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RELEASE DATE: Sunday, September 7th


UPDATE: Drack has added Spore to the ClanOCR Database so everyone register there and we can all know each other's Spore names and be fwends!

So the Spore creature creator comes out this week (limited version for free full version for $10) and I have to say it is AWESOME (the free version has leaked online). As soon as the full version becomes available I am buying it instantly. I played around on the creature editor for about 10 minutes and made some really awesome stuff.

They also have cool other neat features such as:

Make a gif avatar of your creature

Take video of your creature in the test run mode and upload it straight to youtube right from the game (requires a legit login of course)

friends lists where you can see all your friends little guys

here's my first little guy




I am actually waiting to buy a new computer until I know a. the system requirements of Spore and b. the system requirements for Starcraft 2.

creature editor requirements (im assuming this is similar to full game)

System requirements:

Windows XP:

* 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent

* 512 MB RAM

* A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0

* At least 500 MB of hard drive space

Windows Vista:

* 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent

* 768 MB RAM

* A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0

* At least 500 MB of hard drive space


I think I'm going to wait til the full version comes out so I can experience full mind blowage. But damn this is tempting!

Another game I thought would "never" come out is getting pretty close...


I am a little depressed. I am in Europe right now, far away from my gaming desktop back in the States. It would seem my lil' ol' laptop is not powerful enough to run Spore. Which is sad. Apparently my video card is not approved. It pops up the message when I run it that my computer does not have the right specs.

I don't know if I can last 17 days without tasting just a little Spore. :puppyeyes:


[Diseased_Project]http://plaza.fi/s/f/editor/images/spore_mulkut_uut0806_1.jpg HAHAHAHAH

[Diseased_Project]http://plaza.fi/s/f/editor/images/spore_mulkut_uut0806_2.jpg a followup

[Tensei-San] flying penis monster

[Diseased_Project]videoplay?docid=-689194118682834081 (edit: add video.google.com to the string. I couldn't paste it otherwise without it screwing up the post, but trust me it'll be worth it) k this is officially getting weird

[Tensei-San] HAHA

[Tensei-San] what the hell

[secret_Agent_Man] I dunno.

[+Anso|AFK] ROFL

A little spore talking on a fine day on #ocrwip

(notice that the images and the video might upset some people, just a warning)


Six months from now, Fox News will be covering the mature content of this game. They will bring on Jack Thompson to talk about it, which effectively acts as reviving Dracula from his grave. The game will then be recalled and reissued as an Adults Only rating by the ESRB. This terrible vision I have foreseen.


Spore looks kinda cool, but I'm sort of turned off by the fact that almost all creatures I've seen created with it are some sort of googly-eyed retarded monsters. I haven't seen much ability to make cool stuff...just abominations of nature. Which I suppose is fun too.


Who remembers "E.V.O.: Search for Eden?" Though the story gets very silly in the last third, I couldn't help but enjoy the game anyway. This reminds me a lot of that, right down to the "Evo points."

Who remembers "E.V.O.: Search for Eden?" Though the story gets very silly in the last third, I couldn't help but enjoy the game anyway. This reminds me a lot of that, right down to the "Evo points."

E.V.O was awesome. Very mysterious, nearly unheard of game for the SNES. I rented it one time more or less accidentally, and I remembered it enough to try downloading the ROM several years ago. It was a huge innovation, and the gameplay was pretty fun. The only problem I had with it though is that I felt like it was forcing me to play a certain way every time, despite the fact that there were tons of possibilities in creating your creature.

It's 10$ and you get a 5$ rebate in the final Spore game.

It's like paying 5$ for playing this part of spore about 3 months in advance.

you know... I hadn't thought of it that way...

still not overly fond of it, though, but it's somewhat less reprehensible.

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