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The difficulty is so unbalanced.. I could go through on t1, then something like The Ram I had to drop all the way to normal to get past it. With over 180k dps and at level 70, that's friggin' ridiculous.

And this expansion in particular feels a lot like Call of Duty design... you kill an enemy and one instantly respawns. It's like this in a lot of encounters, like the one in Clyfton Hall I think it is. The Templar quest is also like that. And of course, The Ram, as previously mentioned.

Posted (edited)

Yep I am loving it. This is what D3 should have been from the start. Adventure mode is just what I wanted. My only complain are of course, the bosses, which have way too much hp, they aren't hard at all, just take a lot of damage and you never die, its like a wet noodle fight between two gods. Pretty disappointing.

Other than that, I love it. For some reason the crusader feels the most like a d2 class to me. I know it's a modded paladin, but so are the barb and wizard (modded d2 barb and sorceress), and they don't quite evoke that d2 feeling as much as the crusader does to me.

EDIT: and I do like that the game is a bit harder now as well! there are a ton of new legendaries to find in torment as well as new ways to improve your character, and part of the fun of diablo is getting progressively stronger. Vanilla inferno was bullshit, but this feels right.

Edited by Sir_NutS
I love that the endgame is back to being super hard

Seems like it's back to being impossible like Inferno used to be :-P It's a game that hinges fully on the quality of the loot you get, playing on a lower difficulty doesn't provide the best loot. So it's a tricky area of playing for hundreds of hours to try to get lucky on some good-butt loot at a lower difficulty which I'm sure they planned to get people to put the time in and come back to D3 for the allure of that sweet, sweet loot. It worked on me and heck it seems to have worked on a lot of other people. They'll probably end up patching it again. ALSO I'm going to spoiler this part: I hope the Nephalem is coming back in the future, either DLC or Diablo 4, and potentially being the evil enemy of the game. That'd be amazing. If it could use your existing character data from Diablo3, that would be even more amazinger.

Yep I am loving it. This is what D3 should have been from the start. Adventure mode is just what I wanted. My only complain are of course, the bosses, which have way too much hp, they aren't hard at all, just take a lot of damage and you never die, its like a wet noodle fight between two gods. Pretty disappointing.

HAH. Agree 100%. Wet noodle fighting :-P

Posted (edited)

You don't need to play for "hundreds of hours" to get good loot at lower levels... that's just not true. People expect to be able to waltz into Torment (etc) with minimal gear and do well. Why? There are multiple difficulty levels for a reason. I was very frustrated playing on Torment 1 while leveling up past 68, so I went down to Master. But I was still dying, so I went down to Expert, and that I could handle. Within maybe 6 hours of play I can easily handle anything in Master again, and probably ready for Torment 1.

The quality of gear is basically identical on the lower difficulty levels, it's just you get less XP, less gold, fewer gems, and no 'torment' legendaries. But you can quite easily double your DPS and get millions of toughness. Just be smart about how you gear, use crafting, and use the mystic!

By the way, I think the bosses are way harder for melees. I died all the time to Act 5 bosses because there are so many melee and AOE ground effects....

Edited by zircon
Posted (edited)
You don't need to play for "hundreds of hours" to get good loot at lower levels... that's just not true. People expect to be able to waltz into Torment (etc) with minimal gear and do well. Why? There are multiple difficulty levels for a reason. I was very frustrated playing on Torment 1 while leveling up past 68, so I went down to Master. But I was still dying, so I went down to Expert, and that I could handle. Within maybe 6 hours of play I can easily handle anything in Master again, and probably ready for Torment 1.

Indeed you don't. The difference between this difficulty and vanilla inferno is that in vanilla inferno you got one-shotted by everything, and the only way to get the gear to do it was to keep getting one-shotted in inferno because nightmare gear was several levels lower. Now you can get the gear to do Torment by doing master, and the gear for doing master by doing expert.

Proof is, I can already do t1 at a decent pace, and I was only doing master runs.

The quality of gear is basically identical on the lower difficulty levels, it's just you get less XP, less gold, fewer gems, and no 'torment' legendaries. But you can quite easily double your DPS and get millions of toughness. Just be smart about how you gear, use crafting, and use the mystic!

Yep, the gear quality is the same, it's level dependant now. The only difference in torment is that you get a special set of legendaries, and the drop rate is higher.

Edited by Sir_NutS
Posted (edited)

I have no qualms with the overall gameplay. Bosses have a TON of health but I was able to 2 man the whole thing on torment 1 (after a very long time and a lot of potions) but I'll be GD'd if Blizzard didn't phone in that story. D3 as a whole has been some of their weakest story telling ever and that makes me sad ;-;

Dat soundtrack, doe. Had the "

that I was missing from D3. Edited by Ramaniscence
I have no qualms with the overall gameplay. Bosses have a TON of health but I was able to 2 man the whole thing on torment 1 (after a very long time and a lot of potions) but I'll be GD'd if Blizzard didn't phone in that story. D3 as a whole has been some of their weakest story telling ever and that makes me sad ;-;

I pretty much decided long ago to forget there was even a story if I were to enjoy this franchise anymore :P. vanilla story and storytelling was so terrible... but this one is slightly better in that regard. At least Malthael doesn't seem as idiotic as the vanilla evil characters.



All the bosses seem like crap because of how slow they are. If they cut the HP in half but raised their speed by like double (I'm looking at you Urzael) it would have been a lot better. It's like they set the speed and HP levels while they were high.

I love that song that plays in the end credits, what is that one? That's like, the best one.. the others are ok but that one, wow.

Almost don't believe they made this, and it's a classical public domain piece or something :-P

Leveling up my Witch Doctor to 70 now - seems like a really weak class still, not sure how people really succeed with them... I'm still having trouble on Expert at level 68. However, I did find a hilarious safe build that specs fully into Zombie Dogs. You get +2 dogs and your dogs/gargantuan get extra damage and life. Now, I just need to get tons of thorns items and get that passive too.

Leveling up my Witch Doctor to 70 now - seems like a really weak class still, not sure how people really succeed with them... I'm still having trouble on Expert at level 68. However, I did find a hilarious safe build that specs fully into Zombie Dogs. You get +2 dogs and your dogs/gargantuan get extra damage and life. Now, I just need to get tons of thorns items and get that passive too.

Look at my WD poison build. Used to be my best farming build because how safe and lazy it was:


I have absolutely no skills that buff the pets, and they never die. I don't have to spam spells since you can only have 1 spider queen at a time, so most of the time I am just sitting back letting my pets do the work while I refresh locust swarm when its about to expire (every 16 secs) and use my mana on acid rain. I use fetish army as a big CD to get rid of elite packs quickly, and because the other alternative was having soul harvest, but that required me to keep it up and I just wanted to be the laziest build possible. Believe me, it works.


The Lightning rune on Blessed Hammer appears to be the best spender the Crusader has thus far -- soon I will hit 70 and know for sure. That it's 10 or 20 Wrath cheaper than the other options makes a strong case for it being the best though.

Crusader potentially has a lot of burst DPS potential via +100% Crit Damage and +80% Crit Chance effects on skills for short periods of time but will likely work best in a group as a massive tank with a passive block rate of 75% that skills can boost to 100% for moments you need it.

Anyone else starting to wish that this game had WoW-style add-on support? So many little quality-of-life things I wish I had here that I had when I played WoW, like DPS meters and auto-sorting inventory.

No, I hope it never gets addons that get combat data.

I'm sure inventory auto-sorting is something they will be including in the future, specially now that everyone has more stuff to save.

Posted (edited)

Me and the fiancee quickly beat the game when it was first released and haven't touched it since, I enjoyed it decently enough. Now I'm seeing everyone talking about how much better it is now vs how it was terrible when it released. Can anyone give me a basic rundown on what has changed that has so drastically swayed everyones opinions? If we were to dive back into the expansion, whats the biggest change(s)?

Edited by k-wix

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