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Wily Stage 1's music almost makes up for a mostly mediocre soundtrack, it's that rocking.

Fucking flaming spires shooting flames.. I know to freeze them with concrete, but fuck the timing is so hard. You'll know when you get there.

THat's what your supposed to do?

My plan is simpler (anyway I think):

_| ____3




1 I jump on spot 2, on 2 I use the jet to make it to 3 and climb a ladder.

You are you guys/gals using for a controller? (I saw that the Gamecube controller was not functioning properly)

The wiimote works perfectly. Best way to emulate the NES experience.

The Magnets in Tornado Man's stage is the new collapsing platforms in Gutsman's stage.

Wily 3's boss is simple once you realize that there's a strict pattern to the flying chunks (and find the right weapon, too.)

Just like all the other devils in previous titles.

That boss seems like the perfect candidate for an easy Marathon fight achievement, but the boring boss music just makes me want to finish the fight as soon as possible.

You are you guys/gals using for a controller? (I saw that the Gamecube controller was not functioning properly)

I use the Classic Controller, using y to shoot and b to jump. The d-pad on the Wiimote is a little too small for my tastes.

You are you guys/gals using for a controller? (I saw that the Gamecube controller was not functioning properly)

Nintendo removed the GameCube icon on the Details screen from the Wii Shop Channel last night.

I was pretty sad Mega Man 9 isn't compatible with the GameCube controller. :cry:

EDIT: So I'm using the Wii Remote.


I was hoping for maybe charge shots or sliding, simply because I like #4 and #5 the best, but I understand that they wanted "back to the roots". The shop is a nice touch, but other than the energy balancer, nothing is really permanent and I'd have preferred something slightly more similar to #8's system, but this is just me blathering on.

It'll officially take me a lifetime to finish those challenges.

That is all.


game of the year 2008. Seriously. My butt hurts. Thanks capcom.

Also, damn the giganitc beams.... concrete man... perfect timing....

Man, if any company knows their fans it's capcom. Sorry Nintendo.

I never thought nostalgia goggles would work on a new game, but I guess we've reached that point

Game reviewer metascores: 8.5

Game player metascores: 9.999999999

I mean, even with the classic Megaman 1-6 or so, I think some people are putting way too much a stock in them. They're great but so are all the dozens of Megaman games after it. It's not like we were missing out on the action all this time. I can't remember a single year I didn't play a new Megaman game since the 80's.

Game reviewer metascores: 8.5

Game player metascores: 9.999999999

I mean, even with the classic Megaman 1-6 or so, I think some people are putting way too much a stock in them. They're great but so are all the dozens of Megaman games after it. It's not like we were missing out on the action all this time. I can't remember a single year I didn't play a new Megaman game since the 80's.

How often did you play a GOOD Megaman game since the 80s?


I think the difference is that the oldschool ones were revolutionary for its time. I think a lot of the newer ones including X and the GBA/DS ones stood on their own legs. Except they were not regarded as revolutionary as the NES ones were. I agree that the NES ones are more iconic and in general just more tightly made. I think there's that difference between great and good Megaman games. I wouldn't exactly say that the new ones were bad other than maybe being unremarkable for their genre.

How often did you play a GOOD Megaman game since the 80s?

pretty much every single x game up to 6 and pretty much every single zero game and that zx thing and mega man soccer and mega man legends that was pretty good too

oh yeah mega man seven too since its the best one in the classic series

pretty much every single x game up to 6 and pretty much every single zero game and that zx thing and mega man soccer and mega man legends that was pretty good too

oh yeah mega man seven too since its the best one in the classic series

X up to 4. Zero is meh, ZX is shit (both of them), Soccer is great but not a real Mega Man game, and Legends is great.

So after the 80s, there was a small handful of GOOD MM games, compared to piles and piles of shitty MM games.


Legends 2 and Zero games were good IMO, and ZX was pretty good. X8 was decent as a rental I guess. I even liked some Network games even though they were arguably the toughest Megaman games ever created... Network is like pure torture even for Megaman fans.

Mega Man Legends is seriously the best Mega Man series. It's not the best in single areas like graphics or music, but it's overall better than most.

I knew I liked you for some reason.

Bleck's mah Megaman brotha

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