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Who else thought that last guy was going to bite it when he reached the top and there was a sudden tilting move with the wires?

Hahaha, I actually cringed at that moment. "Oh God he's dead..."

That opening ceremony blew my mind. Still, I thought it was pretty funny at how often I was hearing bagpipe music and mariachi music. All of the money spent and the technology used that night and they couldn't be buggered to find more than a few songs to put on loop.

The opening was one of the most amazing things to be shown on T.V. No words can detail how beautifully done it was! I was in awe!

Let's hope the Dream Team (Team USA's Basketball team) will not fail as like they did four years ago.

They're not the Dream Team, that was the '92 team. As Bob Costas said, 2008's team is is probably more like the "Redeem Team".

There are millions of people that don't care about sports in general, and the Olympics in particular.

I'm not watching any of it.

I don't usually watch the events, but the flag-bearing offers some interesting clues into international relations, and the opening ceremonies are usually spectacular. I usually watch those and simply hear about the medal count as it goes. As for the events, I find them a yawn-fest generally.

No. That makes you normal. There are millions of people that don't care about sports in general, and the Olympics in particular.

I'm not watching any of it.

Bullshit. There's basically half the population paying at least a moderate attention to the Olympics and those who don't. I tend to equate non-sports appreciators as mostly blobs of meat, so there's my assessment.

As for other opening ceremony antics, I thought it was a nice touch for them to have the firework foot-prints lead up to the stadium. It was done so well, it looked like CG for the good first minute or so. And that 500 feet long LCD display on the stadium too. It really couldn't get more modern than that. I feel sorry for the London Olympics 4 years later. They can't possibly match this.

Is it odd that I ... really don't give a shit about the Olympics?

Whadya know, I really don't care either!

For me, the only reason I'm going to be paying attention to the Olympics is because I want to know if anything happens - the fact that this is taking place in such a controversial area has me watching the news like a hound dog.

Really though, I just hate sports. I have no athletic activity whatsoever, and have no real desire for any.

Bullshit. There's basically half the population paying at least a moderate attention to the Olympics and those who don't. I tend to equate non-sports appreciators as mostly blobs of meat, so there's my assessment.

As for other opening ceremony antics, I thought it was a nice touch for them to have the firework foot-prints lead up to the stadium. It was done so well, it looked like CG for the good first minute or so. And that 500 feet long LCD display on the stadium too. It really couldn't get more modern than that. I feel sorry for the London Olympics 4 years later. They can't possibly match this.

I agree that this is an opening ceremony that can't be easily beaten, but if anything, this was a "Hello world!" on the part of China.

With that in mind, time to watch more.

Also lol fat people.

I hate sports, but I'm watching the Olympics. I understand not watching, though. I didn't see the opening ceremony, though. What's the point?

The opening ceremonies were a massive 'hello world' on China's part, so it was a great show. The Chinese pulled out all the stops, and it was impressive beyond belief. It was really just a fun show to watch, nothing more.

As for the events, I really find them boring to watch. The medal standings are neat, but do I really need to watch people run really fast? Between that and all the annoying-as-hell commentary, you have a real bore on your hands. It's not only the Olympics - if anyone's ever tried to watch golf, you understand what I mean. Or baseball. Hell, the only three interesting sports to even watch are American football, football and hockey.


As for the events, I really find them boring to watch. The medal standings are neat, but do I really need to watch people run really fast? Between that and all the annoying-as-hell commentary, you have a real bore on your hands. It's not only the Olympics - if anyone's ever tried to watch golf, you understand what I mean. Or baseball. Hell, the only three interesting sports to even watch are American football, football and hockey.

Haha, wow.

Love sports, love the Olympics, and it's gonna be hard to get anything done with them on for the next two weeks. :<

no interest in the Olympics ... don't care ... etc.

I can get that

Olympics are boring ... hate ... deprecate ... blah blah

One hot summer’s day a Fox was strolling through an orchard till he came to a bunch of Grapes just ripening on a vine which had been trained over a lofty branch. “Just the things to quench my thirst,” quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “I am sure they are sour.”


edit: lol, they called a travel on Kobe Bryant the first time he touched the ball. classic. Just a little "hey we do things differently here"



At any rate, I'm seeing this as a good chance to read and learn about sports that I wasn't really familiar with, as well as expand my knowledge on certain others.

Like water polo. I think water polo is actually a very cool sport now, and I'm reading up on all the soccer and boxing as well. Is it strange that now I wanna pick up Fight Night, FIFA '09 and others now?

On another note, I can't find a reliable schedule for anything now save the main page, and if I go by those times, then I don't get to see boxing or judo 'til around 3 AM, which is bullocks. I can't find any live streams or downloadable shows either.


I saw women's swimming yesterday and it was pretty cool. I'm not much into swimming but the 100m relays were intense. Men's breast stroke was pretty cool too.

I will say that I'm most excited for track and field, however, that being my favorite sport.

Also, I can't believe the raging hormones inside me allowed me to miss the awesomeness that is women's beach volleyball. :(


Usually always enjoyed the boxing events as well as the occasional gymnastics events. Especially since the events just make me think of Samus's flexability... Same with strippers :lol: but not in the same spirit.

Heck I always liked the martial arts and yet I despise the UFC :lol:

Holy shit, did you see Artemev's pommel horse routine last night? That was beautiful.

And Spring's high bar routine was insane.

Artemev just got past the place in his routine where he fell in the trials, then he exploded. Pretty cool

I think that Chinese gymnast is going to have his rear branded for sitting on the p-bars, though. I was getting used to them being stone cold, and then he just kinda sat down.


It's possible, but you never know. While the Chinese demand perfection, sometimes the very act of the mistake is damaging enough to the athlete when their pride is on the line to be both punishment and incentive to do better. He was the leader of the Chinese gymnasts, and after he bungled his routine like that, you have to imagine how ashamed he's gotta feel on his own. Fortunately for him, those who appeared after made up for his mistakes with some outright flawless and downright stunning P-bar work.

Right now, I think the only branding he's going to get is what the bar already gave him. All I can say for sure is that he'll be back with a vengeance in other events.

Bullshit. There's basically half the population paying at least a moderate attention to the Olympics and those who don't. I tend to equate non-sports appreciators as mostly blobs of meat, so there's my assessment.

Well, I admit, I am overweight (rapidly changing however) but blob of meat would be a gross exaggeration even at my heaviest.

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