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OCR00313 - Chrono Trigger "Team Gato"

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Chrono Trigger 'Team Gato'

One of the more fun mixes on OC. This mix has some really good music throughout, in varying styles, but the focus is on the dialog going on. It's quite humourous, I suggest it if you want a laugh and not a serious song.

That would be my only qualm actually, while the mix is great for the humour aspect, I really liked the first variation of the theme and would have loved to hear a full mix of that style, sans vocals.

Definitely suggested.

  • 4 weeks later...

(originally posted Dec. 15, 2001 05:51 PM)


Team Gato (Chrono Trigger)


by Dale North and Mustin. You may remember Dale from such remixes as Chrono Trigger's "HiVoltage" and Super Mario RPG's "Funkfucious". If you're familiar with Mustin, then you probably know his work from such examples as Super Mario Bros. 3's "La Samba de Agua" and Street Fighter Alpha 2's "Sakura's Cherry, Blossom."

10 slices. Right off the bat, I'm gonna say it. TEN FUCKING SLICES! The Gato theme lasts about 9½ seconds in the actual game. Dale and Mustin stretched it to over 5 minutes. Five minutes, ten seconds to be exact. I love this mix. It's one of my absolute favorites. It's sick, it humorous, it tells a story, it sounds like an idea from a vault deep in the back of my deranged mind.

The first 30 seconds sets the atmosphere of a talent show or a Vegas lounge or something of the sort. The announcer introduces the "team" and your met with a lone flute slowly playing the Gato theme. It's got a Japanese feel to it. I can see some guy dressed in traditional womens robes (as women weren't allowed to act in traditional plays) moving his limbs in a Taelon-like flow. At 0:50 the flute gets a little backup with some violins (forgive me, I know shit about music and I know that these fucked up instrument descriptions are butchering the song, so bear with me!) and bass from another flute. At 1:21 the humor starts. It knocks you the hell out of your sanctuary of inner peace created by the beautiful rearrangements of the previous 51 seconds and forces you to laugh while simultaneously asking, "What the fuck?"

Team Gato is booed and they move on to a 44 second boy-band rendition of the theme starting at about 1:44. The sad thing is, Dale and Mustin produced a 44 second snippet of what sounds like a "boy band love song" that sounds a HELLUVA lot better than real boy band love songs! It's beautiful! Unfortunately, the audience doesn't agree and they receive more boos.

At 2:34, the Remix moves into it's R&B stage, complete with mandatory telephone interlude. You've got the blindly-in-love, hoplessly-addicted-to-your-body gullible female, and you've got Gato; a smooth, laid back, southernplayalisticfunkycadillacmuzik type playa. At 3:05, the lyrics start. My favorite part of this section has got to be the soft electric piano/xylophone type thingy that appears starting at 3:09. Okay, so I'm sick. But three words: Hoe, Lee, Sheeit.

After being booed and jeered three times, Team Gato decides at 3:47 to go to plan D. Gangsta rap. After being properly introduced with "Uh-oh. Here comes trouble!", you're left with 10 seconds to recouperate from laughing and to wonder what Dale and Mustin will do next.

**CAUTION** Do not drink milk while listening to the last 73 seconds of the song. It is guaranteed to come through your nose.

Apparently, Snoop Dogg and Master P were Team Gato all along. They recite the Chrono Trigger lyrics, but after a little adlibing, "Snoop" breaks into a freestyle at 4:35 and ends it with a piece of MC Ren's verse from "Fuck tha Police." They even censored it for the kiddies! (except for "Beeatch!")

A record scratches, the crowd is pissed and the MC orders them off of the stage.

Joining "Water Warning Remix," Dale North and Mustin's "Team Gato" is another of the select few that shows what OC ReMix is all about. This is arguably the most creative and inventive song on the site thus far. Why? They made a play out of it, dammit! It takes a 9 second song and makes it over 34 times longer with ZERO sacrifice on quality. It's just...it's really fuckin' good work. Hell, there's stuff I didn't even cover. The handsome basslines, the top notch production quality of all four skits, how you don't get bored once. Okay, now I'm rambling and there's another song to get to. In summary...10 slices, fandamntastic, unprecedented, unbelievable, unnotlistentoable. An OC classic. Period.

Moving on...

Folks, these opinions are just that. I ain't a remixer. I'm a listener. But if you've been a regular visitor to the message boards since July 10th of 2001, you already know that. Please, listen to this more than once before you make your own opinions. Listen to it through decent speakers. And keep comin' back.

Kudos to Dale North and Mustin.

Well done gentlemen, well done.


I remember reading earlier that the entire set of vocals was done by two guys. I was FLOORED to hear that the black chick was actually a guy doing falsetto! It sounds SO REAL! The quality is AMAZING! And the way they worked the lyrics into that phone call! Brilliance!

I seem to remember that Gato had two songs... the one they sing in this Mix, and then another song when you finally beat him up and he gives you your 15 silver points. If they had added that one to the end, it might have made this even funnier... but I might even be wrong, and there wasn't any more. I'd have to go play again.

I have to go back to giving out mad props now. The "WhooooaAAA!" sound effects in the R&B section... also amazing quality! That section has to be my favorite, followed by the boy band one (Antonio wasn't kidding when he said that they did boy bands better than actual boy bands...) and then the other two. I wouldn't have minded if they had actually extended each version out longer! Anyway, the R&B version is my favorite, esspecially because the lyrics contrast so STARKLY with the mood! It feels like this deep... intimate love song... and he's singin'.... "Beat me up and earn 15 silver points..."

  • 2 weeks later...

HOLY SHIT! You've got to get this, it's like omfg, weird. But really good weird, it's hilarious. I remember when i was younger and i played CT first time, i used to sing the lyrics to the tune, and these guys have totally done it the way i would have, goob job guys, Mustin always pulls funny crap in his songs, it's awesome. A must download.

  • 4 weeks later...

I suggest playing Chrono Trigger before getting this remix. It will help with the humor value. However, aside from that, I was so surprised when I first heard this that people actually had the 'amazingness' to perform this...And then do different versions of it! I was like 'KickaHAHAHAHAHHAA' the HAHAHAHAHA because it was so damnded funny. The nostalgia hit me too, man, remembering back when I was a young lad and I spent all my days beating up Gato for Silver points. Ahh...

11 out of 10, the extra point goes to convincing me that the woman talking to Gato was a real woman because I had no idea and even after hearing that it was done by only two guys, I thought they may have asked some woman to help them with this.

The last bit's the best, of course.


For anybody who professes to be a n00b to this site or these boards, this is perhaps one of the three or four MOST definitive remixes on the site in terms of what OCR should be about. If you know nothing about Chrono Trigger, you'll laugh; if you know anything about Chrono Trigger you'll laugh even harder. The Gato Team took what was basically a throw away melody from the original game with some (I'm guessing) poorly translated lyrics that couldn't possibly be sung to it even if the SNES game HAD vocalizations (if you haven't played it, trust me it doesn't, this long predates FFX) and somehow in their demented brains cooked up a way to not only play the melody in a way it COULD be sung to but actually DO sing to it, in a HILARIOUS multitude of different styles which AntonioPizza described so well. The sad part is that this song isn't just funny, it's really damn catchy! Even months after I heard it the first time I'd still catch myself rambling around the apartment, humming "myyy name is gahhh-toe, I have metal joyyynce" when I was bored or in need of a quick video game fix. I nearly drove my wife insane with it. Try this sometime: go to a video game or comic book convention, start singing the "we're a renaissance festival band" version from the beginning, and see how many people either (a) smile politely and ignore you (B) back away from the crazy person or © chuckle, grin, and nod. Anybody who does © is obviously both a gamer and a fan of OCR. :)

-- MMF

  • 5 weeks later...

Lyrics are a spoiler for the musical appetite. This theme gets way too many variations, which were probably being debated between the two artists when they decided to hell with it, let's do them all! The real perk is at the end with the highly awesome rapping music, with words that just ... fit! So true to the genre! Top quality!


Innovative and fun.I really admire this remixers knack for setting a mood in the song.He is obviously stlye and genre savy...and knows how to pull it off with out ripping it apart.The overall track is nice,funny,and a must hear.I feel bad for team gato...when will that bastard audience give them some props?!!!!...

8*'s out of a possible 10 "INNOVATIVE AND FUN"

  • 1 month later...

I always thought these guys were goofballs, especially when I first heard this song, I was completely convinced. But I must say that I loved every second of this track, all the way to the very end. :lol:


This song just gets better and better as you listen to it. The idea was great to begin with, and thankfully it was executed extremely well. My favorite sequences are the last two, with the "boy band" and then the rapping. If you don't get the song because you haven't played Crono Trigger yet, shame on you! Go play the game, and the come back and listen to thing. You will appreciate it all that much more. Not to mention that you will be getting one helluva RPG experience :)


Mustin and Dale North have never been the best voice actors (see the Zelda 2002 remix on their site), but the humor and the sheer awesomeness of the ideas and the variation more than makes up for it, and makes it the best remix on the site, imo. It also seems to get progressively better for me, with each section sort of improving upon itself, until the rap one which just cracks me up every time he says "If you think you can take me, I'd like to see you try...BIATCH!". And with the addition of the little giggles and groans (also the person saying "Uh-oh, here comes trouble") makes it even more worth listening to everytime. Simply a classic remix...

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


I HATED Gato when first I played CT, and STILL I used to sing along with his theme. I managed to get over it in time for the Lucca's house scene in Cross (I actually cried then, if you can believe it) but his song just...just brings it all out again!

This one ranks right up there with the "Recruit Gato" cheat I saw somewhere...once...as Weirdest-Ever Gato Homage.


Funny. Cheers to Dale, and Cheers to Mustin. And cheers to Gato, who made it all possible. It's not about the points. It's about the lesson of love and eternal prosperity that the giant hunk of belly boxin' metal is trying to teach us..........er.....it's there somewhere......Yeah.....Hell, we all killed him too quick to learn it.

Recruit Gato? ô.õ


I hated gato.hated. hated with a capital h. but i've grown to love him, crazy metal bastard. this song is just what i could picture happening to gato at a kareoke lounge. i usedta sing with his theme too..heh. this remix..this remix..oh lord,where to begin? the tune rocks, the singing doubled me over laughing, and i..well..damn,good job. gimmie my silver points and i'll be on my way..

  • 4 weeks later...

This is one of the funniest remixes I´ve ever heard. Oh my God... I laughed like hell somewhere 'round "Hey, c´mon, Chrono, I´m not gonna fight you, let´s go and smoke this joint". :D

  • 1 month later...


Um. Yeah. This remix is definitely insane. I didn't really enjoy this remix, especially the added lyrics. It just wasn't continuous. Almost every time the lyrics were completed, there was a ton of booing and the music stopped.

If you are into something funny, you might enjoy this. But if you want just regular remixes, I suggest staying away from this one.


Oh man, there you have it folks. It looks like there IS someone on this planet who doesn't like this song. The condolences of all OCR members are with you, sad fellow.

I personally love this song to the core of my soul. It's so clever it burns. Well, not really, but it is one of the most creative things on this site. Taking a nine second song and making it last as long as it does without being boring. It's what OCR is all about.


Have you guys seen the Chrono Trigger OAV? Highlights:

-the Millennial Fair run by monsters

-Gato going berserk while sing this song over and over again!

It's that second part that really stuck with me, of course. He's singing Japanese, and his name is Gonzalez instead of Gato, but other than that the lyrics are basically the same as in the ReMix, and it's actually pretty funny. To be honest, I felt like this mix was much less creative and original after I watched the OAV.


I wouldn't quite call this very musical, but it's innovative. The whole being in a talent show style is annoying, in my opinion, since it's not that funny. The rap was funny, and the switching of music styles is simply fun (and well arranged!), but did we really need the booing and the announcer? I dunno, maybe there should be two versions of this. Good for a laugh overall, though, and not too bad even not for comedic value.

  Daev said:
It's that second part that really stuck with me, of course. He's singing Japanese, and his name is Gonzalez instead of Gato, but other than that the lyrics are basically the same as in the ReMix, and it's actually pretty funny. To be honest, I felt like this mix was much less creative and original after I watched the OAV.

The lyrics in the remix are from the actual game.

  • 3 weeks later...

I've had this played on loop for like, 10+ times now. The arrangement is fantastic... each one of those segments would have made a great remix... esp the last segmant lol.

Alot of people complain about the talent show theme, but i think that there was simply not enough lyrics, nor enough from the original melody to stretch out into a full length song. Keep in mind that the original song Gato sang was only 20 or so seconds.

and once again, awesome job with the arrangement, I'll wager that it was most likely Dale that did it. Love your work, dude.

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