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I'm normally sick and tired of seeing more FF remixes, but this remix is a welcome addition!

The timewarping on the voice samples sounded a bit odd to me but they do fit nicely. The comments from zykO were right on. The drums, the piano, the guitar, all exquisitely done :D


Nice arrangement, worth a listen even for those poor 56k souls :) As noted before the Hymn of Faith doesn't always seem to coincide with the rest of the arrangement. I think that this is because the greater part of the arrangement is very tense, dramatic, with brooding chords. The Hymn of the Faith, on the other hand, is a song of peace, hope, and mourning. The first half of the Hymn, when it goes up, is good... but the second half, when it goes down, could use some tweaking. EDIT: Now I think on it, the contrast I mention there is fitting for the mixed emotions of the final summoning, but as a musical piece it makes it kinda wonky.

What might be done is to either tweak the pitch of the sample from the game at a single part, perhaps the ending note or the highest note of the Hymn, when the hymn occurs at 1:37, 3:07, 3:48. The ones like at 2:40 are fine, as they kind of lead in to the next repetition. Or perhaps rather than tweaking the actual sample at those points, you could use your own vocal synth/samples that sound very similar, putting them in at the same time to form different chords at key points that fit more with the mood. That would probably be better, actually... I would also suggest varying the volume of the Hymn.

As far as the rest of the arrangement, right on! 1:16 this synth or guitar is wonderfully down-played, but adds a lot of feeling. I suppose I could go into detail saying that this is good and that is good, like the bells at 2:38, or just a bit later at 2:58 the really quite cymbal swishy that is heard a lot in this song. Suffice to say, if I don't make little suggestions, I think it can't be any better :)


I think I might be the only person in this thread to blatantly go as far as to say I don't like this.

First of all, the standard story so far complaint - if this isn't Hymn of the Fayth, then I have no clue what it is, and I only would have been able to tell that it was said Hymn from the sample (which fits strangely well, but gets semi-repetitive after the third time around) taken from the game. This has more feel of an original - granted, it does stick to a basic theme, but that basic theme hasn't even been touched, it's direct from the game.

For the rest of this post, I consider this song to be an original.

The beginning is beautiful. It's the one part of the piece I enjoy. Up until the swoop at 0:44, it's a great piece. I love it. I'd love to see the rest of the piece be orchestral. The guitar somewhat turns me off - maybe because it sounds conspicuously like Metallica's "No Leaf Clover", and it's only two chords that clash with the hymn when it first comes in at 1:30.

The string solo at 1:43 is nice, but it's so *random*! Where does it come from? It branches out of the Hymn, which is so simple, and then just goes ballistically out of control, which the piece never does again. The guitar solo after said string solo fits, but again, those two same guitar chords with an overuse of distortion underneath make a return appearence.

It reclaims my interest again at 2:39. I love the melodic percussion - sounds kind of like a glock with the reverb reduced. Up until 3:13, it's great. No complaints.

Something about the key change at 3:19, along with the piano solo over it throws me off as well. The repetition of the hymn is kind of strange, but the guitar following it enhances it.

3:54 is where it all comes loose for me. If this is going to be a guitar solo, it should not be in the background. The combination of whatever effects besides distortion and the low volume render it hard to hear the excellent guitar work (kudos to the guitarist!), and the hymn playing over the guitar makes it even worse. The slide at the end from the guitar works, but the piano chord at the end leaves a sense of non-closure, as if there's something to follow it.

Overall, good piece, but way too random for my taste. Could be just personal preference, but even with all the arranging done, I'd consider this more of an original than a remix, and without the hymn, I'd consider it much better. Excellent guitar work, though, however undershadowed it is.


Wow. 8O

I've been searching for a remix to the Hymn of the Fayth chant for a while, and when I saw this posted, I downloaded it immediately.

All I can say is...WOW. Amazing. This is a must have for FFX fans!


I really like this peice, it is good to hear a great FFX remix. Some people say they cant find out which song it is a remix of, and i partially agree with that. BUT, even though i cant name a particular song that this is a remix of, this does remind me very much of FFX in general. It isnt a particular melody, but a particular feel and style that makes this remix FFX specific. I really like it. keep up the good work


I can remember when you were first working on this Jared.. I liked it then, and I like it even more now. This was incredible work - But I agree with DJP. It's not as memorable and emotive as the other pieces you've done.. But hey, you can't win 'em all I guess. :D


...wow! This song is really cool! I liked FF X so much that I bought the OST and this song basically seems to be an expansion on to the Song of Prayer/Hymn of the Faith(rather than just a remix of it), mixed with some classical and rock to enhance the replay value. Really cool song. Kudos to Jared Hudson, you get a gold star! :)


Wow epic....

I happened to hear this for the first time right after I found out my great grandmother was in the hospital and probably wouldn't make it through the night... It made me cry (the song and my grandma)

  • 1 month later...

I dont think the second part of the hymm really fits. The first part where the singing is rising, i think have that repeated as the music is carried on then when it ends use the second piece of the hymm...umm i have no idea how to describe it so use your imagination.


Wow...what else can I say? This piece was totally awesome! I mean, it seems like either a final boss battle, or the perfect setup for the video before the final boss. You know, something like: "The hero stands before one of his fallen comrades, listening to their last words, on the verge of tears. Then right as the impact sounds the person goes limp and is dead. Then it shows freeze frames of his standing and then when the music starts in quietly it's him marching down the hall, a dark glare on his face, while issuing orders for the others to take their paths. Then right before the bass blast you see him conjuring magic. Then it would cut to a scene on the other side of the door, the enemy troops rushing at it, but then right at the bass hit the door blasts open in a ball of flame, taking many of the troops with it. You then see them all cowering back, and then see the Hero's sillouette against the flames, sword in hand, marching towards them slowly, the flames reflecting in his eyes. Then when the hymm starts, the battle begins!

You know, something like that. Needless to say, the peice rocked!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I never reviewed this song? Crazy.

Well I absolutely love it. I think it really flows with a sense of urgency and energy that's hard to come by in a lot of electronic music. Jared, since you perfectly pulled off what you were going for, and this piece is flawless as far as mixing, Imma give you a DOUBLE NICEWORK!! :nicework: :nicework:

Just masterful work man, love it.


Huh, I too thought I chipped in on this remix. I listened to it exclusively for like three days when it first came out. Terrific arrangement, great beats (with the crunchy guitar), seemless integration of the vocals, guitar work that's both strong and subtle (like the fade-in at 3:33)...top notch.


Beautiful, well done. The beginning has a kind of epic feeling to it, rather like lotr. The adding of tension is nice, unlike some other people I do like the hymn, the contrasting nature. The guitar though nice, surprised me didn't feel like it fit.

Overall, I love it, good work!

  • 2 months later...

Being a music conniseuir, I particuraly loved the way this remix started out slow and built up to the chorus. The flow and tempo was excellent and my first impression after downloading it was that this ReMix was off the hook.

Throwing in the voice and blending it with the music was very nicely done and I loved the way that it seemed almost natural that the voice should be there. I really look foreward to all of Hudson's work in the future.

  • 1 month later...

i still cannot tell what this is a remix of. in terms of originality though, this piece needs no further deification. the vocal hymn nudges the melody over the border of fantasy, creating an almost apparitional atmosphere of sorts. had the hymn of faith not been the central theme of the piece (as i've been led to believe), it sounds more like something extracted from Silent Hill.

  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I've listened to this remix so many times I know it inside and out. The pacing is excellent..when the guitar solo hits...It's like the angels that are singing the main theme spawned a heavenly bard to play for them.

The mix of original samples from the game is surely a testament to the original composer's greatness, while at the same time combining it with new content...I just can't say how glorious this sounds. Any words I have would fall flat. It just feels like FFX...it captures the imagination and makes me wish Jared and his guitar playing buddy were part of the original soundtrack.

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