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Samus and her bounty hunter allies are scouring planet (random letter)-(random numbers) when suddenly her allies are kidnapped by space pirates!

Now instead of finding powerups, you find the other bounty hunters(Who each have their own beam)!

Ok thats just terrible.

I would like to see a return of the different metroid stages though ala Metroid II. Omega Metroids are neat, glad they had one in Fusion.


I like the different Metroid stages too. I've just assumed that you didn't have the later stages of the Metroid anywhere but Fusion and Metroid 2 is because they need an abundant source of food, such as the X parasite, to grow that big. Which is why I like the idea of the X parasite infestation followed by Metroids so much.

I like the different Metroid stages too. I've just assumed that you didn't have the later stages of the Metroid anywhere but Fusion and Metroid 2 is because they need an abundant source of food, such as the X parasite, to grow that big. Which is why I like the idea of the X parasite infestation followed by Metroids so much.

In Metroid Prime 1, you find the remains of an Alpha Metroid in the Phazon Mines.

It's just too bad Gumpei Yokoi isn't around anymore to help govern the Metroid mythology.

I think if it was up to him it would have ended with Super Metroid anyway (as he wanted it to be a trilogy) - so we may never have even seen the modern Metroids.

I think if it was up to him it would have ended with Super Metroid anyway (as he wanted it to be a trilogy) - so we may never have even seen the modern Metroids.

You know, there are some series where they should have stopped while they were ahead, such as the Crash Bandicoot games. 1, 2 and 3 were excellent, but ever since Naughty Dog left, they are very forgettable.

However, I'm glad they chose to continue the Metroid series. And I really hope the keep making them, at least until they've stretched the story and gameplay to its best. I say they should end the story at Metroid 6, and maybe make a few prequels or sequels, or even remakes. However, they should stop before they exhaust the series and maybe, as someone said, focus on a different part of the universe. Maybe the adventures of Kanden or something,

As a side note, I also think Nintendo should get around to creating a new character. Sure, I love to see the olden goldies going strong, but some new characters are needed, and not just new characters in games, like a new kirby sidekick. I mean a whole new franchise, with some sweet characters. create someone who can stand alongside Link and Samus as cool.



Yeah people keep saying that and I agree with them - but they just don't seem to want to. It seems to be much more profitable for them to keep digging back and pulling out old random franchises (such as kid icarus or punchout) to remake than to come up with an entirely new system - or, more often, apply new genres to franchises they already have established. Yeah though, they need some freshening up.


I heard an interesting Idea: Since Samus is now part metroid, maybe her suit could also mutate into the alpha, beta, zeta and omega forms. This could replace suit powerups, add weapons and abilities. Not to mention, it would look sweet.

Wouldn't you like to know.

Nickel for every time I heard that one...

Also, some people are saying that Hunters could have taken place almost anywhere on the Metroid timeline. This isn't true. It's been said that it takes place in between Prime 1 and 2. This is supported by the fact that the ship is the same one used in Prime, before she changed over to the rounder one in 2.

Nickel for every time I heard that one...

Also, some people are saying that Hunters could have taken place almost anywhere on the Metroid timeline. This isn't true. It's been said that it takes place in between Prime 1 and 2. This is supported by the fact that the ship is the same one used in Prime, before she changed over to the rounder one in 2.

Yes, but the one in Prime 2 is also the one from super metroid and Metroid 2.

I've heard that Samus essentially has a garage full of ships, provided they don't get destroyed.


The original creator of Metroid did great, and I had my doubts that there could have been a quality follow up after Super Metroid. But Fusion delivered. And if they could do that, then I believe they can do more.

I heard an interesting Idea: Since Samus is now part metroid, maybe her suit could also mutate into the alpha, beta, zeta and omega forms. This could replace suit powerups, add weapons and abilities. Not to mention, it would look sweet.

Now this idea, I really like! Make it so Nintendo (lol, like they'd ever do something that cool)!

I heard an interesting Idea: Since Samus is now part metroid, maybe her suit could also mutate into the alpha, beta, zeta and omega forms. This could replace suit powerups, add weapons and abilities. Not to mention, it would look sweet.

oh god want

Yes, but the one in Prime 2 is also the one from super metroid and Metroid 2.

I've heard that Samus essentially has a garage full of ships, provided they don't get destroyed.

Either way, Nintendo's gone out and said that that's where it stands on the timeline... I think...

Email Nintendo then... we never know.

What's the email? I might as well.

Also, what do you think the length of the next Metroid game should be? Longer games are always nice, but the fast paced GBA games are also a lot of fun to blast through in 2 hours. I think the next game should be no less than 6 hours.


Hmm, it's good both ways:

Short game=high replay value

Long game=fantastic first experience

Now, if you add up all the replays of the short game, do they add up to the same amount of hours spent in one playthru of the long game? You decide.

Attention: The following was a generalization, and should not be taken as 100% fact.


I've barely read anything in this thread, but:

Thank you for posting this! This has to be, hands down, the BEST manga I've ever read.

It also happens to be the only manga I've ever read. And also the worst.

It looks like there's more to it that hasn't been translated yet - Is there anyone here who's read the Japanese one who could give me the gist of what happens in the rest of it?

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