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OCR01021 - Final Fantasy VII "Fluss der Liebe"


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From beginning. The waterdrop and wind tunnel effects are very nice. Sounds sorta Celtic to me.....I think I hear Bagpipes in the background, very faintly. From there out, a very soothing mix of new age. Break out the crystals and incense. Heh.

Very nicely done.

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Wow.. I just don't know what to say. I closed my eyes and listened throughout the entire piece, and felt myself flowing through the Lifestream myself. I really appreciate collaborative efforts, and hearing the styles of every composer shine through in one golden piece of work. This is what should replace the REAL Lifestream theme in FF7. 8O !!

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I was surprised by this remix of the Lifestream tune, and it was one of those many tracks I've been waiting for a chance to listen to for a while now. :) Very wise selection of instruments (some of which even tickled my nose :shock: ), and a great use of dynamics here. I thought they used too much treble somewhere, but that's just me. :P

Overall, a great remix, if not perfect. ;)

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I don't think I've ever heard a song thats spread so far up and down the quality scale.

In some parts this is absolutely brilliant. The beginning is absolutely outstanding, it's what I dream of making. But then about 2:30 in, it takes an instant nose dive. I don't know whether this was intentional or not. I just think it could have been better.

Also I like this tune, but what's with the monotonous strings in the background? What gave this piece it's emotional kick was the way it jumped around the scales. Right at around 1:30 this is the point that it needs this.

Like I said, this is a really good piece, and the effort in it must have been extraordinary. After all, all good things have errors in them. :)

One of the top remixes of the site. All four of you need to be congratulated.

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Whatever i said on VGmix applies here :P i.e. just throw in Russell Cox and you've got enough composition power to destroy the universe!

I still don't understand what's going on after 3:54 though... it's like one of you said "Hey, let's make this have a strong climactic ending!" and another said "No, let's just paste in a section from before and slightly modify it!" and you couldn't agree so you did both :P Did we really need to hear that part again after the "first" ending? Transition could've been smoother, at least.

Other than that, this is a pretty seamless representation of your collective talents. Great work, guys :)

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The beginning...no, that doesnt work for me...

The piano is very clean and it works...though its very simplistic...I think so much more could have been done with that.

The drums make me weep...as does the entire remix from the point when they come in to the point when they cease their assault my ears.

I think whoever did the drums could do with learning what the term "to be in time with the music" means and stick to it because these most certainly werent.

Ignoring the section with the drums (because thats the only good thing you can do with it) the whole thing just sounds like one huge intro...throughout the piece I was...well, I dunno.

I was expecting something to actually happen as opposed to what seems like the same eight bars repeating over and over. and over and over. and over. and over.

The equalising needs sorting out, I find...namely the crescendo near the end of the drum assault that makes my speakers preamp and crackle like crazy.

I find myself wondering why this is here since it doesnt comply to any of these 'OCR standards' I keep hearing so much about.

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This is an a very well crafted piece of music. The begining is no doubt the best part. With the surreal FX and choral work. It's like floating through some kind of etherreal world or something. It's awesome. Then at 2:30 things get weird...

That snare is just *bleh* and the melody is very weak. It sounds like screwing around on a violin. But at 3:50 it picks itself back up after that rather unfavorable section and works magic. Transporting me back to the cool etherreal world I was in before. And when it ends, I wanna go back. Which ends up putting me in a disposition of playing the song over and over. :P A very well made track overall, with a definite low in the middle.

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The piece follows a loose A-B-A' form, right? In any case, I will structure my review on that assumption.

I'm afraid Kamikaze Noodle was wrong in his assessment. :P

A, A': I'm a huge sucker for expression in piano parts. I didn't think this was a terribly expressive piano part. Only minimally colorful at most, which I thought to be at 2:21-2:27. Very little dynamic variation in the piano. Perhaps this was their intention, as to obscure the piano and not have it draw too much attention. Maybe that was a wise choice--I know I would brought it out quite a bit further...probably 'cause that's the only instrument I can write for... Nothing major here, but a pet peeve: the rolled chord at the end. I think the only time you should roll chords like that is when your hand isn't big enough to play all a chord's notes at once.

B: The only thing that didn't sit very well with me was the snare drum. Not a lot of dynamic variation, and I'm not sure that the snare was the best choice to use in this case (perhaps a timpani instead?). Otherwise, I did enjoy the orchestral/middle/marchlike section. It sounds like there's a bit more thought that went into layering the instruments, dynamics and color than in the other parts.

but then again, I only see in black and white. Take my review how you will!

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Good piece. I dig the ambient effects. Interesting result from an unlikely collaboration.

My advice: Unless you have a good internal rhythm, I suggest you sequence the notes one by one, as opposed to doing a live performance. This resulted in a very disjointed segment where the snare drum made an appearance. The drum should hold the rhythm together, but these drums seemed to do the opposite.

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at first listen, i was unsure whether i was hearing an experimental venture into new places for this community or the confident workmanship of refined art. from the very first drop, my mind expanded to match the intensity of the ambience. this is a well conceptualized, arranged and executed work of art by DPL and crew. Fluss der Liebe has the tone of an introspective monologue... i would be curious to know what the piece means to its creators

i was surprised that when the piano came in, i was not caught off gaurd. freemind's contribution rings loud n clear in perhaps what is the best fitting piano ive heard in an ambient new age vg arrangement in a very long time. excellent match to the much more synthetic and overpowering pads in its background... which incidentally had a very intoxicating progression - i love the tonal structuring you guys did with the synth chords and the piano lead. you can sense graylightning's style of orchestration and chord voicings throughout the song and the tone is reminiscent of tears of a swordsman. amazing stuff, man. 1:55-2:00 is GOLD. at about 2:30 is when israfel's contributions are most felt - need i even say that michael dover is quite adept at writing engaging orchestral accompaniment? the deep strings and well written orchestral drums of that section drive the whole section to what is truly an epic climax at 3:50.

you can pick out each part of the piece per contributor very well which is one of the aspects of it that attracts me the most; its almost as if you are able to visualize each individual's contribution simultaneously... not very common in collabs.

excellent work, gentlemen.


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I liked this ReMix. The beginning was cool. The waterdrops were a cool effect. The piano was REALLY good; I liked that a lot. I liked the "orchestral" part okay. I actually liked the drums, but after reading the comments here and listening to it again, maybe they're a LITTLE off (to my untrained ear). It still gave it a great epic sound though, so I support them being there, just maybe improved. I was confused by the ending though. Like other people, I thought it was over, but the beginning part came in again. Great remix overall though!

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the rolled chord at the end. I think the only time you should roll chords like that is when your hand isn't big enough to play all a chord's notes at once.

Hm....Sorry for being late at my reply but I have some jobs to do..I like very much the rolls at the end...They give a smooth ending, which I love...My opinion is that the specific sample of the piano was a bit "hard"...It had good dynamics but it didn't have the sense of a real piano.....

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