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...Nope, my excitement hasn't died yet. I still want to play this game.

Also seriously, did ANYONE ever play a Mega Man game back in the day? Plots this nonsensical and simple were the norm. :-P

I find it interesting though how they kept Rush and Beat without giving Mega the powerslide or megabuster. Strange choices, but I'm sure it'll pan out in the long run.

did ANYONE ever play a Mega Man game back in the day? Plots this nonsensical and simple were the norm. :-P

The plot from the very beginning was and still is believable, however thanks to the retconning of the original plot (of which both the US and Japanese version differed slightly) However it elaborated more on the relationship between Wily and Light along with trade mark characters such as Sniper Joe being based of Protoman (Blues) along with the original plot device of Dr. Wily reprogramming the 6/8 original "robot masters"

Instead of helping humanity as the good Dr. Light wanted Dr. Wily used them to attack humanity and attempted global domination. Course Dr. Light remodeled Rock to have fighting capabilities and took on Wily's madness and destruction.

Soon after Dr. Wily's first defeat, instead of refocusing on world conquest he was blinded with rage and wanted revenge against Light and Megaman; including designing his own robot masters to do his dirty work.

After being defeated again supposedly he reformed and decided to work along side with Light, only to betray Light's trust and take over the gamma project meant as a way to maintain world peace (no wars = sadly naive if not an optimistic project). Instead Wily took over the project as yet another attempt to world dictatorship. In between Megaman travels to facing the robot masters serving Dr. Wily, Protoman shows up more or less sizing himself with Rock to see if he had talent. Course Wily is defeated

In MM4 Dr. Wily threaten to harm Dr. Cossack (a russian roboticist) daughter, Kalinka, with harm if he didn't.....


The point being is that if taken to scrutiny, it's still a believable if not disconnected story considering the retconning/redo of the original...


How would that work if there aren't even any reploids yet?

The Maverick Virus affected reploids, not mechaniloids IIRC.

I said experimental. You gotta start somewhere. These robots are made by Dr. Light, and the reploids in the future are based off X, another Dr. Light design. It stands to reason that there are enough similarites for a first gen Maverick Virus to work.

I said experimental. You gotta start somewhere. These robots are made by Dr. Light, and the reploids in the future are based off X, another Dr. Light design. It stands to reason that there are enough similarites for a first gen Maverick Virus to work.

I like the cut of your jib. Its not out of reason that this is a possible case. If so, that would be freaking awesome.

I for one, cant wait untill this comes out. Its going to be epic.


Wily didn't exactly create the Maverick Virus. It only came about when a separate, more specific virus in Zero's programming infected Sigma.

Zero, being based on X's design, was of course created with free will, but Wily had to have some form of control over him if he hoped to use Zero as a weapon against Light's forces. This is the "Zero Virus," which basically pulls out all the stops and sets Zero to attack Wily's enemies. The Maverick Virus, which is significantly weaker and makes reploids generally beserk, is the result of that Zero Virus infecting a reploid other than Zero (i.e., Sigma when he fought Zero during the flashback in X4). So, all in all, Wily can hardly be held responsible for "designing" the Maverick Virus, unless he had the foresight to plan what might happen when his programming for Zero left its carrier.

Oh God I have to get out of this thread before the Mega Man nerd in me breaks totally free...

I'm disappointed they didn't go with at least Megaman 5's system with the buster rifles. Or Megaman 4's. Or Megaman 3's.

Maybe in the next titles that may come up...? IF any do return, Megaman 4 plz because being hit didn't make you lose the charge god damn it

>:[ kthx.

The Dr. Light talking to Wily was a robot copy, he's done it before, in Mega Man 3. Those robots ARE Dr. Lights

Just a thought, but I saw in one trailer Megaman passing some sort of static device, that made a dark copy of Megaman (I assume this was Plug Man's stage), and the copy moved on it's own, like it wasn't a mirror copy. So maybe the "Evil Dr. Light" is somehow produced this way?

edit: and why not the Robot Masters as well


Hahaha, wow. I dunno if they went all out to simulate the "old school" experience or if it was just cover art that didn't make the cut back in the day, but that's extra special :P.


First of all, sorry if someone already did what I'm about to show, etc.

The Robot Masters' names were shown on Mega Man 9 Wikipedia page, so I'm just gonna assume they are correct.

So, out of boredom / curiosity, I decided to compile a picture consisting of the Robot Master silhouettes, as they were shown in one of the trailers. I guess someone could call them spoilers, so if you don't want to look...well scroll down real fast or something. Everyone else, go ahead and speculate by yourselves which RM is which.


Yeah, that's seven robot masters, which means one of them is missing. I just took the ones that were shown in the trailer.

I'm sure that #1 is Splash Woman, #3 is Concrete Man, #5 is Plug Man, and #7 is Magma Man. I'd guess #2 is Galaxy Man and #4 is Tornado Man. That leaves Jewel Man and Hornet Man, so I think #6 is Jewel Man (Diamond shaped head, pink background).


I have to admit I'm impressed/surprised Capcom is actually making Mega Man 9, but it was really surprising to find out that they were rolling back the graphics and pretty much everything to a retro style and releasing on Wii Ware. I don't know whether to like or dislike the whole retro thing. Part of the appeal of retro stuff is the nostalgia factor, but if it's a new game with an old style, I wonder if it'll really be worthwhile. All I know is that, no offense to Mega Man 2, which I have played and liked, having no charge shot or slide will take a little getting used to.

Personally, what I've found about Mega Man games is that every new series has a tendency to get sort of old after a few games since they end up being too samey and outliving their novelty (although sometimes it takes until the second game to get a formula down). Granted, I'm a big Mega Man fan, but that is what I've noticed. I got Anniversary Collection and from playing that, I have to say that, although I liked Mega Man 7 (maybe because that's the only original series I played when I was younger and it has that nostalgia factor), they sort of started going a little downhill after Mega Man 3 (can't say what it was, but I just didn't like them as much despite the addition of charge shots, rush utilities, and such). I have really good memories of the first three X games, too. Heck, I grew up on the first Mega Man X, and I really liked X2 and X3, too. I did like X4 since it had the same classic feel to it, but it hasn't been the same since things got all different in X5. Although I never got to play Legends 2, I liked the original (or rather, the N64 version of it), and that series hasn't yet gotten old to me. Although I had a good time with Battle Network 2 and 3, they went downhill since 3 in my opinion (and 1 still needed some refinement). I found the first three Zero games good (I preferred the more X-ish feel of 2 and 3 to the first one's mind-numbing difficulty, but it was good, too, despite that), but number four failed to wow me. As for ZX, I did really like the first one, and the second is even better now that they've worked out some of the kinks. Star Force was pretty good, too. It reminded me of the Battle Network games in their prime. It was similar to them, but different enough to make it not feel old and boring to me, but too many more and I'm sure it will feel that way in time, maybe even faster given its similarity to Battle Network.

Still, Mega Man 9 definitely seems like something worth checking out, especially since it'll probably be comparatively cheap. Maybe now I'll finally have an excuse to buy Wii Points. Sorry if I got a bit ranty.


I'm super excited now for MM9. I first thought it was like a gimmick but the way they are doing seems to suggest greatness. How they treat it like a long lost megaman NES title. I figured at first it would look 8 bit but be pussy-fied but it seems they are developing this with the right crowd in mind.

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