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Alright. Thx guys for all your help. Now I have to narrow it down lol. There are so many superb mixes to go with, it's going to be a hard choice. I am inspired by them all. Thanks for all your help!

He asked for orchestral remixes. I linked mine. That's not bragging. That's answering the question.

Incorrect. Take a look at the thread title: anyone know of good orchestral or symphony remixes?

Note the word "good". Also take a look at the kid's initial post:

i have an english project due and i have to write some kind of poem or story to music. its called a mood piece and just wanted to know of some really good pieces on here. Thanks!

Note the phrase "wanted to know of some really good pieces on here".

So, unless you somehow missed these key adjectives (you're not THAT stupid, are you?), then the fact that you promptly replied with your own music as a call for "really good" / "good" orchestral arrangements, is, without a doubt, bragging. I.E. "Take a look at my really good orchestral arrangements! :)"

Obviouslythe first ones that spring to my mind are the ones I made. If someone asked you for some smooth jazz style stuff, wouldn't the first thing that sprung into your mind be your music? If somebody asked bLiNd for some trance music, don't you think that he'd at least think of his own stuff first?

You make a great point here. However, in my case, if someone asked me for smooth jazz style stuff, I would immediately think of Jeff Lorber (and did when I read your response). But yeah, sure I *thought* of my own stuff after Lorber. I'm a firm believer in the saying "if it stays inside, it's confidence, if it comes out, it's egotism". If I ever were to come out linking to my own shit like that, I'd feel like I was being egotistical and selfish.

I don't place my arrangements above others. My orchestral remixes pale in comparison to a lot of other stuff linked in this very thread. Does that mean I'm not allowed to mention them? No, it doesn't. That's just bullshit. The guy didn't ask for "the best ones." He asked for orchestral remixes. I made some orchestral mixes. I'm gonna link them.

Of course *you're* going to link them. Nobody is saying that you shouldn't. All I'm saying is that, in this case, it comes off as egotistical promotion.

Of course people do it for a reason. People think that because I'm a judge and a mod, I have a superiority complex. People claim I have an ego because they want to cut down the big-bad-judge, knock him down a peg or two. I wouldn't get half as much shit from people if I wasn't a judge or a mod, and I know that's true because after I quit a few years ago, people stopped giving me shit.

Have you counted all the blow jobs you've gotten because of your judge/mod status? Do you think it's possible people defend you and praise you because they want to be on good terms with the judge's panel? Let me elaborate...

One could argue that the panel doesn't include personal bias at all when voting on mixes. Conversely, one could argue that the panel *does* include personal bias when voting on mixes.

I believe djp touched on this subject in the past--both cases are hard to prove or disprove. However, this doesn't stop kids from thinking "Hey, if I suck up to this guy and kiss his ass as often as possible, my chances of getting a YES on my mix from him increases!". So no, not everyone is out to get you. You catch more blow jobs than shit being in your position.

Incorrect. Take a look at the thread title: anyone know of good orchestral or symphony remixes?

Note the word "good". Also take a look at the kid's initial post:

Note the phrase "wanted to know of some really good pieces on here".

So, unless you somehow missed these key adjectives (you're not THAT stupid, are you?), then the fact that you promptly replied with your own music as a call for "really good" / "good" orchestral arrangements, is, without a doubt, bragging. I.E. "Take a look at my really good orchestral arrangements! :)"

...I'm a firm believer in the saying "if it stays inside, it's confidence, if it comes out, it's egotism". If I ever were to come out linking to my own shit like that, I'd feel like I was being egotistical and selfish.

Really, how is that any different? Are you saying I can only recommend my stuff if the OP asks for remixes without saying the words "really good?" Again, the OP didn't ask for the best. He asked for good ones. I think my music is good, and you know what? I'm allowed to say so, and that's not egotism.

Here's why: while I happen to think that my remixes are good (oh no! heaven forbid!), plenty of other people do too. It's all sitting there right in the review threads. So maybe if lots of other people like those remixes, the OP will too. I don't think that's a stretch, and it's not egotism to point that out.

You make a great point here. However, in my case, if someone asked me for smooth jazz style stuff, I would immediately think of Jeff Lorber (and did when I read your response). But yeah, sure I *thought* of my own stuff after Lorber.
Jeff Lorber doesn't make video game remixes. If this kid asked for just regular good orchestral music, you think I'd even think about pimping my own stuff? No. I'd recommend stuff like Copland, Williams, etc.
Of course *you're* going to link them. Nobody is saying that you shouldn't. All I'm saying is that, in this case, it comes off as egotistical promotion.

Now you're just over-analyzing my intentions.

Have you counted all the blow jobs you've gotten because of your judge/mod status? Do you think it's possible people defend you and praise you because they want to be on good terms with the judge's panel? Let me elaborate...
I can say with 100% certainty that I have never received a blowjob because of my staff position here at OCR. :P

And don't you think it's possible that maybe when people praise my music, they actually like my music?

One could argue that the panel doesn't include personal bias at all when voting on mixes. Conversely, one could argue that the panel *does* include personal bias when voting on mixes.

I believe djp touched on this subject in the past--both cases are hard to prove or disprove. However, this doesn't stop kids from thinking "Hey, if I suck up to this guy and kiss his ass as often as possible, my chances of getting a YES on my mix from him increases!". So no, not everyone is out to get you. You catch more blow jobs than shit being in your position.

I'm pretty sure I'm well aware of the amount of shit I get from people these days because of the jobs I have to do, and it heavily outweighs any kind of proverbial blow-job or ass-kissing you think I'm getting.

Maybe this is just my horrible, inflated ego talking, but I think that when someone gives me a good review for a remix I've done, they've given me a good review because they like the song I made, not because their remix will come under my scrutiny one day. And plenty of people who don't care about getting on my "good side" give me negative reviews. I always take those in stride.

What this really boils down to is a lot of uninformed conjecture on your part. You and I don't interact that much anymore; you don't visit #ocremix often, you don't really post on these forums that much, and you don't really even converse with me via IM anymore (not that we did that much in the first place). You're basing your opinion of my character on the fact that I am a staff member on this site and that I posted a few links to my remixes in a thread where a guy was asking for some good--yes, good--orchestral remixes.


These disputes only further cement my beliefs that we need an OCRING.org, where mixers and non mixers alike can duel TO THE DEATH or TO THE PAIN (depending on your movie preferences) in front of all comers on a live web cam! It would be a bigger attraction than the music, for sure...

Think of Rome, DJP, you do have your empire to be concerned with...

Et tu, pretze?


Jeremy Robson's FFVII symphonies are deliciously delicious. like cake.

also, jenova for classical piano is excellent evil mood music.


JM, why is it that all your latest posts you have been compelled to rebuke someone in a condescending manner? So DS made some suggestions referencing his own music, so what? Heaven forbid he take some pride in his work.

Or criticizing Sixto in the Bernie Mac thread.

Or criticizing Palpable in the Mamacitas thread

I can't tell if you were serious or not about Vig in the "EQ setting" thread, but I wouldn't throw out the possibility that you were.

Or "drinking to "most music fans are shallow"

Or criticizing SGX in the Ourstage thread

I have a feeling you were attempting to call Snapple out in the Protools thread

Anyway, I'm not going to bother listing them all, but I noticed that since you don't post a *LOT*, I quickly saw a trend in your pattern of posting. Looking at the rest of this list, most of the actual postivie stuff you've bothered to post has been about your own projects. Most of the rest of the time, you're too busy criticizing others. Go ahead, see for yourself.


And also, not to say that I always disagree with the morals behind your criticisms, but frankly, nobody likes a whiner. Is there any way you just might find it in yourself to not complain so much?

I for one am tired of reading it. Best of luck in future posts. (And no, I'm not trying to be a smartass).


What this really boils down to is a lot of uninformed conjecture on your part. You and I don't interact that much anymore; you don't visit #ocremix often, you don't really post on these forums that much, and you don't really even converse with me via IM anymore (not that we did that much in the first place). You're basing your opinion of my character on the fact that I am a staff member on this site and that I posted a few links to my remixes in a thread where a guy was asking for some good--yes, good--orchestral remixes.

Fair enough, I'll catch you on IM, then. </thread_de-railment>


For the record, the galaxy is at peace:

ioJoshuaMorse: hey

( ¯^¯): hi

( ¯^¯): sup

ioJoshuaMorse: my bad on the forums

ioJoshuaMorse: you were right, i assumed too much

( ¯^¯): *shrug* it happens.

( ¯^¯): don't worry about it.

ioJoshuaMorse: ok, cool

ioJoshuaMorse: so you don't get the wrong impression, i don't think your music is "bad" or anything

( ¯^¯): thanks.

Also for the record, I think Mr. Morse's music is pretty good.

p.s. yes, ( ¯^¯) is actually my locally echoed nick, because I am a condescending bastard


im working on my dark storm remix, it got rejected for being to close to the source material (at least it made it to the judges panel) so i decided im going to add electric guitar and good vocals, ive already written the lyrics :) perhaps ill actually get a song passed here on ocr, then again maybe not. O yeah if thiers any good electric guitarist mixers here, and are intereested in helping that would be awesome

  • 2 weeks later...
There's a general bias against orchestral mixes here. Sorry. You're outta luck.


Remixers: You're better off doing some techno or electrical music.

What's wrong with orchestral music?

Also, what kind of orchestral music you're looking for? Original? Remixes?


Wow, the discussion of this thread ... don't surprise me one bit actually. I'm not saying this here is the exact same case, but I've been in private server gaming communities on both sides of the power, both as a regular player and as a game master, and yeah, there's always seems to be some distrust amongst the commoners towards the ones that hold any power... Meh. C'est la vie, c'est partout, et je m'en fous.

I always wait for other people to post links to my mixes in the relaxing/piano remixes threads. Why stroke your own ego when you can let other people do it for you? Sometimes they even swallow~ <3


No, I don't swallow. But, as far as epic goes... I'm sure you've found them, but, for anyone else needing a specific pointer:



For me, leaning more on the epic side.

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