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I hate FF7.

But I have decent mics, and as long as it's not too big a commitment, I'd be happy to record some stuff.

Ha. Nevermind for me, i have a shit mic. My Bad. Geoffrey. Whats to hate about FF7?


No worries about time or degree of acting experience. I'm playing Hojo and Dyne on this project, but since we're going through chronologically we actually haven't gotten to either of them yet. I have, however, already recorded lines for a noname character (the guy who sells Cloud the batteries to get up to Shinra HQ). I rehearsed them with Mesden on Ventrilo, and then recorded them in Audacity. All told it took me a half an hour. You'll also probably have a wide selection, since I believe the rule of thumb is that any noname character who the PCs appear to have an actual conversation with will be voiced.

Pop in to Mesden's Ventrilo server, hostname vent36.light-speed.com and port 5124. You can come on late because, unlike us normal people, Mesden lives across the country and is stuck three hours in the past.


I'll gladly lend my voice to this one. I'll find some time to pop into the vent channel and see what I can do. I have a somewhat-ok mic I suppose, but no real way to record it I dont think. I'd need some help being talked through that. However, I do have some good acting experience, for what it's worth.

Do they have someone for Don Corneo? Also I would love to join the project.

The auditions for all the named characters were a couple of weeks ago. There was a thread here, but there didn't seem to be a ton of interest. Leon K./Random Hajile got Barret, though.

However, like I said, anyone who's interested should get on his Ventrilo server.

Uhmm, does this mean sephiroth is taken?

Yes. By a guy who sounds damn close to George Newbern (American voice). That isn't to say we're sticking 100% to voices like the American voice actors, but in this case it definitely worked.

and what the hell is FF7 voice?

Check it out.


The Post Sound Editor we had appears to be holding some resentment towards me and doesn't want to talk about it. I have no idea what I said or what I did, but it appears that it's something I need to work on... I'm told I come off somewhat sarcastic, and that I'm not a very social person, so I'll try to work on that.

Anyways, we're in need of someone who has knowledge of editing WAV Files. This would include adjusting the Audio Levels so they're all in-sync, removing background noise, breathing on the microphohne, adding different kinds of effects to the voices, etc.

If anyone would like to get involved in this aspect of the project, please respond here as soon as possible. Thank you kindly. :)

Yes. By a guy who sounds damn close to George Newbern (American voice). That isn't to say we're sticking 100% to voices like the American voice actors, but in this case it definitely worked.

Check it out.

Cool. hey whats this I hear about there being a patch that puts the sbattle sprites in the field as well? And something about a music patch as well? If you combine a whole bunch of patches like that, youve basically got a remake. cool


Can't wait for this. I have had the PC version of final fantasy sitting on my computer forever, but something always manages to get in the way of finishing it. I look forward to hopefully finally completing it... with voices! :nicework:


We need someone who can work with a program such as Adobe Audition. Basically what's needed is someone who can level off each recording so one doesn't sound louder or quieter than the other. We would also need someone who can remove excess background noise, static, and add certain effects to the odd line, only where it is needed.

Unfortunately we can't pay someone to do this. Being that we are adding an unofficial patch to a copyrighted game, any work done MUST remain non-profit, or we'd be facing legalities. (If you understand what I mean)


By breathing I don't mean breathing in and out, I mean those breathy noises that appear in the sound file when your voice his the microphone in such a way that it causes windy sounds.

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