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There is definitely no way to contact him anywhere. JigginJonT and I even did searches for his name on those "people search" sites and called the numbers of many people with the name "Gary Alexander" (there is no "Gray Alexander".) Nobody knew what we were talking about. The closest we came was someone that had an address in California and moved to Nevada, which Gray said he did. But the number was disconnected when we called.

Gray never shared a pic and refused to talk on the phone even in desperate situations. He talked about himself and his real life but absolutely none of it can be substantiated.

I think there is probably not much doubt that GrayLightning was some kind of false persona, but as to whose it was, I have no idea. Of course regardless, that person was a great ReMixer, mod, judge, and friend.

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Although, speaking of people I've not seen in a long time, how are you, Ravi?

*edit* also, even if we did find his phone number, address, email, whatever, if he's disappeared this thoroughly, it has to have been intentional. who's to say if one of us contacted him that he wouldn't simply deny all affiliation? "OCR? I don't know what that is... sorry..."

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There is definitely no way to contact him anywhere. JigginJonT and I even did searches for his name on those "people search" sites and called the numbers of many people with the name "Gary Alexander" (there is no "Gray Alexander".) Nobody knew what we were talking about. The closest we came was someone that had an address in California and moved to Nevada, which Gray said he did. But the number was disconnected when we called.


I did do some sleuthing with Andy to try and track down likely suspects, but I wasn't involved in any of the cold calling. If i remember correctly Andy called like 2 or 3 people just to eliminate those possibilities. I don't want people to get the impression that we were doing a week long manhunt.

Whoever GL is, they have clearly moved on with their lives, and don't wish to revisit the VG arrangement community in any way shape or form. GL was an extremely private person, and I kind of feel bad for trying to track him (her?) down. GL does not want to be found.

That being said, I move that Israfel STOP ALL THE SANDBAGIN' and tell us some shit.

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