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It was already dead when they killed Tom

Damn straight. That guy was the king of kickass

For me, Toonami died quite a while ago. I think it died back when they replaced it's mid-day slot with something else and moved it to later in the day. Good for some people, bad for younger me with my nazi parents. "ITS 7:00 GO TO BED!!!"

For me, Toonami died quite a while ago. I think it died back when they replaced it's mid-day slot with something else and moved it to later in the day. Good for some people, bad for younger me with my nazi parents. "ITS 7:00 GO TO BED!!!"

Believe it was replaced with Miguzi..? Then they started adding more girl-oriented shows IE Winx Club and Totally Spies... -_-

Toonami was dead for me once the original Tom was killed off for his super sayian counterpart >_>


I think Toonami could've had a chance (maybe slight) even WITH Tom-with-eyes had they kept One Piece. Replacing that with whatever shlock they thought was supposed to be good (I forgot what it was) ended up being IMO the mistake that ultimately killed Toonami.

And to think that it was originally an anime block. :-(


to me it was dead along time ago... glad there's still adult swim

And Ani-Monday.

I think Toonami could've had a chance (maybe slight) even WITH Tom-with-eyes had they kept One Piece. Replacing that with whatever shlock they thought was supposed to be good (I forgot what it was) ended up being IMO the mistake that ultimately killed Toonami.

And to think that it was originally an anime block. :-(


And Ani-Monday.


It wasn't an anime block. The only anime it originally had was Robotech.


It wasn't an anime block. The only anime it originally had was Robotech.

Well, that's what I get for not paying attention. I even had the Wikipedia article opened on a different tab. :oops:

*looks again* And apparently it was Voltron. :<


Yeah, I remember when Toonami had the likes of Swatcats, and some really old Godzilla cartoon (with godzookie). And it had some villain from space ghost being the announcer type guy between shows/commercials.

As far as I'm concerned though Toonami died before I was even in highschool, and thinking about that...well it was a long time ago now. D:


I miss the days of Toonami and Gundam Wing. A lot of guys my age I know that are into anime were seriously introduced to anime through Gundam Wing. But instead of showing Gundam SEED during a daily afternoon timeslot, they showed it at 10:30 PM on a Saturday.

I miss the days of Toonami and Gundam Wing. A lot of guys my age I know that are into anime were seriously introduced to anime through Gundam Wing. But instead of showing Gundam SEED during a daily afternoon timeslot, they showed it at 10:30 PM on a Saturday.

fllay was too sexy for the kiddies


Toonami's been dead to us all for a while. Personally, I think that it kept getting better and better up until 2000 or 2001, and then things just went down hill. That was the apex.

Two things remain of "old toonami," which I feel are important to mention.

1.) http://toonamiarsenal.com

Has an archive of EVERY SINGLE CLIP AND INTRO and also the complete episodes of the IGPX pilot show and basically everything else you could ever want. Just go now.

2.) http://myspace.com/joeboydvigil

Joe Boyd Vigil was presponsible for the vast majority of the excellant music on the block, from 1997 to 2002 (basically, 90% of when Toonami was awesome). He has 3 albums under his belt, and Deep Space Bass (the one with all the tracks from Toonami) is free on Last.fm (along with 3 bonus tracks). His other two albums are completely original. He's working on his forth project right now! Check him out on Wikipedia, too.

Samurai Jack tried so hard to be action packed and cool it got annoying. The action sequences were aweful in my opinion.

I thought that Samurai Jack's action sequences were so far ahead of any other shows at the time it was boggling (IMO)...

no dark lines on, well, anything, and the characters definitely didn't spend the entire episode looking at each other. (hello, DBZ)

Anyway, Genndy Tartakovsky practically owned my childhood. Between the clone wars, dexter, and SJ...yeah...

I don't think anything CN has these days even comes close to the old days. (I mean, billy and mandy? WTF lol)

Man, I remember entire episodes; they were that cool. And the music was also top notch, I've been searching for a samurai jack OST for sometime to no avail. :(

If you've not seen any samurai jack, stop doing yourself a disservice and check out some episodes:

'XL', the Shinobi episode where jack fights an entirely dark ninja; eventually the entire screen is white v black. It's a really, really cool art direction. Seriously.

Also, 'L', an episode done like film noir with miles davis style muted trumpets. It's very interesting how it's futuristic and yet is the 40's at the same time...

and, for those of you who still care about the END of the series, I don't think there will be a final episode.

Mako, the voice of Aku, passed away some time ago, and I can't imagine anyone replacing him...sigh.

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