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I did ignore that, I apologize. But frankly, I'm optimistic with the production of games. How are we supposed to know if it's bad or not if they don't even try making it? If it does suck, at least they tried - I'd rather have played Defenders Of The Future then forever linger with the memory of an Ecco 3 in development that never materialized.

"Most gamers" would whine more if CT3 sucks than if it never gets made. Just look at the people who are still butthurt about Cross.

"Most gamers" would whine more if CT3 sucks than if it never gets made. Just look at the people who are still butthurt about Cross.

I thought fan reaction was mostly good

More importantly, look at the people who still bought Cross. There was no (easy) way of pirating it at the time, so it still made them a great deal of money - more than the PS1 port of Chrono Trigger did, at least.


Yes in my "rampant fanboyism" I forgot to mention I had no intention of repurchasing the game because if I really had a jonesing for CT I would just play it on my emulator.

If it does suck, at least they tried - I'd rather have played Defenders Of The Future then forever linger with the memory of an Ecco 3 in development that never materialized.

Well put your mind at ease. You don't have to live with the memory of a Chrono Break that was in development and never materialized, because it was never in development.

Also, at least they tried with all those movie sequels these past couple years. I mean, I don't want those hours back or anything. I like having my favorite things shat upon. It makes me feel all warm and cuddly knowing that a perfectly good thing was raped and pillaged by some pointless follow-up because some whiney little girl needed more shineys.

Indeed you're right, we MUST have a Chrono Break. We can find out how Crono grew up to have a homosexual relationship with Fritz which caused Marle to hang herself outside the Guardian courtroom. Also, I look forward to watching the fully rendered cutscene of Ayla having Frog for dinner when he's accidentally teleported to 65 million BC by Magus, who is trying to conjure a rocking horse for Tata. Don't forget, Robo is actually a Metal Gear that Solid Snake will make a cameo to pilot against Mother Brain's Patriot AI system.

Actually...in retrospect, I might enjoy that.

I thought fan reaction was mostly good

More importantly, look at the people who still bought Cross. There was no (easy) way of pirating it at the time, so it still made them a great deal of money - more than the PS1 port of Chrono Trigger did, at least.

I think my favorite summary of fan reaction to Cross went as such:

"It's not that Cross was a bad RPG, in fact, it was pretty good. But you tack Chrono on to it and have it try to fulfill the shoes of Chrono Trigger, and you have massive failure."

On a side note, Bleck, had this been announced as the straight up original downloadable for the Virtual Console, Live Arcade or whatever PS3 uses, would you still be pissed off your rocker about it?

"It's not that Cross was a bad RPG' date=' in fact, it was pretty good. But you tack Chrono on to it and have it try to fulfill the shoes of Chrono Trigger, and you have massive failure."[/quote']

This. Right here. Pretty much sums up a lot of Cross's reception: good RPG on its own, bad "sequel," as it were.

And well, I'm just going to throw this out there, and this is probably going to sound like a stupid reason for wanting to buy the DS port:

I've played Chrono Trigger through alternate means through several times at least. I still love the game. And considering these alternate means are in a proverbial gray area, I look at it this way: The port will serve as a reasonable, economic manner for me to legally own a copy of this game. Trying to find the PS1 or SNES versions of the game at a reasonable price can be difficult, and I don't even have the hardware to play the game in its SNES form. So what I'm getting at is that this port is a good way to *legally* get ahold of the game in an otherwise difficult market.


Its not a stupid reason. Paying for a game you like at least once helps out the creators, though I don't think the creators will see a cent made from this DS port, since they long left Square. So in this case its not that accurate. But in other cases, supporting a creator helps them create more things, and if I like their work enough to buy it, I hope they make more. I think a lot of people feel the same.

Note: I own the SNES version, and have no intention of buying the DS version.


I liked Cross, but it exactly wasn't the best standalone game either. Way too much psychobabble and it was incredibly hard to relate to 90% of the cast members. Most of the game played out like the boring parts of Xenogears. And the ability to play as 40+ characters was the biggest gimmick I ever saw in a JRPG. And only 10 or so of them were even really usable.



I looked back one page and no one had posted this yet so if I didn't look far enough feel free to flame me 'til your heart's content.

Anyway, there's a trailer now. Same old art, same old game, same old music. No hint of new DS features. I didn't know, however, that some of the characters had different names in Japan. I wonder if we'll get the Japanese names in the new translation. That'll needlessly confuse people.

Wait wait wait just a minute here.

You assholes didn't like Chrono Cross?


Why? Most people didn't like it as a sequel and the jury was out on how good it was regardless. I actually think I liked it more than many people did, but it does have a pretty convoluted story compared to the straight forward one in CT. I think it's only natural that a complication of the original would divide opinions. Especially when CC ended up being a totally offspin, alternate dimension spinoff instead of a sequel.


Yeah, visually and aurally it was really beautiful. Some of the prettiest moments in a JRPG I've seen at spots.

I just disagree with the near perfect scores it got back in 2000. It was a well made game, but I guess everybody were into giving high scores for RPGs back then.


Geez, there is alot of hate on this thread.

Personally i am looking forward to having a portable version of the game.

I am also hoping if the game sells well they might make another game for the series.

Everyone is allowed their own say, you dont want to buy it, then dont, i dont know what the big deal is.

As for Chrono Cross, i enjoyed the game very much. Characters were not as lovable because there was just to many to focus on them. But over all i thought it was a great game the small connection CT was done nicely. To me it helped relate to CT enough to make me happy.

On a side note' date=' Bleck, had this been announced as the straight up original downloadable for the Virtual Console, Live Arcade or whatever PS3 uses, would you still be pissed off your rocker about it?[/quote']

No, not really. I know that the VC and LA and whatever PS3 uses aren't the companies only source of income - they can basically just tack them onto the system and watch a little money come in, instead of trying to fool people into believing that they put work into a 'remake' of it and charging them as much as any other game.

I think he was referring to that the original link was a countdown, and now it redirects to that link, which is a teaser video.
As evidenced by my saying "there's a trailer now."

Hooray for reading!

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