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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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let's scrim everyday!!!!!!!!!

lol Tiger.

In other news, I took a demo I had recorded of a Gold Rush round and turned it into a video with commentary. It was too long for YouTube, so I uploaded it to WeGame. Link here.

The process of figuring out which video editing software to use is officially annoying. For now I'm using Windows Live Movie Maker. <_<

(EDIT: Bonzai, Rambo, check your friends lists please?)

nice video!

let's scrim everyday!!!!!!!!!

This actually isn't a bad idea. We'd be frequently shorthanded, but it would be nice to have something more... intimate than 12v12.


we got banned during setup, the rounds before that i believe we were spread across different teams. i didnt hear/see anyone complaining or feel like either team had a advantage in the previous rounds (however i was watching tv not really playing so who knows what was going on)...

i don't have a problem switching teams if asked and ive seen other nqa members do it also even without being asked.. not that big of a deal with all talk on..

--- on your end though i understand what happened and do see ocr's point...hopefully in the future we can return because over all i have had alot of fun on your servers and am highly amused by bushfire.



That's preposterous. Get out! You're banned from this historical society! You, and your children, and your children's children -- for three months.

ok, I lied last night, I don't actually dislike you guys but there have been too many complaints about you guys teamstacking, and in the past the other admins were met with mockery when they said anything about it. Given the history, I felt that announcing my intentions should've served as warning enough, but it was (in retrospect) unfair to not give you guys a chance to de-stack, and FireSlash continues to school me on being more tactful towards regular users (in the past I banned both pubs and regulars with little regard to backlash). Furthermore, I want it to be clear that I did not ban any nQa member that wasn't present at the time, and we are not unforgiving jerkfaces, so feel free to appeal your bans but realize that I've had enough of my OCReMix friends saying they don't enjoy playing on the OCReMix server because of the new "inhabitants," and I will probably continue to be less tolerant towards team stacking.

please don't hate me too much, but don't get up in arms if you don't get an immediate unban when you explain your position to the appropriate administrators. Your best bet is FireSlash (sorry :D).

On another note: i would LOATHE to scrim if miyako were playing, he gets me the hot bullets of shotgun to die %^( (overly skilled players are why i sometimes run around doing melee only as pyro, because i figure why try if i have "the winning force" on my team).

pre-post edit: brushfire is the best.

post-post edit: ffffffffffu why am i an akuma. this thread makes me post too much.

That's preposterous. Get out! You're banned from this historical society! You, and your children, and your children's children -- for three months.

ok, I lied last night, I don't actually dislike you guys but there have been too many complaints about you guys teamstacking, and in the past the other admins were met with mockery when they said anything about it. Given the history, I felt that announcing my intentions should've served as warning enough, but it was (in retrospect) unfair to not give you guys a chance to de-stack, and FireSlash continues to school me on being more tactful towards regular users (in the past I banned both pubs and regulars with little regard to backlash). Furthermore, I want it to be clear that I did not ban any nQa member that wasn't present at the time, and we are not unforgiving jerkfaces, so feel free to appeal your bans but realize that I've had enough of my OCReMix friends saying they don't enjoy playing on the OCReMix server because of the new "inhabitants," and I will probably continue to be less tolerant towards team stacking.

please don't hate me too much, but don't get up in arms if you don't get an immediate unban when you explain your position to the appropriate administrators.

A voice of reason? On an internet forum? WHAT IS SOCIETY COMING TO????

On another note: i would LOATHE to scrim if miyako were playing, he gets me the hot bullets of shotgun to die %^( (overly skilled players are why i sometimes run around doing melee only as pyro, because i figure why try if i have "the winning force" on my team).

What is this I don't even.

On another note: i would LOATHE to scrim if miyako were playing, he gets me the hot bullets of shotgun to die %^( (overly skilled players are why i sometimes run around doing melee only as pyro, because i figure why try if i have "the winning force" on my team).

Actually, last monday miyako joined after you bailed (for waste). The first round was a roll, so we did a quick trade (Miyako for someone, I don't remember who) and the following round was fantastic.

We might need to introduce some kind of organized way for dealing with abnormally good players, or we just need an similar monster to balance out the other team. What does Scythe do on mondays? :<


Just gonna be blunt here: Basically, today a stranger upgraded my WoW account and bought me time to play (I didn't ask or anything), so I'm gonna be doing that for a while. It's been about 2 years since I stopped playing, so I figure I'll try the new stuff.

Actually, last monday miyako joined after you bailed (for waste). The first round was a roll, so we did a quick trade (Miyako for someone, I don't remember who) and the following round was fantastic.

We might need to introduce some kind of organized way for dealing with abnormally good players, or we just need an similar monster to balance out the other team. What does Scythe do on mondays? :<

I can't tell if this is specifically for the weekly scrims or in general. I do know that I suddenly got a mental image of Miyako vs. Frogg in an epic 1 vs. 1 duel. Heaven forbid if they're on the same team.

Just gonna be blunt here: Basically, today a stranger upgraded my WoW account and bought me time to play (I didn't ask or anything), so I'm gonna be doing that for a while. It's been about 2 years since I stopped playing, so I figure I'll try the new stuff.

First thought: lolWoW

Second thought: Why would a stranger do this?

I can't tell if this is specifically for the weekly scrims or in general. I do know that I suddenly got a mental image of Miyako vs. Frogg in an epic 1 vs. 1 duel. Heaven forbid if they're on the same team.

First thought: lolWoW

Second thought: Why would a stranger do this?

XP bonuses.

Runs around yelling "GUN!". Its pretty scary.

I must admit, being on the receiving end of a GUN! is quite disheartening. Even worse hearing him laugh in mumble after the kill.


We might need to introduce some kind of organized way for dealing with abnormally good players

On badlands I told FROGG and miyako that they had to be captains. They refused, so I told the volunteer captains they had 2 choices for first picks: FROGG or miyako. :lol:

Just gonna be blunt here: Basically, today a stranger upgraded my WoW account and bought me time to play (I didn't ask or anything), so I'm gonna be doing that for a while. It's been about 2 years since I stopped playing, so I figure I'll try the new stuff.

Blizzard gave a bunch of people a week of free time (me included). Which, for me, ended today.

So, you might actually see more of me now. However, with finals next week, maybe not.

I snickered. I honestly did. If that's the best you can come up with to try and boil my blood, you might as well leave now.

uh no if my aim was to piss you off id have no problem doing that as that was what i used to be best at way back when

Rose-colored glasses.

It worked well for some people. A few others, most notably me, wanted to try more customs than we were doing at the time. Just to mix it up. Historically, this notion has been poorly received. I've made my peace with the fact that this community doesn't like to constantly experiment; their loss in my opinion, but it's a dead issue.

heh youd have liked my server then way back because i use to test new maps plugins and all sorts of stuff on almost a daily basis because yeah im into that kinda thing to

and do you really have to talk so highminded you type just like i used to talk irl until i took a step back and said wow i sound like a gigantic douche

and can you guys add #1 and #2 back into each servers hostname so people have a better idea of which is primary and which is secondary (or unused)

and do you really have to talk so highminded you type just like i used to talk irl until i took a step back and said wow i sound like a gigantic douche

As opposed to the way you type now, which is infinitely more annoying. You're too cool to use punctuation or capitalization and make your posts readable? It's the same thing with prophet of mephisto. You're not trendy or hip because you don't type properly.


mephisto looks pretty dumb because he does everything but hit the shift key whereas i use capitalization and punctuation when i think it SHOULD be used

the way i type is the way i talk

mephisto looks pretty dumb because he does everything but hit the shift key whereas i use capitalization and punctuation when i think it SHOULD be used

the way i type is the way i talk

So you think grammar and whatnot should be on the Atmuh Standard?

Maybe Webster's will here your idea if you pitch it to them.

Probably not though.

Oh shit, a fragment sentence!!

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