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Maybe when I'm watching anime it's entirely the wrong kind, but I don't know any anime that is completely full of JPop, and what little Jpop I have heard in anime I have found enjoyable anyway, which says a lot cause I generally hate pop music.

Also, we get the point, you hate Jpop good for you.

J-pop tends to be actual POP with a lot of positive flair and more of a focus on variety and smooth sounding lyrics and musical themes. While American pop is mostly about having an attitude, girls looking like whores and guys looking like gangster wannabes and not giving a damn about the musical part for the most part. Also, western pop tends to have way too much faux attitude. You could just taste the typical American pretentiousness of most American pop nowadays. I don't blame anyone for preferring J-pop more simply out of philosophy.

J-pop tends to be actual POP with a lot of positive flair and more of a focus on variety and smooth sounding lyrics and musical themes. While American pop is mostly about having an attitude, girls looking like whores and guys looking like gangster wannabes and not giving a damn about the musical part for the most part. Also, western pop tends to have way too much faux attitude. You could just taste the typical American pretentiousness of most American pop nowadays. I don't blame anyone for preferring J-pop more simply out of philosophy.

Hmm, yeah I guess that's true jpop is more sincere I guess. I've never really been able to put my finger on why I like the jpop that show's up in anime.

I know there are some styles of it that I have found unappealing but that's just cause the stylistic sound of it is well not appealing to my musical taste.

Also I feel like I'm bound to post something in this thread now just cause people keep doing it, cause bandwagons are fun, or something. :P



Information High

Oh? I'm sorry that I have good taste in good anime music and not the genetic bullshit pop shit. You know, real music?

Seeing this post made me think of something..

"hey that songs pretty cool, where's it from?"

"Oh its a remix from x game, I got it from ocremix.org"

"Oh, lame, I listen to real music, not this shit"

this is how you do it here:

This is from a game, though.


But seriously, we've pretty much hit the "favourites thread" stage now. Let's keep it on topic and stick to anime, at least.


Wow, you must be a huge idiot to criticize the FLCL OST for being bland. The Pillows are hands down one of the best japanese rock bands in a sea of visual kei fail, and the music really adds to the amazing atmosphere of the series.

Then again I guess the fact that you're into ZOMG BIG BAND JAZZ ANIME OSTS gives you the right to look down upon 'mere' rock, which is obviously not real music.

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