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You could probably cut the last 30 seconds of you apologizing/whatever, but a pretty good video anyway.

Proto Man is... interesting. So far I can do without the charge shot (as we've all been doing for two weeks), and the shield is actually more trouble to use effectively than it's worth.


Damn, I wish they used some other music for Wiley's castle. I thought the 4 or 5 other classic Wiley stage music were better. Oh well.

Speaking of speedruns, that's basically all I'm doing nowadays. I don't even consider myself to be good with the Tornado stage, but I'm competitive at it. Can't seem to get speedy with Galaxy Man stage but it's easy to get better at it.

Damn, I wish they used some other music for Wiley's castle. I thought the 4 or 5 other classic Wiley stage music were better. Oh well.

Aside from Megaman, MM2 & MM4 the others, imo, were not as memorable except for one other track in MM3. Heck I even like Dr. Cossack's stage music better in MM4 than the Wily Stages...


Is anyone here actually responsible for some of the frankly INSANE top 10 time attack scores? Some levels I can see the exploits to shave good time off through clever use of the weapons, but I still don't grasp how some of the scores are as good as they are :shock:

Last time I checked the scoreboards, I had a bunch of times in the top 50 or so, which was as good as I was probably expecting in best case scenario.

If you're on the PSN, look for me on the scoreboards, my ID is Luketh

I'll jot down my times here while I think about it-some of these I've tried a few times, others are like my first completion, so probably slightly underwhelming lol:

Magma Man: 02:07:93

Hornet Man: 01:59:46

Galaxy Man: 02:38:78

Tornado Man: 01:58:81

Jewel Man: 02:16:90

Splash Woman: 02:12:91

Plug Man: 01:49:51

Concrete Man: 01:41:46

Also. I've thought this since pretty early on-I know all the new robot masters have a kind of glancing similarity (Jewel Man/Top Man, Magma Man/Needle Man, Concrete Man/Guts Man), but has anyone played the Mega Man Zero GBA games? Made by the same company, Inti Creates, and there seems to be more than a passing resemblance between Splash Woman/Leviathan and Tornado Man/Harpuia.

Thought it was kinda cool as a little nod to the fans-made for some slightly more interesting Robot Master designs.

Aside from Megaman, MM2 & MM4 the others, imo, were not as memorable except for one other track in MM3. Heck I even like Dr. Cossack's stage music better in MM4 than the Wily Stages...

Then again, to me, everything about Cossack was better than Wiley. Better and more unique boss fights, the awesome Soviet Russian motif, the music..

Also. I've thought this since pretty early on-I know all the new robot masters have a kind of glancing similarity (Jewel Man/Top Man, Magma Man/Needle Man, Concrete Man/Guts Man), but has anyone played the Mega Man Zero GBA games? Made by the same company, Inti Creates, and there seems to be more than a passing resemblance between Splash Woman/Leviathan and Tornado Man/Harpuia.

Thought it was kinda cool as a little nod to the fans-made for some slightly more interesting Robot Master designs.

Yeah, the SplashWoman/Leviathan and TornadoMan/Harpuia references were pretty obvious. Also, the PUNISHING instakill levels reminds me a lot of Zero's, though some levels in Zero games were actually a bit scarier than MM9's.

As for those times and being in top 50's, I guess there might be more of a competition in XBLA because I posted similar times, but went only near top 65's and 70's.


Cossack's music is much better than the MM2 Wily music. I guess most people just couldn't be bothered to get far enough in MM4 to hear it.

Also, on Inti Creates website they've posted the real names and pictures of some of the old MM composers at Capcom, like Bun Bun. Bun Bun is also doing some tracks for the MM9 arranged soundtrack.

Cossack's music is much better than the MM2 Wily music. I guess most people just couldn't be bothered to get far enough in MM4 to hear it.

That's a real shame if that's the case...

As I recall Gecko you had a wip remix of Dr Cossack Stage 2, something along the lines of a eurodance version or something. I remember having it played on loop back in the day when I found it... (VGMix forums?)

It's still sitting on my hard drive to this day :lol:

Another shame it was never completed...


Dr. Cossack Stage 1


Dr. Cossack Stage 2

Aside from Megaman, MM2 & MM4 the others, imo, were not as memorable except for one other track in MM3. Heck I even like Dr. Cossack's stage music better in MM4 than the Wily Stages...

Really? I like 1 and 2 the best, but 3 had some killer tunes. Sparkman, Magnet Man, Snake Man are all pretty awesome. The rest aren't bad either. Mega Man 7 had some good music too, I think it had the magic of the earliest Mega Man games.

Bubbleman is my favorite Mega Man tune of all time though. I still remember jumping from that waterfall into that water for the first time - probably sent chills up my spine for 20 minutes. Mega Man 2 doesn't joke around. I wonder which composer contributed to that game the most - I heard one of the composers from Mega Man 2 did work on 9. Oh, Bun bun, clarified by Gecko.

"Cossacks music is better than the MM2 Wily music" No No No. Not true at all. Nuh uh. No sir. But, yeah, it's all about taste. Still I think it's like saying that Yellow Submarine is better than Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Both songs are great, yet one will always tower over the other in the hearts and minds of fans.

Really? I like 1 and 2 the best, but 3 had some killer tunes. Sparkman, Magnet Man, Snake Man are all pretty awesome. The rest aren't bad either. Mega Man 7 had some good music too, I think it had the magic of the earliest Mega Man games.

Bubbleman is my favorite Mega Man tune of all time though. I still remember jumping from that waterfall into that water for the first time - probably sent chills up my spine for 20 minutes. Mega Man 2 doesn't joke around. I wonder which composer contributed to that game the most - I heard one of the composers from Mega Man 2 did work on 9.

"Cossacks music is better than the MM2 Wily music" No No No. Not true at all. Nuh uh. No sir.

I'm not about dismissing the robot master's stage music, I'm just referring to the Wily Stages as I didn't find them to be as memorable except for the few that I mentioned... As for comparing MM2 Wily Castle 1 versus Cossack Stage 1 + 2. I'd say it's fine to compare the two.

I'm not about dismissing the robot master's stage music, I'm just referring to the Wily Stages as I didn't find them to be as memorable except for the few that I mentioned... As for comparing MM2 Wily Castle 1 versus Cossack Stage 1 + 2. I'd say it's fine to compare the two.

That was Gecko who said that, and yes, it's fine to compare the two, I just think that the Wily music from Mega Man 2 is the definitive Wily music. I see that ya'll are sticking up for the underdog tracks that didn't get enough coverage, and there's nothing wrong with that, because a lot of great tracks from great games are never remixed let alone heard, so I understand.

A lot of it simply deals with taste. Cossack's stage 1 is like some Russian style track with a lot of variety, and Wily stage 2 is an epic rock-style tune that sounds more like Skull Man from Mega Man 4 and therefore I think those two are more apt for comparison.


Well, Cossack #2 is one of my favourite NES songs of all time... and personally, I don't think MM2's Wily 1 song is THAT good (especially when you look at all the other amazing songs in MM2 and MM3). Cossack wins hands down IMO :tomatoface:

The MM4 final level and final boss songs are also pretty killer, despite the fact that the boss tune is about a 12 seconds long.

But that had nothing to do about MM9, did it......

Personally, I didn't like the style of the MM5 and 6 soundtrack very much, and I think MM9 has a very similar style to 5 and 6, and there are only a couple tunes that I really like. I think 2 and 3 are about on par, then there's 4, then 1, then 9, and then 5 and 6. But that's just me... Mind you I grew up with 3, 4, and 1 (but not 2 =O), so the nostalgia factor maybe bumped those games a little higher ^_^


A lot of it simply deals with taste. Cossack's stage 1 is like some Russian style track with a lot of variety, and Wily stage 2 is an epic rock-style tune that sounds more like Skull Man from Mega Man 4 and therefore I think those two are more apt for comparison.

Hehe, I think comparing MM2's Wily 1 and MM4's Skull Man is like comparing two different styles of rock =P

Well, Cossack #2 is one of my favourite NES songs of all time... and personally, I don't think MM2's Wily 1 song is THAT good (especially when you look at all the other amazing songs in MM2 and MM3). Cossack wins hands down IMO :tomatoface:

The MM4 final level and final boss songs are also pretty killer, despite the fact that the boss tune is about a 12 seconds long.

But that had nothing to do about MM9, did it......

Personally, I didn't like the style of the MM5 and 6 soundtrack very much, and I think MM9 has a very similar style to 5 and 6, and there are only a couple tunes that I really like. I think 2 and 3 are about on par, then there's 4, then 1, then 9, and then 5 and 6. But that's just me... Mind you I grew up with 3, 4, and 1 (but not 2 =O), so the nostalgia factor maybe bumped those games a little higher ^_^


Hehe, I think comparing MM2's Wily 1 and MM4's Skull Man is like comparing two different styles of rock =P

I think Mega Man music kicks ass.


IMO, MM2, Wily Stage 1 blows every other Wily stage music outta the water. Cossack isn't even fit to lick WS1's boots! I personally don't understand how anyone could compare the latter with the former...

And it's not like I'm crazy about WS1 in general. I think there are loads better NES music choices.

IMO, MM2, Wily Stage 1 blows every other Wily stage music outta the water. Cossack isn't even fit to lick WS1's boots! I personally don't understand how anyone could compare the latter with the former...

And it's not like I'm crazy about WS1 in general. I think there are loads better NES music choices.

mega man seven wily stage 1


While MM2's Wily 1 has gotten a lot of popularity, I do say it's one of the best. Though thats not to say there are better ones out there. Ex would be MM3 Wily 1, Cossack Stage 2, Wily Stage 5 from MM5 (yea I like it), and MM7's Stage 1 is in my top 3 (though I like Stage 2 cause of the bass). I dunno why some don't like the new ones. Personally We are the Robots! (Stage 2) rocks in my opinion.

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