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All you people who claim that Toonami was dead as soon as Moltar left? I can't even begin to understand you. Moltar was awesome, sure, and maybe some people didn't appreciate TOM... but was Toonami JUST about the host, or was it about the shows, too? Because, to me, up until about late 2001, Toonami was putting out the best of the best.

You know, I forgot to mention, the first and only time I've ever seen Gundam 0083 and 08th MS Team was on the midnight run.


Really I've only had access to CN when visiting my grandparents, so I only really remember the space ghost guy.

I think I'll miss the cartoons from then more than I will any anime that was shown later on Toonami, mostly because it's not all that hard to find the anime that was aired there, but it's comparably harder to find things like swat cats (kats?) to just watch on a whim.



A show of hands:

Who remember this logo?

Memories . . .


-Who's the fuck is this piece of shit fagot and what did they did to my Tom?!

Also, what did they did to SARA, Tom's friend?

Another good anime series Adult Swim used to air:


Case Closed was the shit! Not as great or darker as The Kodachi Case Files, but damn Case Closed was another of my Adult Swim favorites! I learned how to make a bomb out of a glass bottle and plant food from this anime!


Ohh man... my teenaged memories are totally shot now. Gundam Wing, Robotech, Reboot, DBZ, Outlaw Star, Tenchi Muyo, and Big O. All of those shows were like the foundation of my life at the time, ohh and who can forget the awesome Intruder segment? I remember being totally blown away when the original Tom model was killed, I was so invested in it especially for a tiny little CGI short. I also remember voting for the winning engine design for the Absolution, too.

I liked the little intro music bits that I actually ordered the Deep Space Bass Toonami CD, and that's like one of only 5 CDs I've ever bought for myself.

Heh, I mean I found the audio for this and put it on one of my CDs, with the narriation and all. Such fond memories...


RIP Toonami, it was a good run and you will be missed.

If you hate foster's, you are indeed without a soul and a fucking retard.

Funny, because you've got it bass ackwards. The show was hardly funny, completely unoriginal, didn't utilize the source material half as well as it should have, and horribly repetitive. Compared to Samurai Jack, Triple E, Dexter's Lab, or even the PPGs, Foster's is garbage.

Of course, there's no accounting for personal taste, so whatever...

Neko, you can't read. Hang your head in shame.

Funny, because you've got it bass ackwards. The show was hardly funny, completely unoriginal, didn't utilize the source material half as well as it should have, and horribly repetitive. Compared to Samurai Jack, Triple E, Dexter's Lab, or even the PPGs, Foster's is garbage.

Of course, there's no accounting for personal taste, so whatever...

Neko, you can't read. Hang your head in shame.

Foster's was witty and charming. It never felt repetitive, the entire concept was one hundred percent original, Foster's wasn't an adaptation, so it had no source material. What the hell are you blabbering on about?


I thought this topic was reflecting on our childhood memories we got from Toonami, not attack everyone who don't like a show!

I finally understand this video after eight years. Growing up and not fearing your future.


Foster's Home for Imaginary friends was kind of a mixed bag if you ask me, it had some genuinely funny ideas as well as some bland ones as well... Well really most of the episodes were funny it's just a lot of them did not hold up well to replays. Overall though I'd definitely place it higher than the new shows like Chowder and Flapjack, and most of the time I'd continue to tune in if I heard that familiar kazoo in the intro.


TheSnowStorm, I remember that one... Spacetime, I think that's the name of the song that goes with it. That is pretty inspiring now that I look at the message instead of just naming all the shows and audio samples that come up like I always did on original run on TV.

I thought this intro was just the most badass thing ever when I first saw it. The song is Prayer and I remember reading in the CD jacket that parts of the percussion track were recordings of shoes in the dryer!


Foster's Home for Imaginary friends was kind of a mixed bag if you ask me, it had some genuinely funny ideas as well as some bland ones as well... Well really most of the episodes were funny it's just a lot of them did not hold up well to replays. Overall though I'd definitely place it higher than the new shows like Chowder and Flapjack, and most of the time I'd continue to tune in if I heard that familiar kazoo in the intro.

Chowder and Flapjack are the best new CN shows to come out in five years or so.

The song is Prayer and I remember reading in the CD jacket that parts of the percussion track were recordings of shoes in the dryer!


Well' date=' you're not kidding! The percussion was recorded from shoes in a dryer?!

Please stop nostalgia bombing me TheSnowStorm/Weirdboyscott

If toonami is gone what does the furture hold for AS?




I think AS will only run their original shows.


Nono, not the entire percussion track... just a portion of it was shoes in the dryer. There's another song on there that had a sampling of a cat walking across a keyboard, as well... I'll see if I can pinpoint the song and then find a video to go along with it.

But for now here is the completely freakin' awesome first promo for Big O. Ohh man this thing is like almost more awesome than the show itself it's so well done.


EDIT: Okay, I found the song and it's called Informarion Leak. I know it was part of an intro for a show but I can't find a video of it... I think it was the original Gundam Wing intro, but even then you can't hear the cat on the piano in that sampling. I could only find a straight mp3 upload to YouTube.



It's sad all right. Cartoon Network looks like it's falling down the same path as Nickelodeon did long ago. Nick used to be loaded with great cartoons and other shows then steadily deteriorated. Notice how Cartoon Network is now showing some live action teenie bopper stuff. The network is definitely sliding. Frankly, I'm less than impressed by the newer wave of cartoons. I never liked Eds or Bill and Mandy or Flapjack or Chowder, shows that depend so heavily on random junk and gross visuals to carry the humor. Actually, I haven't seen consistently funny cartoons since the classic loonie toons.


I kind of agree with you but, I think that a big part of Toonami or CN losing its appeal is that we've outgrown it. There will always be a core group of shows that we loved to watch and we will consider the time that those shows aired to be "the golden age" or what have you. When I go back and think of Dexter's Laboratory, or Gundam, or Yu Yu Hakusho, or even Voltron, I remember how I felt when I first saw them, but now I see their flaws as well. Lots of my favorite shows during the older Toonami Block were pretty formulaic to say the least

I do agree that the newer shows have less substance and more slapstick but I don't exactly blame artists for trying to make profit off of as little as possible. It can be expensive to make cartoons these days. And not to be mean, but the animation reflects the audience, so if I were making a cartoon for little ADD ten-year-olds, it would look like a cartoon made for little ADD ten-year-olds


Fun fact: The last episode of Batman Beyond was first aired on Toonami. It wasn't an amazing episode by any means, just the last episode before it got canceled. It was kind of a let down for people, but that's because they had misplaced expectations.

I thought at the time batman beyond was last aired it was going on an "indefinite hiatus"

Although I guess that's about the same as canceled in tv talk anyway. :S

Fortunately, it received a proper conclusion in the season one finale of Justice League Unlimited. Ah, JLU. Last show on Toonami I gave a damn about.

Toonami is dead.

Long live Toonami.

The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest

Dragonball Z

Yu Yu Hakusho


Megas XLR

Tenchi Muyo and Universe

Gundam Wing, G Gundam, Gundam 0079, and motherfucking Gundam 08th MS Team

Outlaw Star

Rurouni Kenshin

Justice League

Batmam: The Animated Series and Batman Beyond

Blue Submarine 6

Cowboy Bebop

Ronin Warriors

Samurai Jack

Macross(although I saw this one years before Toonami late night on CN)

So much good shit from Toonami. So many good memories of getting home from school, turning on the tube and watching Johnny Quest or something else. The videos, the game reviews. Everything about Toonami was amazing.

It's been a long time and I've grown up a lot, but Toonami, and the Cartoon Network of olde will always hold a special place in my heart.

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