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Saw this thread last night and watched the video. Was impressed indeed.

Loaded up Wired today to see you on Game|Life. So you're definitely getting the coverage, whether you initiated it or not. Well-deserved coverage, I might add.

I still hold that FFX-2's battle system was one of the finest ever created for a turn-based RPG and the soundtrack was still great, but otherwise I have a hard time arguing.

^Agreed -- the battle system was awesome. If only there was a way to learn certain skills a la FFV....

Oh, and congrats on all the coverage -- has it motivated you to start another video?


This was a well thought out and humerous presentation, that was much worth 10 minutes, and much worth watching multiple times. I love this and you will get an A.

My LOL List:

Companion Cube(Oh Portal, My Portal)

Knocked Up Picture

Hey look! I'm drawing pictures!

I don't have a picture of James Portnow.

Great movie, humerous in many different types of humor.


Oh yeah, that reminds me, I think you should explain the Companion Cube, or else just leave it out altogether.

The James Portnow gag is funny the first 2 or 3 times, but after that you might try improvising a different silly picture, like perhaps a port + now rebus of some sort.

71k views in a few weeks is solid, particularly for something 9 minutes long and aimed at a niche audience.

It's only been a few days. And it has an additional 10k views over at Gametrailers. This is all really cool.

Dan...you're totally failing me here.

That's "Professor Dan" to you. :<


Probably one of the best things I've seen/read regarding the issue. All the points were laid out very nicely and the images were used to illustrate rather than imitate. I don't think its completely fair to draw imitations to Yahtzee because you're both trying to accomplish something much different through similar measures, its like comparing Metroid Prime to Halo.

Anyway, well done chap.

I would really enjoy more presentations from you. Your obvious imitation of Yahtzee is not just forgivable, but made unique thanks to your voice modulation and alternation between seriousness and silly satire. A couple pictures that amused me were your "governator" and "It prints money". Good stuff my friend.

As a joke, this wasn't funny. As a serious criticism, it was unfounded and uncalled for. So, which was it?

Ah, so only polite criticism is tolerated on the interbutts, huh? I hadn't realized I had hurt Sephire's feelings.

In that case, let me E-L-A-B-O-R-A-T-E.

Even considering that I am a lifelong gamer by choice, having played them steadily since 1994, I found the TONE. and DELIVERY. of your dissertation to be quite a bore. It was fine for the first two minutes, sure; but by that mark your tone of voice cause me to stop paying attention and start wondering, as an audience member, what you were on about all this "artistic medium" jazz. I woke back up when you uttered the word "Ico," and you held my attention for the most part for the remainder, but if I were to simply not look at the edgy, cut-away imagery and concentrate solely on your delivery...


You tried really hard. And who knows, maybe your real voice would have made things much worse. Doesn't matter -- you have an issue with tone and delivery that shows a greenness to public speaking. Listeners pick up on this instantly when your tone and delivery start to waver in odd ways or your voice, all the sudden, starts to l o w e r i n p i t c h a n d b o g d o w n.

When YOU get tired of talking about something or explaining something, people are trained to start losing interest in paying attention.

A noble effort. With the video, it seems passable as a school video project. I'm sure you did fairly well in marks without having too many people spend the duration with their faces pointed elsewhere.

I, personally, thought it was boring.

That is all.

Now fuck off, JCvgluvr; I took time to pander to your smart ass.


At least you took the time to explain your views this time. That's admirable, at least.

Take a chill pill, and don't blow a gasket when someone reminds you to mind your manners. :|

Your first criticism was how the video was snore inducing. Yet its getting glowing recommendations from this topic, and its getting featured all over the fricking place! That's why I saw it as uncalled for. I guess you find funny, witty, eye-grabbing video presentations boring. Go figure.

Heck, I don't even really care either way, its just the internet...

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