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For me puzzle games, classic platformers, and 2D fighters seem to hold up the best. I've been playing these games for years, have them all on multiple systems (through emulation or hard copies) and never get tired of them.


Puyo Puyo 2 (or it's incarnations)

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

Super Mario Bros

Super Mario Bros 2


Minna No Golf (Hot Shots Golf) series (doesn't matter which game because they are pretty much all the same, but the PSP games get a lot of play since I can take them anywhere).

lufia 2 needs more mentioning

Yeah it's a great game! But I never finished it, I did too much of that random dungeon of 99 floors...I had so much "blue" equipment when I got back to the real game I was so overpowered that I lost interest. Next time I start a new game, I won't make that dungeon more then once before finishing the real quest to keep a decent challenge.

How did I forget Super dodge ball? It's a great one time game and just a little hard on hard :)

I played the Yoshi game which is a puzzle game, not a long time ago and I had a dream about it where someone important needed me to make a score over 10k for...something important lol. I guess it's because I only scored 6k last time I played lol


Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.

That game pushed the limits of what could be done with MIDI sound and 320x240x256 graphics, had a film-quality score and story, and having 3 paths and some randomisation didn't hurt the replay. I play through it about once a year, or rather three times, usually doing each path in succession.

King's Quest 5 and 6 to a lesser extent.

As an NES kid it was TMNT 2 and 3. With 2 I got to the point of beating Shredder in a matter of seconds.

Seems this devolved into a regular favorites thread... I think he meant games you play over and over and STILL play to this day, but I could be wrong.

look like it.

i still play Doom nowadays, also Ace combat, i still have one copy of one of the game near my game system (ace 6 right now, and Ace 3 electrosphere Jap on my psp). I add Elder scroll III Morrowind. I don't play it regularly but at least once per year.

Seems this devolved into a regular favorites thread... I think he meant games you play over and over and STILL play to this day, but I could be wrong.

I don't think the thread's devolved so much yet. But yeah, that's exactly what I gathered from the first post.

When I think of my favorite games, replayability is part of it, but not the main factor. Just so happens that many of the games I love are also very replayable. There're a few I can think of that I really like, but don't replay so much--like Tales of Phantasia, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6, etc. Meanwhile, there're others that I'd rank below those games, but I still replay more often--like Tokimeki Memorial. The Civilization/Alpha Centauri series is also top of the list in terms of how often I play or replay it, but second if you just asked what my favorite games were (after the Lunar series).

Reading the responses of folks who elaborated a bit also gives a good indication on how much of a factor replayability is in terms of how much you like a game. KF

As a child, I used to play Pokemon over and over despite me completing all the missions, gym battles, and mini-games. Gotta catch 'em all, huh?

there were missions in pokemon?


Phantasy Star 4 is the best game ever in my opinion.

When I was younger, I made a conscious effort to win Phantasy Star 4 at least once a month. Needless to say, I accomplished my goal for several months.

I still find myself craving time to play PS4, although I just don't have time to play anything these days. :-(

there were missions in pokemon?

I wouldn't call them missions, more like things you need to do to advance the plot such as defeat Team Rocket, restore the soul of that dead mother in that graveyard, shit like that.


-The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

-NiGHTS into Dreams

-Pokemon Snap

All three games are relatively short, and aside from Link's Awakening, the latter two were basically "score attack" games. I absolutely LOVE score attack games if they're pick-up and play and not extremely hardcore like japanese scrolling sh'mups.


SMB1 and 2, Contra, Rygar, A Link to the Past, Mario RPG, Starfox, Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Paper Mario, Eternal Darkness, and... Wii Sports?

I'm kind of surprised that the GC barely made it. I haven't seen any full games that I'd like to replay on Wii yet.


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - frickin awesome. I think I've uninstalled it like 10 times, but it always ends up back on my 'puter.

Kingdom Hearts 2 - I got this game the day it came out and have beaten it an embarrassing amount of times.

Devil May Cry 3 - Yes.

Marvel Versus Capcom (emulator on PC) - best arcade fighting game I've ever played.

Valkyrie Profile - I stopped playing it ONLY because I was afraid my CD's would wear out (I payed a LOT for them on eBay a few years back)

Armored Core 3 - This game was more important to me than food back when I had it. If I had it today I'd still play it religiously.

Odd list, I know...

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