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I recently visited VGMix after a long 2 year hiatus and to put it frankly, I felt like throwing up. The site looks like a complete shambles, the staff have pretty much abandoned it, and the community is pretty much dieing.

How could this have happened? I wish they would have just left the old site alone, as this is a terrible loss the video game remix community.

All I can say is that I'm very glad OCR is still alive and kicking. Props to djpretzel for all of his hard work and continued maintenance of this awesome place.


You mean you wish Protricity would've left the old site alone am i rite

I liked the VGMix 2.5 forums better, really :[ it's a shame - the entire staff is far too busy to complete VGMix at all, they're all doing way more interesting things with their time.

We still have here, at least... or theshizz :D


I'm glad VGMix is still around. But I have to admit, the song browsing for the site is a bit of a mess, and with nothing to tell you when a new song has been uploaded, I can't imagine new tunes get that much exposure once they're there. I know VGMix X is basically just a stop over until VGMix 3 arrives in 2101 when war is beginning, and I completely understand that the folks building it are busy busy busy. But when you apparently can't browse by game name, something's amiss.

I had a hard enough time trying to get people to listen to my remixes before on VGMix 1 and 2. God only knows what would've happened had those two sites been using the same type of setup :lol:


I'll freely admit I'm the king of flaking on projects. But at the time, Vgmix was gaining some pretty great momentum. And then the Master Hacker made a post a billion pixels wide with every .gif on the internet, and that momentum was destroyed. Utterly. Completely.

It's really quite remarkable how that post just annihilated the site. It's like a penny on a railroad track causing the train to wreck for miles.


I remember VGMix. In it's hayday it was a fantastic site. It's one of those sites that to this day, I still check everyday even though everyone's fairly certain it's comatose.

I have to agree though, I liked the VGMix 2.5 forums better. The sense of community was fantastic. Smaller, tight knit little group. I made a lot of friends with folks there that ordinarily I wouldn't have. :) And once VGMixX showed up it all kind of faded away. :P

I'm no programmer or anything but I am finding it hard to believe that making a threadbreaking phpbb post was enough to destroy an entire website

Yeah, I'm curious to know exactly what was exploited, and how people figured Protricity was the culprit.

Did he get banned from OCR for fucking up VGMix?

I'm no programmer or anything but I am finding it hard to believe that making a threadbreaking phpbb post was enough to destroy an entire website

They were actually using their own custom forum system (which I actually liked a lot better than phpbb) which is why that happened.

And for the question about the huge image: it would have only taken a single line of css to stop that, but they decided just to shut it down at the pinnacle of the site's popularity. If it would have been me, I would have kept the old site chogging along, not make the community wait 2 years for something that looks like a downgrade back to VGMix 1 (or worse).

Oh well, it turns out that a few of the original members are planning on reviving the site by themselves since virt pretty much left the site and is doing his own thing now. Hopefully they can pull through!


i cant front i do miss VGMix, i honed my skills at that site i was there since 2004 but when i started getting active at OCR round 3 months ago. I dunno i find myself pushing myself harder with my music. i guess ir has alot to do with the vibe here.

And then the Master Hacker made a post a billion pixels wide with every .gif on the internet, and that momentum was destroyed. Utterly. Completely.

It's really quite remarkable how that post just annihilated the site. It's like a penny on a railroad track causing the train to wreck for miles.

Proticity is a Master Hacker, if he did this.

Did he get banned from OCR for fucking up VGMix?

His banning from OCR had nothing to do with VGMix (which word filtered his name to be "he who should not be named" or something like that). If memory serves, Prot was banned from OCR after a spat with djp in this site's IRC chatroom. Seems he had an idea regarding judging or submissions, but a comment by djp set Prot off on a copy/paste barrage, which was the final straw for djp. His ban was lifted however, when djp was redoing the Content Policy last year, so that Prot could give feedback on it since his mixes were going to be affected by it.

His banning from OCR had nothing to do with VGMix (which word filtered his name to be "he who should not be named" or something like that). If memory serves, Prot was banned from OCR after a spat with djp in this site's IRC chatroom. Seems he had an idea regarding judging or submissions, but a comment by djp set Prot off on a copy/paste barrage, which was the final straw for djp. His ban was lifted however, when djp was redoing the Content Policy last year, so that Prot could give feedback on it since his mixes were going to be affected by it.

If there was anybody that deserved to never be unbanned ever, it was Prot and then me.


His banning from OCR had nothing to do with VGMix (which word filtered his name to be "he who should not be named" or something like that). If memory serves, Prot was banned from OCR after a spat with djp in this site's IRC chatroom. Seems he had an idea regarding judging or submissions, but a comment by djp set Prot off on a copy/paste barrage, which was the final straw for djp. His ban was lifted however, when djp was redoing the Content Policy last year, so that Prot could give feedback on it since his mixes were going to be affected by it.

He was rebanned (along with Shnabubula and LongeBane) for identity theft from obtaining Dragon Army forum account passwords and logging into OCR & VGMix accounts. He made fake trolling posts over here (for the lulz), while he abused (and basically broke) VGMix's Jamroom system to the point where they turned off some user features and disabled new accounts to protect themselves.


It was indeed a sad day that vgmix broke. The update system was pretty nice, I'd go to the library and check out the new songs (back when I didn't have access to my computer every day but once a week, if I was lucky) and I was very happy with it. Then that horrible tragedy...sigh. So many of my favorite songs were erased and they had to start all over, if I recall. I've looked there, but do they have some kind of 'classic' vg song collection? I just remember that VGMix had the most badass Sonic 2 chemical plant song, hard fast rock mix I've ever heard. I was lucky enough to save it, though, if anyone's interested in obtaining this gem.


Definitely sad seeing VGmix in it's current state. I haven't visited VG or OCR after a sabatical, but recently came back to see what's new, and as usual OCR is running full speed and lookin' good as ever. Yet VGmix, i thought wasn't even a game remix site at all anymore, site had no uniformity (such a word?), couldn't find mixes by game title, just looks like it's still work in progress... and not that mixers shouldn't get their props and promos, but listing tracks by song name and mixer only was confusing for the casual fan.


yeah I'm not sure why simply restarting VGMix 2 was such a bad idea compared to taking a billion years to finish VGMix 3 oh did I mention it will never finish

His banning from OCR had nothing to do with VGMix (which word filtered his name to be "he who should not be named" or something like that). If memory serves, Prot was banned from OCR after a spat with djp in this site's IRC chatroom. Seems he had an idea regarding judging or submissions, but a comment by djp set Prot off on a copy/paste barrage, which was the final straw for djp. His ban was lifted however, when djp was redoing the Content Policy last year, so that Prot could give feedback on it since his mixes were going to be affected by it.

He was rebanned (along with Shnabubula and LongeBane) for identity theft from obtaining Dragon Army forum account passwords and logging into OCR & VGMix accounts. He made fake trolling posts over here (for the lulz), while he abused (and basically broke) VGMix's Jamroom system to the point where they turned off some user features and disabled new accounts to protect themselves.

I thought something happened to ban him again, but I couldn't clearly remember just what it was. As soon as I read Shnabubula's name, I remembered the whole Dragon Army thing, and the post on VGMix about some people needing to change their passwords (which I've always assumed was related). Thanks for the reminder.

Strange goings on around these parts.


for what it's worth, the idea of vgmix3 has not died at all. vgmixX is a placeholder for the time being until vgmix3 can get going again.

the major roadblock has been in regards to programmers who are willing to -consistently- donate their time to work on it. every time a little momentum started to get going, suddenly whoever the primary coder happened to be either disappeared, had conflicts, lost interest, moved, quit, what have you. and then it was back to square one.

yeah, i said "can get going again." momentum -has- stopped for the time being while virt gets his bearings in a new location and a new job. once things settle down for him again, i'm fairly certain that he'll get back to cracking the whip, either pushing the folks who are involved currently to get moving at it again or finding other folks who are willing to help with the back end.

there is always the small possibility that the entire project will die and the jamspace placeholder will remain permanent. however, i don't really see that happening. virt's too determined to see his dream come to reality the way that he wants to see it. the features are ridiculously fantastic and i'm dying myself for it to see the light of day. if only i was a programmer.

anyway, yeah the momentum is dead at the moment but the project is not and it will come back once more. it'll be worth waiting for.

-= george =-

yeah I'm not sure why simply restarting VGMix 2 was such a bad idea compared to taking a billion years to finish VGMix 3 oh did I mention it will never finish

If you followed the whole thing going on with VGMix2, you'd know that relaunching it isn't really doable. As far as I understand it, all the code for VGMix2 was filled with holes and not really documented well; trying to add new features would have been a nightmare.

That's part of the reason they decided to shut down the site and decide to build VGMix3 from scratch.

The current incarnation (VGMixX) is, as far as I understand it, and intermediary version of the site with some basic song management functionality. It's got nowhere near the planned feature-set of VGMix3.

If you followed the whole thing going on with VGMix2, you'd know that relaunching it isn't really doable. As far as I understand it, all the code for VGMix2 was filled with holes and not really documented well; trying to add new features would have been a nightmare.

that very well sums it up, really. vgmix2 was a great effort of code done by one person who was no longer able to keep maintaining and updating it, who worked on it for quite a long time, and as a result of learning some things along the way, it was riddled with holes and security gaps that we are much more aware of now than we were then. i guess the one silver lining to prot's involvement has been that his incessant toying with trying to hack us to pieces has taught us quite a lot about site back-end security.

for whatever it's worth, he keeps trying too.. *shakes head*

-= george =-


right let me just not ever use my old psp again because I know there is a new psp coming out soon and using the old one in the meantime as opposed to nothing is pretty much the smartest way to do things

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