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Awesome! I hope it's not going to be an MMO, I read somewhere it was.

I bet it was GameFAQs.

Someone there seriously thought that the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor were the only classes that were going to be in the game.

But yeah, I like the new engine they are running D3 on. The bodies flying everywhere + blood gushing + walls crumbling = yes.

Totally agreed, and I know I've said this, but I love how smoothly you can transition from one move to another. It looks like the melee classes will now get several more abilities they can use to mix it up and it looks like Mana regenerates fast enough that you can use them with some frequency. This could lead to some amazingly cool combos.

Just by the video the combat system looks quite a bit deeper and I really like how it's looking so far.

I bet it was GameFAQs.

Someone there seriously thought that the Barbarian and the Witch Doctor were the only classes that were going to be in the game.

It might've been on GameFAQs. :lol: It made me very angry, but obviously you can't believe all the rumors you hear.

To be successful in Hell, you almost needed one of those pre-defined cookie-cutter builds. Hell Difficulty was damn near unplayable in Single Player because short of using Open Battle Net, you rarely found the things you needed to just survive. Even on Battle.Net, good luck trying to beat anything alone if you didn't or if you weren't playing with helpful people.

Well, this is mostly right... except in 1.10 my Necromancer could pretty much solo all difficulties with ease. Skeleton armies coupled with corpse explosion dominated everything in that patch. And if you get the right equipment (like, those boots that give something like level 33 bone prison, and if you don't put any points into that ability to start with, all 33 points act as synergies) you can have wicked bone spells too. They would've been enough damage-wise to dual even, except you can never hit a human target with bone spells :razz:. This being said, there were some parts were I still needed help to get through, due to monster resistances.


I am so happy this game is announced. It'll probably never hit us for awhile but I'm just glad to have the confirmation of its soon-to-be existence.

Frankly, I liked the 1.10 patch, and its the way the game should have been from the start. However, its still got a lot of issues in that it is pretty constricting of builds, and calls for almost cookie-cutter (because most fully-realized synergies are cookie cutter, like say, Meteor and Blizzard sorcs, and Hammerdins). However, for those who like to play through the game, it helped balance by allowing you to pump lower-level skills. This made leveling easier, since you'd have access to skills on the way (instead of hoarding points to say up for, say, Frozen Orb). Still, it really killed off the customizability of the characters a bit, because you pretty much HAVE to invest in synergies or realize that you just can't get through the game.

I can definitely understand how it wrecked PvP, though. Synergies killed off a lot of builds, and constricted them. I'd say 1.10 patch was for those who enjoyed soloing or playing through the game in its entirety (not a whole ton of people).

I hope Diablo III presents a fresh new take on skills and stuff. The change between Diablo I's spellbook system to Diablo II's level-up system was quite nice, and I hope they have another jump like that.


Glad it's finally seeing the light of day. Happy to see that it remains top-down and "M"-rated. Still looks rogue-like and scary, so I'm relatively happy.

Still, unhappy about:

  • 1) DRM. As announced in the FAQ (translated from marketing lingo).
  • 2) WTF red healing balls. "Let's just abstract out the whole vampirism/healing stuff."
  • 3) Overly smooth WoW-like environment (see dungeon gargoyles). Where's the grit and detail of the previous two? If 3D can't cut it, use 2D.
  • 4) Over-the-top character designs. Give me the subtlety of the original, not WoW-inspired chaos! Looking kinda like George Lucas got his hands on Diablo.


Well diablo II didn't have "The Butcher," but it still had its fair share of "dark" parts.

Good god, when I opened the door to fight the butcher for the first time I almost crapped my pants.

I am so happy this game is announced. It'll probably never hit us for awhile but I'm just glad to have the confirmation of its soon-to-be existence.

Frankly, I liked the 1.10 patch, and its the way the game should have been from the start. However, its still got a lot of issues in that it is pretty constricting of builds, and calls for almost cookie-cutter (because most fully-realized synergies are cookie cutter, like say, Meteor and Blizzard sorcs, and Hammerdins). However, for those who like to play through the game, it helped balance by allowing you to pump lower-level skills. This made leveling easier, since you'd have access to skills on the way (instead of hoarding points to say up for, say, Frozen Orb). Still, it really killed off the customizability of the characters a bit, because you pretty much HAVE to invest in synergies or realize that you just can't get through the game.

I can definitely understand how it wrecked PvP, though. Synergies killed off a lot of builds, and constricted them. I'd say 1.10 patch was for those who enjoyed soloing or playing through the game in its entirety (not a whole ton of people).

I hope Diablo III presents a fresh new take on skills and stuff. The change between Diablo I's spellbook system to Diablo II's level-up system was quite nice, and I hope they have another jump like that.

At first I thought the synergies were sweet, but yah they are super restrictive and you can't really make creative builds. or at least effective ones. Hopefully D3 will stray away from that.


I, and like many others, have not played Diablo. But the Diablo Battlechest is only $20 at your local game store. Good buy, imo.

I'm gonna load that up on my pc and nerdgasm before D3.


Wow. That is pretty ridiculous. I would like to see diablo 3 have its own art style independent of warcraft influence, but seriously, its not that big of a deal. The game still looks amazing. :roll:

Well diablo II didn't have "The Butcher," but it still had its fair share of "dark" parts.

Good god, when I opened the door to fight the butcher for the first time I almost crapped my pants.

Yeah, but mostly it was just *really dark*, literally. The game was dark.

And that was awesome.

Pixel-level grit was present in both games. Some of the polygons in Diablo 3 are a bit too smooth, and it almost looks like it's done on purpose through the game engine -- not sure what's up with that.

Ah well. My main gripe is the still the red hearts that appear after you kill monsters. I thought potion-use was the solution to that sort of cheap abstraction, not vice versa. I can't think of any precedent in the previous Diablo games, where something on the ground wasn't literally an object. WTF red orbs?...

Haha, nice petition. Totally agreed w/ it!


That petition is everything that's wrong with art direction in video games these days. As if we really need more games with that washed out brown-gray look.

One of the things I like most about Blizzard is that they don't shy away from actually using colors with some saturation to them.

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