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Regardless of what GH: WT tries to do to distinguish itself from Rock Band, at it's heart, it's a shameless copycat. And I refuse to accept that. Now, I'm never going to find a game that has dedicated guitar songs ever again. Stairway to Heaven? More like Stairway to Never Gonna Happen (sorry, that was lame).

That said, some hardcore remixers are gonna get a lot of use out of that music generator. That's not my kind of thing, personally, but still.



oh wait that's already been done.

As far as I know, Score Hero, the website that is dedicated to guitar hero and stuff has already a pretty large collection of OC Remix works that have been adapted to GH.

Wait, or are you asking about...there are a lot of things I'm personally wondering about. Will OCR accept submissions that were made on GH? Will OC remixers gain greater noteriety through their works on GH and such? Or ...what?


In general, I haven't been as impressed with Guitar Hero's offerings compared to Rock Band, but this feature does look pretty cool. They've really put some time into it.I'm interested to see how much it adds to the game. I can imagine some devoted gamers coming up with some really polished covers. As a remixer with no access to decent guitar, I want to try composing a guitar part in game and using it in a remix.

Thank god the peripherals for GH:WT and RB2 will be cross-compatible. That alone has given me enough motivation to try out World Tour.


I'm actually very impressed with this song creation mode, and I know I'll be picking this up as opposed to the Rockband 2 bundle. I might still pick up a stand alone copy of RB2 along with renting RB1 to transfer all the songs, just cause I love the library of songs up as DLC for it, but I'm going back to Guitar Hero now.

Thank god the peripherals for GH:WT and RB2 will be cross-compatible. That alone has given me enough motivation to try out World Tour.

Oh ho ho! This I did not know. That changes things. I might rent GH:WT sometime...unless RB 1 instruments won't work with GH:WT. Then I'm still screwed. I refuse to purchase new instruments when I still have acceptable alternatives right now (although my RB guitar is practically dead).


Oh I wasn't responding to your post. I was just saying that the actual Rockband 2 instruments leave much to be desired IMO compared to the GH: World Tour stuff, and since I never actually grabbed the RB bundle the first time around, I'm gonna stick with GH and just grab a used copy of Rockband 1.

If all the upcoming DLC will still work with RB1, then there's no point in upgrading.

My verdict?

Guitar hero: World Tour wins.


malaki- I don't think the RB DLC is back-compatible. Also, have you seen the setlists? This is prolly a personal thing, but I can't stand about 50% of the songs GH:WT is putting on there. Personally, a guitar with a silly touchpad and a needlessly complicated drumset won't make up for the fact that I don't like the song I'm playing. It's kind of a shame, because, you know the song creation is great and all. IMO, the GH frill looks great, but the core game has yet to impress me.

malaki- I don't think the RB DLC is back-compatible.

It will be.

On the 1UP Show last week I heard them mention it going to have the option of having second bass pedal which would make them an automatic win. Hope it's true!


Yeah, second bass pedal for RB2 is a good feature...just having the jack for it is nice. I got one of those metal pedal reinforcers that you screw onto the RB pedal and it makes the pedal awesome. I still want to use it. I'm thinking about buying the whole RB2 kit again. I like the RB guitar more than the GH3 guitar, so a clickier version with wireless and automatic latency adjustment features is going to be awesome. My RB1 drum kit has survived a year of extremely heavy party use, but it is beginning to get unresponsive. The new one is supposed to be quieter, more responsive, and has those cymbal enhancements.

When RB2 comes and I port over all my RB1 songs to it, RB1+RB2+all my DLC songs...I'm going to have around 200 songs available in one game. I don't want to have to swap over to GH4 for certain songs, and I'm pretty sure their DLC offerings will be weak.

I might pick up the GH4 disc at some point if I can find it cheaper several months down the line. I don't care at all about the music creation modes - I can already create music with good software with a better input system.

Guitar hero: World Tour wins.

Because GH hasn't screwed over or boycotted every region outside the US. Unlike Rockband.

As someone who plays instruments and remixes, I'm not nearly as impressed with this as other people seem to be.

What's impressive is that users can now create and share songs to play in the game. Not the tools.

Yay for more Guitar Hero.


for a GAME, the creation mode is pretty good. Also, $300 for just the drum set that I know I'll be wanting later down the road? No. I've always preferred the GH instruments anyway. The RB guitar drives me batshit. The drums are nice, but I trust Red Octane can make better ones.

Also yeah I saw the songset, and I like it.

for a GAME, the creation mode is pretty good. Also, $300 for just the drum set that I know I'll be wanting later down the road? No. I've always preferred the GH instruments anyway. The RB guitar drives me batshit. The drums are nice, but I trust Red Octane can make better ones.

Also yeah I saw the songset, and I like it.

You still have yet to say why GH4 stuff is better than RB2 stuff. We want to know.


Dude, the ion drumset is a very optional thing- its draw is that it's a real electric drumset with RB compatibility, not that it will add functionality to the game. It's something for people who like play drums IRL and want to heighten the experience. Personally I can't understand why someone who doesn't play drums would want that set now, much less "later down the road".

Also, @ Pure-Evil, true, Rock Band hasn't been very portable, but that's prolly because Activision is HUEG and MTV games/harmonix aren't (that big) yet. Plus, don't you think artist exclusivity is kind of a dick thing for Activision to do?


Maybe because I actually play drums IRL...

I never said RB2 sucked, I said I preferred GH: WT. The burden of proof isn't on me.

A) I've always preferred my GH guitars over Rockband's, and I'm sure Red Octane is gonna make a good set of drums.

B) I'm actually pretty interested in the song creation option.

C) I like the songset in GH.

I guess the real thing is gonna be to see whether or not Activision puts out an insane amount of DLC support for GH4(and I'm somewhat afraid that the song creation mode is gonna be a copout for that).

So far all Rockband 2 has managed to show me is a new songset and somewhat better instruments.

Tell me why Rockband 2 is the better of the two.

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