anewzero Posted July 1, 2003 Posted July 1, 2003 now don't get me wrong -- i love the songs that have been in final fantasies 8, 9, and 10 -- but this guy can put emotion into words, guitar, and rhythm. i loved this song when i first heard it. every time i listen to it again and again, it gets better for me. for years of my middle-school life, final fantasy 4 (or 2, as i knew it then on the snes) was the game for me. i played through it so many times that i had at one time had the entire dialogue scripted somewhere and i even wrote a sort of fanfiction telling of the entire adventure. so, to hear silent make this lovely ode is like a sort of dream come true for me. all i can ask, silent, is "can you do something like this for final fantasy 8?" i have had the honour of playing all the fnatasies and 8 still holds true to my heart as my favourite. it would be great if you could make something like this regarding squall and rinoa. well, not that listeners have any reason in this place but there's my two cents. keep up the awesome work, silent! Quote
mink Posted July 5, 2003 Posted July 5, 2003 wow i hardly ever ever post but i just wanted to let you know i think that was an absolutely beautiful song this comes from the standpoint of someone with no instrument or vocal experiance im just a fan of good music music is one of the few art forms left that draws an emotional response from me and your piece i can certainly relate to since im going through crap atm exellent piece exellent singing for an amature me only anal singing pros will complain about your voice work while average no vocal skillz joes like me will love it your guitar work was fugging awsome and i love good guitar work piano was weak........that was the only major niggle for me great stuff im gonna listen to it again for like the 10th time in the past hour Quote
Dinobot 2 Posted July 7, 2003 Posted July 7, 2003 gotcha! ok, got my intenet back, new version of ff4 is coming soon! So any news to report Silent? Do you plan to lenghen the song at all? Quote
mCee Posted July 8, 2003 Posted July 8, 2003 man i have listened to this song repeatedly and am listening to it right now to get what i really think of it down which is awesome! a lot of people have been anal and say you sang offkey but it makes it seem more natural i guess....its hard to explain. i mean, you sing better than i do o_o it starts off like led zeppelin ^^ like stairway to heaven which is nice not exactly like stairway, but i mean in zepp's style, which is cool i love the lyrics...they convey the emotion so well, and i guess i like them cause some of the lines kind of applied to a predicament i am in at the current moment hey and i like the instrumental not that smart with music but i couldnt see anything that bothered me about it. i mean, its better than a lot of the music i hear on the radio. Quote
Snyderman Posted July 9, 2003 Posted July 9, 2003 Not to be an ass, but the singing just about kills this song for me. To me, it sounds downright terrible. The lyrics are average, but listening to it is just painful. I'm not here to say that I could do a better job by any means, but I think I'm entitled to an opinion, even if I'm the only one that thinks this way. The rest of the song, I must say is excellent, but the singing just makes me want to avoid listening to it. Quote
Jarrid Posted July 10, 2003 Posted July 10, 2003 I didn't mind the vocals. Very awesome job, especially the guitar work. Excellent stuff man. Quote
Hostile Rabbi Posted July 10, 2003 Posted July 10, 2003 Music being played behind the vocals is consistantly great in this. As for the vocals... From very good to BEER and back again. Overall, this piece is mostly good. There are a few places where either mediocre or singing mar the composition, but otherwise good work. Quote
crbern2 Posted July 26, 2003 Posted July 26, 2003 It's unique as far as most of the other stuff on this site; I applaud him for not incorporating dance and/or techno. Overall the composition is very good, progresses smoothly and keeps your interest. Now for the critical stuff: At times the vocals leave something to be desired. He's not very strong in the higher notes he attempts in the last verse, and he over- and undershoots some of the melodic skips. And the angst-y lyrics, though rhythmically fitting with the music, aren't terribly unique, and are a little darker than what the melody and harmony suggest. Also in the beginning it sounds as if one of his strings is slightly out of tune. I would suggest that he get a little more practice singing; his voice has a good sound to it, but he needs practice hitting the right notes and holding a constant pitch. Overall, it was enjoyable to listen to. Oh, and just out of curiosity, why is it named after Toroia? I didn't hear a single melodic or harmonic motive taken from the Toroia theme. Quote
jasonbrianmerrill Posted August 6, 2003 Posted August 6, 2003 ahh i have been asked this before... and it is a good question. well, i dont really have the best reason, i didnt know what else to name it! I thought it sounded good, and put that name in. i would rather have a different title, but i couldnt think of anything better. and you are certainly right about the vocals. I hope to improve those as well someday, but i am in the midst of many other projects, and wish to have this song simmering in its present form for a while. I have a problem with refining things. It has to be done, but i get attached to the imperfections of 1st takes... lol thanks for your comments Quote
zykO Posted August 6, 2003 Posted August 6, 2003 amazing work. i'm speechless. i see alot of me in this guy except i see it about 10x refined. i love this song in its present raw form - it works perfectly. i disagree with the title but that is a matter of preference of the artist ~weed Quote
Sephiroth Lives Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Man, when i first heard this song i thought it was total crap. But i started listening to it over and over again, and it really is an amazing song. I wouldn't have you change anything about it. Keep the off notes! Pretzel is just mad that he can't sing as well as you. Quote
The Author Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Listened to it again last night, and it almost made me cry, and that is one hell of an accomplishment. Quote
Breaker! Posted September 13, 2003 Posted September 13, 2003 sup, silent im just a new user w/ a lotta music from OCR, but urs just rips the anger outta me whenever i listen to that song cool! it could be an anger management song! or make it concide with Time Management... anyway, that song was beautiful and could help me score a few chics jk but seriously, i play, well started playin guitar, and i really wanna show off to these girls i meet, so if u could, send me tabs or contact me thru IM since ive got all these girls on hold, will this make wonders... since i m a lonely guy soon to be going to a part of Japan w/ a lot o young hoes... but thats beside the point... just send me the tabs or the chords... or post them on the net thx --- BreakerArashiCS (AIM SN) Quote
XantheKelsylva Posted October 29, 2003 Posted October 29, 2003 Great song! I loved it so much I made an anime music video of it. It's mostly Record of Lodoss War and Yami no Matsuei, as well as some cmputer graphics from the remake of FF4 and the original Amano pictures are in it, too. It's one of my very first AMVs, so it's not very good, but I used some neat effects to make it look like an old film reel. I couldn't resist; the song was so inspiring! I've been listening to it over and over since i downloaded it. E-mail me if you want a copy of my AMV. Quote
jasonbrianmerrill Posted October 30, 2003 Posted October 30, 2003 w0w thank you again for all of your comments, I have submitted a new tune, i hope it gets accepted Quote
jasonbrianmerrill Posted November 14, 2003 Posted November 14, 2003 new versions of this song are here: and here: enjoy! Quote
SP Wes Posted November 15, 2003 Posted November 15, 2003 The new version (Over and Under) sounds better with the instruments. Especially the drums. The vocals though, while easier to understand, seem to lose some of the magic of the original. I can't explain it, but I sort of miss your first try at singing it (especially when the song gets rather loud). Though the ending sounds much better now. I'm not a musical expert so I can't say much else. I love the song and keep up the good work. Some parts sound a bit awkward, but nothing big. It's probably just because I'm used to the Tororian Love Song Version. Remember kids, Silent loves you and I love Silent! Quote
Night10194 Posted November 15, 2003 Posted November 15, 2003 My friend, your instrumentals are excellent, and I highly doubt I could sing better. However, I am a poor singer. The vocals...they are just not good. The song, she is just suffering terribly from the vocals existing...but she has such excellent instrumentals... Quote
Autocrat Posted January 22, 2004 Posted January 22, 2004 I dont see what every loves about this song... personally I hate it. The idea was nice, a solo guitar with some backup instruments, but then it gets to the singing. No, the guys voice is not bad, its the lyrics. They're way too sappy. Imagine putting every song about love into a machine that compresses it into one song. This is just it. I know what you're thinking now, "It says love song in the title, doofus", yes it does, and i'm sure its jsut me, but 7 minutes of this? Come on now people. Either i'm missing something or you're all just suckers for flowery wording Quote
Synchrone Posted January 26, 2004 Posted January 26, 2004 It's not my thing.. I don't really like the voice (could need some polishing in my opinion) and I'd like a bit more refinement in the guitars. But then again, don't mind me. Quote
maplejet Posted February 23, 2004 Posted February 23, 2004 If I was to play this song to some one who did not know FF4, they would not even realize it is from a video game. It is easily comparable to some of the other male rock vocal songs out there. This has got to be one of the best remixes here...the guitars, the lyrics. Only problem is the singing (its kind of iffy at some places), but overall, this remix rocks!! Quote
GreenMaster8 Posted March 15, 2004 Posted March 15, 2004 Wow, I'm very impressed. I've always loved this song from the moment I first heard it, and the only remix I could find of it was a Celtic Remix. Wow. Incredible lyrics, and it's very inspirational. If I had half the voice you do, I'd be writing lyrics and singing to some songs, lol. Well done, very well done. GM8 Quote
Malevolence Posted March 21, 2004 Posted March 21, 2004 I joined this board just to post praise for this song. Silent, babe, your voice makes this little chick *melt*and your vocal range is superb. I could just hear the little anime hearts popping about my head. Please reply? Perhaps consider other remix ventures? -grins hopefully- Quote
jordanclock Posted March 22, 2004 Posted March 22, 2004 I love this song and all, but this morning I was listening to one of my many many songs from Nobuo Uematsu, and one popped up on my random playlist entitled "Long Distance" and immediately recognized the sound of the vocals. Though the lyrics differ greatly (japanese to english...) "Long Distance" and this sound almost exactly alike. It's probably more coincidence than intention... I hope. Despite this I still think this is an incredible song and I hope more types of remixes are made like this. Quote
Dhsu Posted March 22, 2004 Posted March 22, 2004 Yeah, there are two official Final Fantasy vocal collections: "Pray" and "Love Will Grow," both phenomenal albums. "Long Distance" is the first track on "Love Will Grow" and it's an arrangement of the same original song as this remix, so that's why they sound so similar. Quote
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