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"CHICAGO - Bernie Mac, the actor and comedian who teamed up in the casino heist caper "Ocean's Eleven" and gained a prestigious Peabody Award for his sitcom "The Bernie Mac Show," died Saturday at age 50.

"Actor/comedian Bernie Mac passed away this morning from complications due to pneumonia in a Chicago area hospital," his publicist, Danica Smith, said in a statement from Los Angeles."


This is....just not right :cry:

Oh wow... That's quite a shock. I wasn't a big fan of the Bernie Mac Show, but I thought he was great in all his movies. :(

Always helps to throw some negativity in your thoughts on someone who's passed on. Not like they deserve respect or anything...

Bernie's death caught me completely off-guard. It's a sad say when someone so great at their craft loses their life. He will be missed.


I loved him in the Ocean's [Number] movies... it sucks that he died, and at 50 too. He had years ahead of him.

Looks like we won't see him in an Ocean's Fourteen or Fifteen if they do those sequels. :(


I nearly cried when John Lemmon and Walter Mathau died. They were brilliant comedians and I loved them in all the roles I saw. Bernie Mac is no different. He helped pioneer a new generation of comedy, and he indeed had more years to go.

I will miss this man and I'm sure the whole country weeps for the loss of such a brilliant funny man.

Also, RIP sum um a bitch.


No way. I remember reading that Mac had pneumonia after an article on Freeman's car accident. I was so relieved Freeman made it out OK, I forgot about Mac's condition.

Bernie Mac was always fun to see in any part he played, that fun and charisma will be sorely missed.


I never quite liked his work but he was good in the Ocean's films and Transformers. God 50 is so...young. What's worse is I was more worried about Morgan dying due to his car crash. Sad bit of irony there, eh?


Sorry to hear it. I remember hearing on the radio a few days ago that "no, he is NOT dead." Apparently, when wod got out that he wasn't well, someone thought he'd died.

It's a shame, he was a pretty cool actor. He wasn't completely goofy, you know? He had a serious element to everything.


This just seems to...anticlimactic.

I expected him to live to a ripe old age, sitting on the porch of his house and cracking jokes with his kids and relatives. Perhaps both scaring and entertaining the neighborhood children with his wit and charm, y'know?

His personality and natural charisma was too big for life, I guess.

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