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  The Damned said:
Capcom has a deal with all three console makers, I swear it. That's why they put out a game that will make you break your controllers on all three systems.


Three days trying to get past one boss... I knew I wasn't very good at Mega Man games, but god DAMN it, this is just frustrating.

Thank god you can save up your bolts and buy extra stuff by going through the levels over and over again and buy extra lives and E-cans. Save games are the only thing keeping me from blowing my brains out on this game.

You're joking, right?

Sure it's hard, but it only took me 10 minutes to beat my first boss. And after that they all just started falling into place. The only hard part is learning the tricks to the stages.

Might be the fact that I grew up on Megaman hardcore. I was predicting a lot of the traps in MM9 as I played, others not so much.



basically there are people who are very good at mega man due to loads of practice but to say that they are not initially difficult is ludicrous

  danimal cannon said:
While I love X through X-3, I consider every other game that aren't those or the original 6 to be a stain on the name Megaman

except x4 was the best megaman game ever


Duke Nukem 3D is literally holding MM9 back which is both awesome and bad at the same time... strange. I still wish MS decided to release three or four XBLA games at once instead of sticking to status quo at two games per XBLA day.


I bought the x collection about a month ago and proceeded to beat something like 1 every two days until I'd been through them all, I got anniversary collection too, but I think I only made it through #1 before I got too busy. I plan to go back through the rest later.

  The wingless said:

Why? The old NES games aren't that hard. I'd never played them before the PS2 collection that I bought, and I was able to beat the NES games with no more than a couple hours spent on each (I had a harder time with parts of the stages than I did with any of the bosses).

  The wingless said:

I got through almost all of the bosses on the buster mostly because I did them in the wrong order. 3/4 of the way through I said fuck it I want to see the Wily levels and used the powers.

I'll probably make a playthrough today with only the buster.

  DarkeSword said:
Mega Man games aren't designed to be played through. They're designed to be played OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Truest statement I've heard all day long.

  Bleck said:

basically there are people who are very good at mega man due to loads of practice but to say that they are not initially difficult is ludicrous

I introduced a friend to my Super NES copy of MM7 yesterday. He couldn't beat Burst Man's stage. Heck, he had loads of trouble with the first stage. He's never played Mega Man anything though, so I didn't blame him a whole lot. And yes Mega Man games are initially difficult for sure. Wonder if MM9 will be? I'll find out after I get a Wii points card from Wal-Mart tonight.

(on I side note I might have got carried away earlier; I apologize)

  Cottus&Gyes said:
So is Galaxy Man the easiest boss? I beat him with no trouble (including his stage) while I'm getting man handled on the others (like Concrete).

Splash Woman. I don't understand how people are saying she's one of the hardest, she doesn't hit me a single time and her weakness is the buster, big time (as well as the other power).

I felt that she was intended to be the first boss you go after because she goes down so fast.


Got it a few days ago, have been playing it off and on.

It makes a man out of you.. or should I say a MEGA-MAN?

Quite a difficult game, newbies and children will cry themselves to sleep at night. At first I couldn't beat any of the bosses except for galaxy man, who is a wimp, and then splash woman, whose weakness is the buster, but after a while I got into the swing of things and have steadily taken out all the other bosses, most of them with at least one use of an energy tank.

I thought the game was difficult before I got to the Wily levels.

I was wrong.

  The Coop said:
Why? The old NES games aren't that hard. I'd never played them before the PS2 collection that I bought, and I was able to beat the NES games with no more than a couple hours spent on each (I had a harder time with parts of the stages than I did with any of the bosses).

Exactly. Even the Wily boss's patterns can be classified as "brain dead" once you realize what you're suppose to do. The game feels hard because you die so quickly when you get caught up in something that catches you off guard. A playthrough or two will make the game that much easier.

  LuketheXjesse said:
Just a question for those who have played it: Is Bass or any other side characters involved in any way? As shameful as it sounds, I'm a bit of a Bass fanboy.

I haven't seen Bass yet, but I doubt he's in there, as in my experience his very name is innappropriate!

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