote
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