Saunders Posted May 16, 2002 Posted May 16, 2002 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 'Bluest Sky' Hmm, this mix doesn't sound very exciting right off the bat, and it pretty much stays that way. This mix has a definite mellow mood to it, which is not something I expected from a Sonic track. Maybe that's what Kaijin was trying to do here, contrast the normally fast upbeat Sonic music with a slow mellow interpretation of the theme. Or maybe the original is also slow, I don't know. Not a bad tune, only suggested if you are looking for something slower though. Quote
Shhteve Posted October 9, 2002 Posted October 9, 2002 Y'know, I really love remixes that sound peaceful, such as this one. I really believe Kaijin has the whole orchestral part down, and I really enjoy his work also. Very well done, the peaceful serene sound is really great, man. Keep up the great work. Nice fade out at the end, too. Makes for great looping material! Quote
skawttieboy Posted October 14, 2002 Posted October 14, 2002 This is definitely a peaceful remix, and I love it...I find I like to play it quite often...also to sooth the soul Quote
aaron595 Posted April 29, 2003 Posted April 29, 2003 Hi all, newcomer to the site..really enjoy the remixes here! I really enjoyed listening to this remix from Sonic the Hedgehog 2; as the guitar really sets the mood for the piece. The ambient, airy feel is also a soothing sound that makes me feel happy. This has to be one of my favorite Sonic 2 Remixes at the site, and listen to it frequently. =Aaron= Quote
Nemesis MSX Posted May 26, 2003 Posted May 26, 2003 I love this remix, and it is one of my favourites of this great site. I think Sky Chase Zone has one of the best Sonic musics, and this remix is much better than the original one. Quote
Rucianu Posted June 26, 2003 Posted June 26, 2003 What is there to say? This remix has got such a great sound to it that is catchy and almost haunting. Very relaxing (given this came from a sonic game) and the instruments are very, very well done. Great job! Quote
GreatFox Posted October 4, 2003 Posted October 4, 2003 Hello, another newcomer, please don´t bite. This remix was actually the first remix I downloaded from here a long time ago. Funny is, how it is still the best remix I´ve downloaded here. Sonic 2 is, along with Sonic Adventure 2. my favorite Sonic game, and Sky Chase Zone was one of my favorite levels. Enough with nostalgia. This remix is beautiful. It calms you down, relaxes you. I like remixes that have been made mostly with "real" instruments, so BluestSky also gets points from that area. I really love the second verse with the electric guitar. Marvellous job. Too bad Kaijin hasn´t made any other Sonic remixes... Quote
.......... Posted October 16, 2003 Posted October 16, 2003 I think I would have to break the flow and say "I don't really like this mix." I can't really put my finger on it, but I think it's just not my cup o' tea. It might be because it's slow. I do know that I never really cared for the original piece to begin with, and I know that's part of my dislike. I do recognize a good mix when I hear one, so I do recommend this song. Quote
Hadyn Posted February 28, 2004 Posted February 28, 2004 I don't really mind this a whole lot ^^; Ack! alright, now i hate it... just heard a fade out ending... Alright, so it's not that bad I have to disagree with djp though, i think the guitar sounds too fake and synthy - if it's actually real, i'd be really amazed. There's just something far too clean and perfect about it, you know it can't be real. That, and almost every note is picked, has the exact same little tremolo on it, and always hits exactly on the beats - and there's no fret noise... Anyhoo, composition is good regardless, and yeah, there's some nice solid work here Quote
Ken Posted April 1, 2004 Posted April 1, 2004 I'm for one, have to say I'm so glad someone made this remix. Once in a while when I look up and see sunny blue skys, it bring back memories of this Sonic 2 song. It reminds me of the golden days of gaming, childhood, and forgotten friends, when all was good and life was easy. People who know me would say I never shed a tear for anything, but when I hear this song, it brings a tear to my eye. Thank you Kaijin. Quote
MrNemo Posted August 23, 2004 Posted August 23, 2004 Very mellow, nice mix. You can tell the remixer is very talented and has stretched the tools he has to work with to their limits. Sounds like a career in J-Pop is what he needs! Quality material, but probably too much for those who can't appreciate a good sequence job (the cheesines of the song along with the simulated instruments might rub some the wrong way). Overall, excellent job indeed. Quote
Pip is uh..... Posted March 11, 2005 Posted March 11, 2005 An excellent flowing peice. It almost makes you feel like your flying through the sky. Good stuff! Quote
Bummer Posted July 17, 2006 Posted July 17, 2006 Although this is a slow and mellow remix, it still has enough speed so that you at least can bob your head along the rhytm. Three great instruments are in this piece, a saxophone, a piano, and an electric guitar. The rest of the musical void is being filled out with strings, drums and other necessary components so that there aren't any gaps anywhere. The guitar sounds a little strange though, since it sounds like they've being played 500 metres away and is now only echoing. Almost the same thing can be said about the piano too, it feels like they were put at a long distance so that they wouldn't be able to ruin the calm feel this remix has. Still, this arrangement really do soothe your nerves when you're listening to it. Nice work, Kaijin. Quote
SillyJayJo Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 Smooth reaaaaal smooth, man. I dig whole heartedly. Who needs to be fast and crazy all the time? Not me and neither does my music taste. The original wasn't even fast! This is a delightful little number. Quote
MechaFone Posted April 14, 2008 Posted April 14, 2008 Short and sweet. At just two minutes six seconds, this is one of the songs that really got me into OCR. It was one of my favorite songs from Sonic 2 (which was my first console after the original NES) so I grew up a bit on Sonic. A lot of my love of this song is nostalgia, and the rest is pure, smooth skill, especially in that guitar solo. This mix will bring back memories for any oldschool Sonic fan, and for me at least, it does not disappoint. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted May 6, 2008 Posted May 6, 2008 The only 2 things that could be improved on this great mix to make it more enjoyable would be better lead samples (brass, sax, and guitar too), and a little less reverb. It seems like a lot, but really the mix is great, and i'm sure a lot of Sonic fans have had this one as a favorite for a long time. The instrumentation itself is perfectly chosen, and the flow is super smooth. The short length makes the song very addictive as far as the repeat button is concerned, and the sunny atmosphere is very cheerful. The drum rhythms are fantastic, especially when the little triangle-style instrument comes in. Despite some flaws, I totally love this mix. Quote
kaijin Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 The original was recorded in 2001. This was recently rearranged and recorded in 2008. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted May 7, 2008 Posted May 7, 2008 Beautiful! Thanks so much for making a great track even better. I'm really glad I reviewed this and got some attention here. Quote
AcousticStoner Posted November 17, 2009 Posted November 17, 2009 Sonic 2 bluest sky is just awsome. I did this project lately taking dataistic pictures so i Used another camera to get film and playing this song with it works awsome. But of coarse i had to cut it short so people would try to find the full version here. Anyone intrested in a visual to go along here. I hope you can enjoy this even more then you already do. P.S to the artist Keep up the good work. even your newer stuff is great. I just have a childhood attachment to sonic music. Yours sticks out in a good way. Doesn't everyone agree? also i have the 2001 version. Quote
Crulex Posted May 24, 2011 Posted May 24, 2011 Soft, heavenly, serene.....yeah, this is such a good treat! I just love how it has the same peaceful style of the original and I could imagine nodding off to sleep with this playing in the background. Also, one of the few ReMixes where I think the shorter length is one of it's strengths. Cool. Quote
foxyshadis Posted April 3, 2014 Posted April 3, 2014 The original was recorded in 2001. This was recently rearranged and recorded in 2008. Well, it looks like this is long gone now. Does anyone have a copy of it? Quote
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