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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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ITT: Americans are jealous because Canada has Corner Gas (the best TV show ever made), free health care, deliciously-made ice cream (and other dairy products), superior salt+vinegar chips, Roots clothing stores, good hockey players (and Don Cherry), and $1 and $2 coins.

But...you still live in Canada. :shock:

(totally jealous)


Note: I'm going to try to keep this as short as possible. And for those that keep asking, I'm not an admin.

Secondary Note: This isn't short. tl;dr is in bold

Admins: There should be fewer admins who are around a lot. Yeah, that will mean that some nights an admin won't be around. However, I can only think of one time since I started playing that we might have needed one, and in the end it turned out to be a nonissue (we were under DDOS attack, but it stopped before problems arose). I've seen the server come together to voteban micspammers and votekick teleporter griefers multiple times when an admin wasn't around. Regular users are capable of keeping the trash out. 5 admins max, give them a crashcourse in how to admin, and make sure they don't have a history of douchebaggery. Removing admin powers for people who aren't around as much anymore is healthy for the server.

Teamstacking: It sucks but it happens. Clanstacking is not teamstacking. I am the biggest supporter of votescramble, and I probably use it the most on the server. When I ask my team multiple times in chat and on the mic for just ONE class to uber and they don't switch, then we deserve to get rolled and I let it happen. I've even switched to spy and didn't backstab anyone to move the process along when I've felt jovial. However, when 1 enemy demo *coughrambocough* outstickies 3 demos on dustbowl, then yeah, the teams need balance. I have told bonzairambo (they are one word now) that playing together is cute and everything, but they're so good together that it throws balance out the window a lot of times. Combine that with (hopefully) everyone else hitting the random door and you can get grossly unbalanced teams easily. Reserve slot holders should only !votescramble when they are aware of the class setups of both sides and it's clear that steamrolls will happen every time because of skill imbalance, not because scout and sniper rushes aren't working.

Admin Abuse: Attempting to enforce fun to the point where it's not fun anymore is bad. Telling someone to stop on the mic for bringing a gun to a fistfight is fine. Kicking them for it is unacceptable. Temporary rules on a map for a change of pace are meant to be fun. I've been the only regular online and gotten complete pubbies to do melee only before. I won't name names, but fewer admins create fewer problems. And I repeat: make sure people don't have a history of douchebaggery before you make them an admin.

Griefing: People will play what and how they want to play. Do not threaten to kick me for "griefing the team" when I'm top score as a battle medic. Certain things work better on certain maps, so suck it up if I don't decide to heal you. It's no different than if I went pyro and only used the shotgun or went spy and only used the ambassador. If they contribute more than nothing to the team, then they aren't griefing.

Server Commands: Reserved slot holder permissions are fine. Admin permissions are fine. If a person in either category is incapable of using those commands in a fair way, they lose their reserved slot privilege and never get it back. My night shouldn't be ruined because the Heavy I'm healing kills an admin too many times and gets kicked for it.

It's not "treading the edge," it's outright admin abuse. "Melee only in the water" isn't a rule, and neither is "no shooting grenades through the hole in Pipeline 2 before round start." The rules for the server are discussed here and made here, in this thread, and we've never considered those issues or discussed making rules about them (and we don't need to).

I don't think anyone that doesn't post in this thread to discuss issues should get Admin powers. I don't care if you idle in #ocrtf2, you need to be posting here, on this forum, in this thread.

And come on, don't kick people off the server because they're dominating you. That's childish. Admin actions should always be taken for the good of the server (banning griefers, abusive micspammers, etc.), not for personal reasons (getting dominated, not conforming to your made up, undiscussed house rules, etc.).



darkesword talking about admin abuse

this just made my day


Haven't played on the OCR server in a little while, though it seems less fun playing there than it used to. If you know me, I'll typically join what looks like the losing team (based on score most of the time), and if it looks pretty even, then I'll just take a side. And when I votescramble, it's because my team is either not working together or it seems all the better players are on the other team. Most of the time, this votescramble gets cast down.

If there seem to be a lot more problems in the coming days or weeks... I suppose maybe putting a password on the server might ease that issue for a little bit? Just a suggestion that might work... dunno.


I pretty much agree with D-Lux on everything. We could use fewer admins and maybe eliminate people who have a lot of complaints against them. Maybe we should just clear the list entirely. Remember guys... this is a game, there really doesn't need to be all this drama here.

EDIT: Here is my proposed list of new admins.









I've played a lot with everyone on this list and I know them all well (both IRL and on IRC/ingame, in many cases.) Let's keep this simple. I've read about some pretty bad admin behavior in this thread so I prefer to not take risks with potentially poor admins.


Jesus Christ, what the hell happened here? Can't play a game for a minute without useless bickering? For the love of god, whining about teamstacking? Admin abusing because they can't have it their way? Sounds pretty damn typical of you people. It's gotten extremely annoying and I grow tire of most of you.

Play some freakin' game, damnit. I play to just play; to just enjoy what I can. If you're not doing that then what the fuck are you people doing?

Jesus Christ, what the hell happened here? Can't play a game for a minute without useless bickering? For the love of god, whining about teamstacking? Admin abusing because they can't have it their way? Sounds pretty damn typical of you people. It's gotten extremely annoying and I grow tire of most of you.

Play some freakin' game, damnit. I play to just play; to just enjoy what I can. If you're not doing that then what the fuck are you people doing?

My enjoyment of this game is entirely contingent on whether or not the teams are balanced perfectly, obviously. Your 'holier than thou' attitude is no useful contribution to this thread at all.

Jesus Christ, what the hell happened here? Can't play a game for a minute without useless bickering? For the love of god, whining about teamstacking? Admin abusing because they can't have it their way? Sounds pretty damn typical of you people. It's gotten extremely annoying and I grow tire of most of you.

Play some freakin' game, damnit. I play to just play; to just enjoy what I can. If you're not doing that then what the fuck are you people doing?

Who the hell are you and what makes you think you have the right to talk about anything in this thread? And what tensei said.

Who the hell are you and what makes you think you have the right to talk about anything in this thread? And what tensei said.

You're not suppose to have a forum account. THATS NOT ALLOWED! Go back in your box.


Hey guys, I have reinstalled Steam in the computer, and now have an outstanding 46 Ping.

Patches will be getting their envelopes and stamps to day for those 20 or so that have given my their addresses.

So after some talk in #ocrtf2, this is the updated list of admins:










So this is it huh? I don't even get to discuss this with anyone? After a year of faithful admining, I get the boot, cause I was on vacation. I feel so betrayed.

seems like every other day there is someone on their period about something new on the server

i will miss tf2 but i won't miss some of the people who call themselves regulars

And some people might miss you! :smile:


Here's the current rotation:
















Things I should change?

Here's the current rotation:
















Things I should change?

I think it's beautiful. I'm glad to see egypt back!

EDIT: The idea of some scrims has been thrown around for a long time, and there's always interest, but never action. I'm thinking that we should compile a list of people interested, and based on how many numbers we get, designate so many "captains" who will take turns picking rosters amongst themselves. And then we'll start playing around in the ZUZ server. I'm guessing the biggest problem with this (as per usual) would be schedualing. So perhaps having more fluid teams would be better? Any suggestions and/or interest?

It wouldn't be serious. Just organized.

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