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This is why people should not give their personal details over the internet.

Never know when some deranged psycho is going to come after you.

heh I actually agree


So apparently, some butthurt member got upset because a mod was doing his job? He went as far as killing the mod? Come on! This is why people need to stop taking the internet seriously. Something as minor as a mod giving you a warning is no reason to kill.

This is why people should not give their personal details over the internet.

Never know when some deranged psycho is going to come after you.

Agreed. Play it smart kids and use common sense. You don't know who you're dealing with online.


Good god. Why so serious? I'm just having a good time, taking the internet for a ride. I wouldn't KILL anyone over it. Geez, just keep your internet life and real life separate.


I don't know... some mods are total assholes, and deserve some form of physical injury.

I should know, I was one. Long story short, I banned a guy because he was a massive idiot, but I did it in a wonderfully public-humiliation sort of way. The other mods were all "you were kind of mean", and I was all "maybe if you didn't act like pussies towards the fucking idiots all the time..." and then I quit.

True story.

Geez, just keep your internet life and real life separate.

Sadly, for some people, those two lives merge together with each other. I may be wrong, but for some, that is the only life they can live.

Almost all of the folks you talk with online, you may never see in real life, so don't dwell upon it.

EDIT: Besides, the only people who deserves physical harm online are internet tough guys who talk a lot of shit online, but are general pussies and cowards offline. Still, like I stated above, you should not dwell on that.

Nobody deserves physical injury for doing things on the internet.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

100% absolutely positively wholeheartedly agreed


I would never wish physical harm on another person PERIOD but to do so on the internet is ridiculous. It almost irks me when someone in #ocremix (because it's just one big barrel of love) tells another person to "kill themself" or "die" or anything similar. Even jokingly I don't see how someone in their right mind can say such a thing to another person (and I always wanted such things said to be a bannable offense but obviously that never happened).

I don't know... some mods are total assholes, and deserve some form of physical injury.

I should know, I was one. Long story short, I banned a guy because he was a massive idiot, but I did it in a wonderfully public-humiliation sort of way. The other mods were all "you should come over for a tea party", and I was all "maybe if you didn't act like unwashed heathens. Sheesh, bathe, man" and then I ate a banana. And climbed a wall of dicks with Doctor Eggman.

True story.

Cool story, bro.


What an utterly asinine thing to die/kill over. How sad.

I'm sure we all get pissed off at others over any form of communication at one point or another, but you get over it and move on. It's something else entirely to maintain that rage long enough to drive from Germany to the UK and put on a decent act so as to be willingly let into someone's home and then kill them. That's just sick.


I know I'm a newcomer to OCR and haven't been around forums long enough to know if this is do-able, but...

Would it be feasible for a massive OCR collab of Advance Wars soundtracks to be sent en masse to both the mod's forum and (possibly) to the deceased's parents? It could be something like what happened recently for bLiNd, where the entire OCR community grieved and suffered with him, only we would grieve and suffer with a community of fellow gamers.

I don't know who could direct this project, but I thought I'd throw the idea out and see if anyone takes it.

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