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Well how many female Imperial commanding officers have you seen in the series? I can't think of any. And I would expect that a Dark Lord of the Sith, an intergalactic emperor, and a dirty old man would MAKE cleavage the standard. I mean, the light side Jedi Council got away with epic bewbs, so what's stopping the dark side? I can't even begin to imagine a Sith Lord not using the full power of the Force to further the dark will of his penis.

For the sake of argument, there are several in the Expanded Universe, most notably Admiral Daala and Ysenne Isard. Both wore standard Imperial uniforms, though Isard occasionally wore a red uniform rather than a black or gray one. Female TIE pilots weren't unheard of either (though rare) and they wore standard Imperial uniforms.

That said, I found your post hilarious and oddly truthful given a lot of the visual media Star Wars has put out. XD

I was under the impression that the Wii version doesn't even have the primary mechanics - like DMM & Euphoria - that were widely touted...

It doesn't, but I felt the highlight of the hype was the chaos you could commit with the Force. Havok and DMM shouldn't change that gameplay too much.

Euphoria on the other hand, might make a significant difference, being AI related. I'm also curious if the stage layouts and move set are drastically different.

On a side note, is this like Shadows of the Empire, where each medium of the project covers a different subject of the overall story? (For those unaware, the SotE novel focused on Luke, game on Dash, and comic on Boba Fett)

It doesn't' date=' but I felt the highlight of the hype was the chaos you could commit with the Force. Havok and DMM shouldn't change that gameplay too much.

Euphoria on the other hand, might make a significant difference, being AI related. I'm also curious if the stage layouts and move set are drastically different.

On a side note, is this like Shadows of the Empire, where each medium of the project covers a different subject of the overall story? (For those unaware, the SotE novel focused on Luke, game on Dash, and comic on Boba Fett)[/quote']

The mere fact i can pretend my wiimote is a lightsabre makes the game awesome beyond belief.


Well, I played the game on the paragon of ultimate next generation tech: the Nintendo DS™. The game is acceptable, but clearly a lazy effort on the part of the development team. You move with the d-pad and use the touch screen instead of buttons, but get this: the touch screen is spread into six buttons. There are six buttons on the ds (not counting select and start). But they choose to use the touch screen instead. Well, at least the graphics are nice, and the environments are large and sometimes full of action. Of course you are constrained by invisible walls and a fairly rigid camera. But you can see large environments anyway. I am happy that the first thing I was able to do was force choke an incompetent officer. And you can electrocute jawas. The game is ridiculously easy, probably because the developers realized how stupid the control scheme is but decided not to change it in order to keep their gimmick.

And it wouldn't be a proper DS cash-in if the story wasn't lazily and incompetently told. It get's the job done, though. And at least the main character's appearance usually changes in cutscenes and dialog portraits to match the outfit he's currently wearing. Now that's progress.

It's a linear action game with some force potential, but it gets slaughtered by young Vader with the rest of the padawan children.

listen to this man

i'm fucking tired of people calling PS3s "next gen" when they're already out

Oh get the hell over it. It's next gen over PS2 and that's where the argument comes from. Clipping is so last gen. Current gen, happy? Whatever.

why dont you get the hell over the ps3 its been out for like 50 years


Sorry, I get pissy when I see clipping in modern games. This is not why you play $500+ for a game console expecting eye candy if the rest of the game is horrible. Unfortunately, Force Unleashed is not even a good rental. The game design and even the most basics of basics in graphical design was a total mess. The patented "Jedi Snail Physics" is just laughable IMO. Half Life 2 did it way better years ago.

I actually would not even recommend this as a rental.

And oh yeah, I beat the whole damn thing in two days. Horrible dollar to gaming ration.

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