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the girl who cosplayed as the chick from mirror's edge looked almost exactly like her pixel sister. it was pretty awesome.

She was missing the bob cut, but Ivy definitely did an awesome job with her costume. Now I just need to find a way to make Devon "disappear"...

I TOLD YOU TO GO, AARON! :-P I would really love it if you and Nicole made it out to MAGFEST VIII. bLiNd and I really wouldn't be the only ones anymore from the West coast. After the dj set on Saturday night, bLiNd and I were mentioning how it would be if you played a set.... Holy.... mother... haha Did you get my IM on AIM btw?

Yea I got it! Thanks, Jade! And you know if I got to play I would be accepting submissions for OCR Artist Originals / OCReMixes to be played alongside along with other club beats and club quality beats from games.

THERE'S ALWAYS 2010... right?


I had a great time - this was my first year but it definitely won't be my last.

I really enjoyed seeing The Megas and Rare Candy live (cave story ftw!). The whole Jam Space idea was pretty awesome as well - I had never seen anything like that at a con before. I missed most of the concerts in there but I enjoyed most of what I heard, anyone have a list of the groups that played on Saturday at that open mic concert?


was my first magfest too, ive talked to Brendan at other cons for acoupel years now and finally made my way down after being yelled at by everyone for not going, so glad i did though. I missed metroid metal though....very unfortunate. A-rival was tons of fun to watch too

yeah i was considering costuming but im lazy, plus most of my stuff is bulky and i cant just run between the the gameing rooms and the concerts and stuff without epic manuevering....

least i got to wear my new favorite stormtrooper hoodie :D


Shoot me a PM, or an IM.

there were some really bad costumes, though, way too little clothing for what some of these people (male and female) had.

Are we still talking about the Bondies?


Question to all before I pass it on to Brendan:

From what I can tell (especially since I wasn't there for the meat of it), it was a little difficult to balance all the different music concerts. Chiptune and Open Mic concerts in Jamspace with bands in the concert room. What if the smaller instrumental groups and DJs could perform in between the different band sets in the concert room? I personally think it would add a good deal of weight and legitimacy to the performance, and get a wider audience to boot.

Question to all before I pass it on to Brendan:

From what I can tell (especially since I wasn't there for the meat of it), it was a little difficult to balance all the different music concerts. Chiptune and Open Mic concerts in Jamspace with bands in the concert room. What if the smaller instrumental groups and DJs could perform in between the different band sets in the concert room? I personally think it would add a good deal of weight and legitimacy to the performance, and get a wider audience to boot.

This might seem like a viable option. The one thing I'd be concerned with is how the shows are organized. If you want a show to be bangin' it needs to flow from one act to another. Also I think DJs need more than 15-30 minutes!


I didn't forget; gathering my pics and my thoughts take time.

I love good buddies, video games and watching talented musicians perform. MAG is the jump-off! I needed more than four days to catch up with the shows, the games, and with all the new friends I didn't get to talk to at length. My performance? Not bad for first time ever, with lyrics I haven't fully memorized. I'll have something for next year, for sure. Those who watched, it's a collab from Taucer and myself, which did alright at DoD.

EDIT: Hotlinks from Gallery failed miserably; see my next post for pics.

Question to all before I pass it on to Brendan:

From what I can tell (especially since I wasn't there for the meat of it), it was a little difficult to balance all the different music concerts. Chiptune and Open Mic concerts in Jamspace with bands in the concert room. What if the smaller instrumental groups and DJs could perform in between the different band sets in the concert room? I personally think it would add a good deal of weight and legitimacy to the performance, and get a wider audience to boot.

1) The problem with that is that the sound guys, the concert staffers, etc. need a break every once in a while.

2) The bands need time to clear off the stage and re-set. If you have DJ's up there and loud music and people jumping about, it's going to be next to impossible to communicate.

3) The concert attendees could also use a break... grab water, use the restroom, etc.

So the only way to make that work would be to make each performer a part of the full concert line-up, which will make the concerts last 12 hours each. And nobody has the stamina for that.

It's a good idea, but sometimes you have to step back and look at it from a logistics standpoint.

4) Why does everyone feel that going straight to Brendan is the best idea to get something booked? There are department heads for this kind of thing. If you nag Brendan, you'll either get one of two responses... 1) Ok. (Brendan pokes Dom, Dom gets to you) 2) Talk to Dom (Dom gets to you). The latter of which will be the less annoying option in general.

If you don't know how to get ahold of Dom directly, I'd be the next person to get ahold of, then I'll get ahold of Dom.

If you have feedback or ideas for JamSpace specifically, or music ideas in general, please register on the JamSpace forums (http://www.conjamspace.com/smforum) and post your ideas. We'd love ideas / feedback, and forums are the best way to keep everything centralized.

Forum link again: http://www.conjamspace.com/smforum


While we're on the topic of MAGfest, you guys should really go check out the Dwelling of Duels results. Typically, MAGfest month has an insane number of entries brimming with quality, and this year's no different.


We even get to see the OCR debuts of a very unexpected collab. Taucer and Jose made a very cool DKC track which placed 19th. Yes, you actually listen to Taucer singing this time around as well. My question is; when will this get posted on OCR?

Would that be this Chris Feener by any chance? If it is, AWESOME. Nice to see someone else from this neck of the woods involved in VGM remixing.

EDIT: Shnabubula is my new god.

The very same. He and I are both members of the Megadeth Forums so that's where we met. I've been collaborating with him for a while now, he also played an awesome solo on Bond's Batteries from the July '08 DoD month. I'm also going to play the Bass on his album.

Actually it was suggested that there be another chip rave, but as a full event- i suggested that you help put together the mix :3

When you're endorsed in someway by starla, bLiNd and Mrs. bLiNd, and several others, you know you can't go wrong. :3

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