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According to an article from IGN, the Wii ranks second among both 10-26 y/o gamers and 27+ gamers, coming behind the Xbox 360 in both instances (http://wii.ign.com/articles/879/879213p1.html, see correction here: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/879/879478p1.html)

So my question to you guys/gals is this: Which age category do you belong in, and (a) if Wii is your only system, how often do you use it, or (B) if you own two or three, how often do you use the Wii in comparison with the other systems?

For myself, I'm 22, so obviously that's the 10-26 group. Wii is my only system, and besides the hours spent playing big release games around their launch dates (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, RE4, and, to a lesser extent, Smash), my Wii gets very little use. I probably use it (not counting Wii Fit) 1-2 hrs for the average session, which would take place maybe 5-10 days per month. Since Galaxy and Zack & Wiki last year, I actually haven't sat down and played the system for any really extended period of time (5+ hrs), a huge reversal from GameCube and especially N64, which I still play every now and then.


I actually have pretty much the same, but I think it's not so much because of the Wii being bad or anything but just because of the fact I sort of 'grew' out of games, I don't see myself sitting down with Xbox or PS3 games either for any extended amount of time. I've become a casual gamer, sadly :3


We have more or less every console (handheld included) since the ps one minus the xbox 360, and the Ps3 gets most use in general, but I still play with my ps2 or my pc more.

The Wii sadly, gets bugger all use these days, I just can't get into it at all. Once brawl is released this month (damn europe) I can garauntee that will change, as I'm totally addicted to Melee. The only reason the gamecube isn't the most used console in my house is because we usually go to my other mates house to play smash.


I'm also in the 10-26 range, and I guess Wii is my only system (Unless you count all the other nintendo systems, which I own, a ps1 and colecovision), But when I play it's usually only for about an hour to two hours every other day. That is, of course, unless it's a new, AAA game like galaxy or corruption, but I finished those and now I'm just going for 100% in galaxy and a second run through of metroid and zelda.

The reason I only play every other day is because on the other days I play my DS. I know it sounds weird, but I've rationed myself to either DS or Wii each day, so I don't just jump in between them and waste my entire day.

I don't really see that being any different if I had any other systems, I would probably play with the Wii more than with a PS3 or XBOX360, but that's only because none of the games really appeal to me. I'd love to own the systems, but not for their titles ;)


24 here

I've been playing the Wii on and off, but half the time I find myself going to the news channel. Mainly because I like being able to read the news without annoying commercials popping up nor having to fumble around with ink-bleeding newspaper; plus I like reading it on the big screen :3

I do also find myself playing Wiiware games more so than usual. FF:CC - MLAK is a change of pace from Persona 3 FES/FF12/FFTA. Toki Tori is rather enjoyable for a puzzle/plate-former game.


I'm in the 10-26 range. The Wii is my only system of those three, and its use really fluctuates. When a game comes out, I play a lot every day. When I'm just playing through an "older" game, it gets around an hour or two a day (and usually not all at once). But sometimes it doesn't get touched for a week.


<--- 28, so I get to be in a different demographic than most of you :-D

my gaming time is usually split at about:

75% Mac (bet you didn't see that one coming lolz)

20% Wii

5% 360

console-wise I mostly like playing the downloadable games, wiiware is the shizz, and as soon as more of those Capcom remakes come out on 360 i'm sure it's percentage will go up. As of right now it's only used for rock band or occasionally puzzle fighter.

The reason I spend most of my gaming time on my Mac is that I can multitask. I am always either working on artwork or a mix while I play games. The percentage would be a bit different if I could work on other stuff while playing on a console.


I actually use the Wii very, very little... If it wasn't for the fact my wife bought it for me for my birthday, I would probably have sold it by now. I'm 21 and have all 3 systems and I play the Wii, by far, the least. I've played Mario Galaxy to about 65 stars, and I've played Zelda and smash brothers about 5 hours total... And thats about it... for the 9 months i have had it.


I'm 25 and the Wii is the only current-gen console I own. I do a lot of retrogaming so I'm not necessarily using the Wii every day (right now, I'm mainly playing Resident Evil 3, so the PS1 gets switched on the most), but overall it probably gets more play than any other system. The Wii has been a bit like the Dreamcast for me in that I often find myself picking up games in genres I don't normally play just because I find the system such a joy to use.


I'm 20, and the wii is my only current gen system. The only use I've gotten out of it this year so far has been RE4 and brawl. There have been weeks at a time where it doesn't get any use though. I think if I had a 360 I'd get more use out of it honestly. A great deal more. Although it's partially just my fault for not trying out many wii games I guess.


I'm 24 and like Overflow I only have a Wii and I ration my gameplay time between the Wii and DS. But most of my DS playing is on my lunch break durning work. There are days where I don't play the Wii but that's usually because I either a) get home very late and I need to go to bed or B) my fiancee wants to watch something on TV in the living room (I like my games systems on the main TV, but she hates it so much! :lol: )


I'm 19, and I've recently been playing the crap out of my Wii, what with Okami, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros Brawl. I've been logging tons of hours into my Wii. My family just bought the Wii Fit as well, which is a pretty neat game with the balance board. Mario Kart and Brawl are great multi player games, when I have my friends over we're usually playing those games. I do have problems with my Brawl disk, it won't load certain levels, which means I can't beat adventure mode with anyone now... But all in all, I gotta say the Wii was worth getting, it has filled the void of games until MGS4 comes out.


22, and how often I use the Wii depends on how you look at it. I actually have only Zelda and Sports, so I don't play Wii titles on it very often. On the other hand, I download and play so much for the VC.

So I use it a lot, just for older games from other systems.


I'm 20, so in that younger age group, and my Wii gets daily play at this point, mostly due to loud Mario Kart sessions that happen in my house. It fluctuates depending on what games are out, but it definitely gets played at least once a week, even during the slow sessions; I still have to beat Fire Emblem and get 100% in Brawl and Mario Kart, so I don't see it changing much until this summer, when no games come out and I get really busy.


Few months away from turning 22. I'm part of that forgotten crew called the PC gamer so that's my primary platform. In terms of the 3 big consoles though, the Wii is the only new console I have but it doesn't get used too often. I do intend to get a PS3 one day but not a 360 (not cuz I hate the console but more cuz all the exclusive titles I would play are on the PS3 and usually the good 360 games get released for the PC sooner or later anyway). When that day does come I probably wouldn't show a preference for either, if anything both would probably sit there gathering dust until a new game is to be finished.


I'm almost 27 (3 months away). In transit (2 hours a day of time spent sitting on a train), I spend about 40% of my time playing PSP or DS and the other 60% doing non-gaming activities. At home, I'm almost exclusively PC with my gaming; once in a while, I'll get into a Wii game (most of them retro) and play for hours at a time, but usually it's World of Warcraft or Guild Wars at home, or I'll continue playing whatever I was playing on the train.


I'm 21 and Wii is the only current console I own. It gets some pretty decent playtime, I recently went back and finally beat Twilight Princess, and I'm using it to play GC games, too. Between Mario Kart and Smash Bros it usually gets used at least once every 2 days.

The only other current system I own is the DS, which hasn't gotten much playtime recently.


24 here, my Wii has gotten a fairly good amount of use. Fire Emblem and Zelda combine for ~70 hours, and Brawl has gotten a good amount of playtime too. However, with all 3 consoles and a PC vying for my gaming time, it tends to get stringed out. Combine that with the DS/PSP, and you have a gaming dilemma.


I'm 24, and lately it's been the only home console I've been playing. Have a 360 and a PS2 hooked up as well, but haven't played the PS2 since beating MGS3 for the first time in April. I don't even remember the last time I played the 360.

I haven't played those two systems not because of lack of good stuff in the queue for either, but because I've just been more interested in playing the stuff on Wii lately. There have certainly been games like Smash Bros, Mario Kart Wii, and Okami that have taken up quite a bit of my time on the system, but more so have been playing WiiWare and Virtual Console games.

I'd say on average, lately I put in between 4 to 10 hours a week gaming (depending on weather/training schedule, the film festival, social stuff, etc) and the vast majority of that is on Wii (the rest of DS).

I'll also say that there's absolutely an eb and flow to my video game habits, both in terms of average time I spend and what console(s) I spend it on. After getting the 360, I had a good month or two where I didn't so much as turn on my Wii, I went through a time where I just played backlogged Gamecube games, and went through a couple months of solely playing the PS2. For that reason, I think showing statistcs of what people prefer to play in a small timeframe like a month is useless, especially because it's quickly skewed by one major release. In the end, for me over all I probably spend the most time on the Wii especially because of WiiWare and VC games, but that doesn't mean I enjoy the 360 or PS2 any less.


I'm 22 and have a PS3 and a friends 360 sitting in my room. My sister has a Wii. I can sum up 95% of my total Wii play time as playing to about 65 stars in Mario Galaxy, and playing maybe half an hour of Mario Kart Wii and Brawl when they came out. I spend most of my gaming time playing my PS3 or one of my older systems.

For me, most of the draw of the Wii is Nintendo's titles, and since I haven't liked anything Nintendo has done on a console since the N64 (with the small exception of Wind Waker), I can't bring myself to suffer through playing the Wii.

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